After leaving the "Cross Street", Chen Bugu led everyone all the way south.

He planned to go to the abandoned building more than ten kilometers southwest to find Lao Liu and Lin Ye first.

He urgently needed an explanation about what happened to Wang Bin.

On the way out of Obsidian Town, we could already see many injured awakened people of various races appearing on the road.

Judging from this, the beast tide has completely ended, and the defenders in all directions should have withdrawn one after another.

Sure enough, when Chen Bugu and his party arrived at the south city wall, half of the defenders here had already withdrawn, and the rest were recycling Warcraft materials and cleaning the battlefield under the city wall.

Taking advantage of the south city gate being wide open, Chen Bugu and his party left Obsidian Town directly.

The southern city wall extended outward for three miles, and the retreating army of warcraft left many corpses behind.

As you get further away from Obsidian Town, you can gradually see some sporadic monsters resting in place. Most of them are injured, which shows that they have just been evacuated from the battle.

There were even some seriously injured Eight-Star Monsters among them. It looked warily at the group of humans chasing them out of the town. It thought it was about to fight again, but unexpectedly, these humans just ran past it not far away. Didn't even look back.

Along the way, Chen Bugu carried Wang Bin on his back and deliberately slowed down, trying to ensure that he and Lin Lin were in a relatively still state, so as to ensure that Lin Lin could continue to use [Holy Light] for treatment on the road.

Although Wang Bin was out of danger, his condition was still very poor. He would cough violently from time to time while lying on Chen Bugu's back, spitting out a large mouthful of turbid blood.

Blood fell on Chen Bugu's shoulders. He stopped and asked Wang Bin how he was doing, but Wang Bin was still in a coma.

Lin Lin had also told Chen Bugu about the strange energy attached to Wang Bin's wound.

At this time, Chen Bugu was even more certain that it was Dong Chengxiu's hand, because the neon man's power was magic [weakening].

[Weakened] Chen Bugu heard this ability mentioned by many people in his previous life. After all, the abilities of these big shots were often the talk of small characters in Obsidian Town.

[Weakening] This ability is very disgusting. Tojo Shugo can add "weakening" energy to his attacks. This energy will invade the opponent's body along with the wounds caused by Tojo Shugo, continuously weakening the opponent's three domains, and Inhibits an individual's ability to recover.

According to rumors in the past life, "weakening" energy can weaken a person's "three domains" to 80% of its original value within 1 minute, and if it is not expelled, the "weakening" energy will remain in the body for a long time. up to 48 hours.

This ability is indeed powerful. If there is no explosive attack power, generally strong men of the same level will suffer against Tojo Shuugo.

Fortunately, Lin Lin's [Holy Light] was able to expel this "weakened" energy. At this moment, the "weakened" energy in Wang Bin's body gradually disappeared. After he vomited out the dirty blood, although he was still in a coma, his complexion became better.

At the same time, half an hour after Chen Bugu and others left Obsidian Town, the people from "Cross Street" gradually returned to the headquarters.

Tojo Hidego stood in the front yard, looking at the cross lying on the ground in the center and the corpses in the corridor on one side, and frowned.

He had already heard the story from the surviving gang member.

"Hurry up and put the cross away. Don't fall to the ground. Mr. Alek will be unhappy when he sees it."

"Okay, Deputy Chief, what should I do with that man's body?"

"Take it and throw it away outside the city. Do you still want me to teach you about this kind of thing?" Dongcheng Xiuwu said with a hint of displeasure in his tone.

"I understand, that person was kidnapped..."

"It doesn't matter, those annoying China rats will come back again, and it won't be the first time."

After saying that, regardless of the ugly expressions on the faces of the members of the Chinese Academy, Hideo Toge walked directly into the inner courtyard. He wanted to organize a banquet quickly.

The theme of the banquet is to celebrate the successful promotion of Alek, the leader of "Cross Street" to the Nine Stars of Black Iron...

On the other side, Mr. Zhou couldn't find Chen Bugu and his party anywhere on the south city wall. Later, he heard other awakened people mention that someone saw them carrying a seriously injured wounded person and leaving Obsidian Town through the gate of the south city wall. .

This left Mr. Zhou a little confused, but in his impression, no one in Chen Bugu's group was seriously injured. It could only be that they had found a partner.

However, Mr. Zhou knows all the members of the hall who were seriously injured on the east wall, and there are no new ones who have joined recently.

What's happening here?

Didn't any of their partners join the Injustice Hall?

In any case, Chen Bugu and his party left without saying goodbye, which is not good news.

In addition, there is another bad news for Mr. Zhou.

In other words, this is bad news for all members of the "Unjust Hall" except Liu Chengfeng.

That is, Alek, the leader of "Cross Street", broke through to the Black Iron Nine Stars during the beast wave just now.

Although Liu Chengfeng often talks about the justice of the human race, in fact, many people in "Unjust Hall" are very dissatisfied with the behavior of "Cross Street".

The opponent's leader has been promoted to the Black Iron Nine Stars, which is naturally not what they want to see.

Chen Bugu didn't know what was happening in Obsidian Town at the moment.

At this moment, they could already see the outline of the abandoned building in the distance.

Seven or eight dilapidated stone houses are located on the plain, with a few trees scattered around.

The stone houses are in dilapidated condition, with the outer walls of several of them damaged and the inner chambers exposed.

After the heavy rain just now, you can see that a lot of water has accumulated indoors in some houses.

The wind picked up on the plain, and many leaves were blown off and fell on the surface of the dilapidated stone house, adding to the desolation.

This building used to be a small gathering place, but it was later affected by a certain beast tide, so it has long been turned into ruins.

Since it is not close to Obsidian Town, most people will not come here. In addition, there are not many powerful monsters around here, so it is considered a relatively safe place.

The few experienced awakeners in Obsidian Town will choose to rest here at night if they pass by this location when going on a mission.

The moment he walked into the ruins, Chen Bugu immediately sensed the presence of "Amon".

After a while, a snapping turtle the size of a puppy slowly climbed out of a stone house.


Lin Xiaoxiao and others also saw this little turtle.

The dark red turtle shell and the gray-black ice, isn't it Amon?

However, Amon has obviously grown a lot, and Chen Bugu can feel that it now has the strength of a four-star black iron.

When Amen saw Chen Bugu and others, he was slightly startled for a moment, then quickly ran forward and rubbed Chen Bugu's right foot.

As Amon rubbed it, his two huge red eyes suddenly shed tears.

"It seems that 'Amon' misses you very much." Lin Xiaoxiao said.

Chen Bugu looked at Amon, and he could feel Amon's complicated emotions at the moment.

Grief, longing, joy, sadness...

This complicated emotion made Chen Bugu also a little confused.

"Master Liu, Teacher Lin, we are here!"

Chen Bugu shouted loudly towards the room where Amon came out.

got windy…

The faint, staccato whistle sounded from behind the house.

Chen Bugu felt relieved and hurriedly walked towards the back of the house. He suddenly remembered the whistle that Lao Liu blew while standing on the edge of the platform when they parted.

They obeyed the whistle's promise and returned safely.

When Chen Bugu walked around a corner, he suddenly stopped.

He looked behind the house...

On a small clearing, a diamond-shaped stone tablet stood quietly.

The wind blew, and the red whistle hanging on the stone tablet swayed slightly...

There was a faint intermittent whistle after another...


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