Chen Bugu stood in front of the door. At this moment, he felt that the blood in his body was stagnant, a chill came over him, and his whole body felt like falling into an ice cellar.

The headquarters of "Cross Street" is not as elaborately decorated as "Buyi Hall". From the outside, it has a square layout, but the courtyard walls are high and the sight is difficult to pass.

Only through that door could Chen Bugu see the front yard at a glance.

Chen Bugu's face was pale, and his steps seemed heavy and difficult to move.

In the front yard of "Cross Street", a huge cross is placed in the center.

There was a person tied to the cross. He was covered in blood and his head was hanging down.

Although Chen Bugu couldn't see the man's face clearly, the man's posture and clothes seemed to remind him.

At this moment, Chen Bugu kept telling himself in his heart to calm down, to calm down!

He took steps and walked towards the inside of the "Cross Street".

Chen Bugu regretted why he didn't notice Jiang Sisi's words earlier. She had clearly seen her partner before, so why did she ignore her reminder.

However, he clearly told them to go to the "Injustice Hall"...

Chen Bugu's thoughts were confused. He looked at the cross that was getting closer and closer to him. His mind was suddenly as chaotic as a ball of string, and he couldn't figure anything out.

When he finally walked to that person, Chen Bugu's mind finally calmed down.

His mind went blank.

From this distance, he could even see clearly that the iron thorns on the cross penetrated deeply into the skin of the man in front of him.

The man was tied to the cross with iron wires, and his body was covered with various wounds. Under the skin and flesh, blood dripped down the cross to his feet, dyeing this small piece of land dark red.

Chen Bugu could feel the other person's aura, although it was weak, but it made him feel a little happy for a moment.

Anyway, at least people are still alive.

He took out the [Short Wind Blade], pulled apart a piece of iron wire, and slashed it with the knife.

But the iron wire had already been embedded in the flesh and blood. Under Chen Bugu's knife, the broken iron wire seemed to pull on the wound, waking up the person in front of him.

He raised his head, revealing a pair of tired and cloudy eyes under his blood-stained hair. There was now an inch-long scar on that familiar face.

The moment he saw Chen Bugu, there was a moment of astonishment in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, a smile that was uglier than crying appeared on the man's face, and a dry and hoarse voice came slowly.

"Brother Bu Gu, you...are finally here."

Chen Bugu looked at Wang Bin's purple skin under the wire and did not dare to act rashly.

"Cross Street is very strong. Don't...don't fight. Run away quickly."

Wang Bin's voice was intermittent, and he was obviously in a bad state.

"It's okay, hold on, Lin Lin will be there soon, I will take care of the rest."

"Apart from you, where are Master Liu and the others?"

Chen Bugu clenched his fists. As he spoke, he turned back frequently and finally saw Lin Lin and others appearing at the door.

"West...southwest of the town..."

Before Wang Bin finished speaking, his head dropped again.

"Lin Lin! Save people!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Lin felt that the scenery around her changed and she had already arrived in front of Wang Bin.

Chen Bugu did not dare to delay, and directly activated "Bullet Time" to bring Lin Lin over.

Lin Lin looked at everything in front of her and was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she quickly used [Holy Light].

At this time, Bai Ting, Yan Kuan and others also rushed in from the door. Everyone looked at Wang Bin's tragic situation in silence.

Even Bai Ting, who was usually the calmest, looked gloomy and angry at this moment. Everyone clenched their fists and waited quietly.

Lin Lin's face was solemn, and her [Holy Light] shone on Wang Bin's body. The superficial injuries repaired very slowly, and there seemed to be a strange force wrapped around the injuries, resisting her treatment.

This weird energy is not as overbearing as the one Chen Bugu contracted when he killed the ice-armored snapping turtle in the forest, but perhaps it has a longer impact, and it is quite troublesome to expel it at this moment.

"Wang Bin is too seriously injured. I need to stabilize his injury first and don't let others interrupt me."

Lin Lin spoke because she had already heard footsteps that did not belong to them.

In the corridor on the west side of the courtyard, two people suddenly poured out. They looked at Chen Bugu and his party and shouted loudly.

"What are you doing!"

The moment Chen Bugu turned his head, his figure appeared in front of the two people. His right hand grabbed one person's neck and pressed him against the wall.

"Who did it?"

Everyone saw an afterimage flash by, and in the blink of an eye, Chen Bugu had already controlled someone.

The man's eyes were frightened, and he felt Chen Bugu's gradually tightening palms. His face turned vermilion in an instant, and he could not say a word.

"We...we don't know, we were just ordered to keep an eye on it."

The other person collapsed to the ground. Chen Bugu's speed made him instantly realize that the person in front of him was not something they could deal with.

"The beast tide is attacking the town, but you avoid fighting. Even if I kill you now, Alec can't say anything." The murderous intent in Chen Bugu's eyes was undisguised.

"We...we really don't know!"

"The two of us are just following the deputy leader's instructions and guarding this person here. We really don't know anything about the rest."

"Did you take action against him?" After Chen Bugu said this, he looked back at Han Badou.

"He hit, he hit, I didn't, I really didn't. I just joined Cross Street a few days ago. I really don't know. Spare... spare me."

Seeing that the man in Chen Bugu's hands was about to die, the other man who was slumped on the ground was extremely frightened and quickly begged for mercy.

"Brother Chen, he didn't lie."

The moment Han Badou's voice appeared in his mind, Chen Bugu used his right hand to twist the neck of the man in his hand with a little force.

He threw the body aside and walked back to Lin Lin.

Yan Kuan and Bai Ting were following Lin Lin's instructions, slowly removing the iron wire from Wang Bin's body and slowly lowering him from the cross.

Seeing Chen Bugu coming back, Bai Ting spoke, and his voice was colder than usual.

"What's going on? Where are Master Liu and the others?"

When Bai Ting and Yan Kuan were removing the wires from Wang Bin's body, they could see more clearly the shocking wounds on his body. At this moment, everyone was suffocating in their hearts.

"They don't know the rest of the order given by the deputy leader of Cross Street. As for Master Liu, he should be in the abandoned building more than ten kilometers southwest of the town."

"I once told them that if there is no shelter in the town, go to that place and wait for us."

Lin Xiaoxiao walked forward worriedly.

"How could Master Liu and Teacher Lin leave Wang Bin alone?"

Chen Bugu shook his head. Now he was also confused. He didn't know how Wang Bin provoked Dongcheng Xiuwu.

Everyone was silent for a long time, and the joy of repelling the beast wave disappeared in this moment.

"His injuries have been stabilized. This is not a place for treatment. Should we leave here first?"

Lin Lin wiped the sweat from her head and glanced at the corpse not far away. She was a little worried.

From the plaque at the door, they knew that this was the headquarters of Cross Street.

Regarding "Cross Street", everyone occasionally mentioned it when chatting with other awakened people on the city wall not long ago. They all know that this is the largest force of human awakened people in Obsidian Town.

If a fight breaks out here, she won't be able to treat Wang Bin properly.

Chen Bugu also took this into consideration. He nodded and carried Wang Bin, who was covered in blood.

Everyone left the "Cross Street" together.

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