Chen Bugu was speechless for a long time after hearing this.

Bai Ting and others looked at him in silence. Although they didn't know what Chen Bugu was thinking, they understood that his mood at the moment was not as calm as it looked on the surface.

The rain stopped outside the house, and Chen Bugu stood up, picked up the [Short Wind Blade], and silently walked to the stone tablet.

After Chen Bugu walked out, Bai Ting looked at Wang Bin and asked.

"Wang Bin, how strong is Dongcheng Xiuwu?"

"Very strong. He is originally the Eight Black Iron Stars, and his powers are very strange."

Wang Bin recalled the scene where he and Dongcheng Xiuwu fought, and he was still a little scared.

"After I broke through to five stars, I was able to 'ignite' my arms to attack. However, after being hit by him, the flames near the wound were inexplicably suppressed, making it extremely difficult to burn."

"I couldn't last more than a minute under him."

Bai Ting nodded, roughly understanding the gap. If he broke through to Seven Stars, he might still be able to fight Dongcheng Xiuwu, but he was far from his opponent at the moment.

Behind Hideo Higashikata, there is the huge "Cross Street". The strength of the seven of them is far from enough to shake this huge organization.

Perhaps as Lin Xiaoxiao said, they can only wait until "one day" before they can settle this account with Hideo Tosei.

Under the firelight, as Wang Bin finished speaking, a sense of powerlessness lingered in everyone's hearts and was difficult to dissipate.

After the light rain, the cumulus clouds in the sky quickly dispersed, revealing a few stars.

Chen Bugu stood alone outside the house. He held a small fireball and quickly carved characters on the stone tablet with the [Short Wind Blade] in his hand.

"The tomb of old friend, Master Liu and his beloved wife"

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he did not leave Lao Liu's real name.

After carving the last word, Chen Bugu put away his short blade, took two steps back, faced the stone tablet, and bowed deeply.

After getting up, he closed his eyes tightly and clasped his hands together, as if praying for something.

At the same time, in Obsidian Town, in the inner courtyard of "Unjust Hall".

Liu Chengfeng sat in the main seat, listening to the report from the audience on one side, and then looked at Mr. Zhou.

"Mr. Zhou, Chen Bugu, whom you said you wanted to introduce to me, seems to have taken away the traitor from 'Cross Street' and killed one person from 'Cross Street'."

"Yes, Hall Master, I have inquired about it. The person Chen Bugu took away seems to be the partner he has been looking for. As for saying that he is a traitor from the 'Cross Street'..."

"Lord Master, I believe you have seen clearly what kind of people Alek and Hidego Tosei are after this beast wave. The traitors they call, in my opinion, are the kind of people you like."

Mr. Zhou sat on the chair and told everything he learned about Wang Bin's actions.

After Chen Bugu left Obsidian Town, the "Cross Street" suddenly began to offer a reward for a group of them. Mr. Zhou was so keen that he immediately sent someone to figure out the ins and outs of the whole thing.

It was also at that time that he learned that the three partners Chen Bugu was looking for had never joined the "Injustice Hall".

"It's like this. What a great Tosei Hidego."

After hearing this, Liu Chengfeng sneered and strengthened his thoughts.

"Hall Master, I heard from Ziyu and Lao Sun that you are planning to attack Dongcheng Xiuwu?" Mr. Zhou continued.

"You should all know, Alec has been promoted to nine stars."

"That guy must have been waiting for this moment for a long time. In addition, he, the Demon Lizard Clan, and the Naga Clan's two chiefs are basically wearing the same pants. Even I am not sure that I can capture all three of them at the same time."

"I originally planned to come directly to the door after the beast tide to ask for an explanation. Unexpectedly, they took the initiative to send invitations to the door. They also said that they would hold a banquet to celebrate Alek's promotion to nine stars."

"Hidego Tosei, I said I would kill, and I will definitely kill. But now it seems that we can't do it in the city."

"Mr. Zhou, send a few people to keep an eye on Dongcheng Xiuwu. The next time they go on a mission, I want to know their detailed route."

Liu Chengfeng really had murderous intentions this time. He had always been too tolerant towards his own people, so that a rat like Dongcheng Xiuwu had already ruined the pot of soup.

Even what happened to Chen Bugu's companions was the first time he heard about it tonight. As for what he hadn't heard about, he didn't know how many more there were.

"Okay, I will send someone to keep an eye on it." Mr. Zhou agreed.

"Boss, if you ask me, you should have left Obsidian Town a long time ago. If you stay here, you will never be able to break through the shackles of black iron. If you break through to silver, there is no need to go to such trouble. Come and kill that neon now. Devil."

Hong Ziyu sat on the left side of Liu Chengfeng, leaning back on the chair, clasping his hands behind his head, closing his eyes, holding a straw in his mouth, and talking to himself.

"Ziyu, you don't understand, it's us at the 'Unjust Hall' who restrict Chengfeng from taking action in the city."

Mr. Sun saw things more clearly. He understood that sitting in the position of the hall leader, Liu Chengfeng had many things he couldn't help himself.

"As long as you work harder and break through the nine stars as soon as possible, the pressure on Chengfeng will be much less, and you may be able to leave Obsidian Town with peace of mind."

Hong Ziyu's martial arts talent is extremely high, and he can always master the ancient martial arts taught by Liu Chengfeng in a short time, but unfortunately this guy is too lazy and always looks listless.

"By the way, Master, are we still going to the banquet at Cross Street?" Mr. Zhou took out an invitation and put it on the table.

"No, no."

"What are you going to do? Do you want to collect Dongcheng Xiuwu's body in advance?"

Hong Ziyu had just been scolded by Mr. Sun and was shaking his head. Then he opened one eye and quietly looked at Liu Chengfeng's reaction.

"When?" Liu Chengfeng asked.

"Tomorrow after the sun goes down."

"Find a reason to refuse."

"If there's nothing else, it's not early tonight, so let's stop here."

Liu Chengfeng stood up and announced the end of the meeting.

Mr. Zhou slowly walked out of the inner courtyard, vaguely remembering that a day ago, that boy Chen Bugu was secretly stuffing star meteor crystals into his hands, just to get news about his companions.

I didn’t expect that so many things had happened in just one day.

"It should be... okay."

Mr. Zhou stared at the stars in the sky and murmured to himself.

A few hours later, Chen Bugu slowly sat up from the floor.

The next vigil was his and Han Badou's turn.

He picked up a branch and silently threw it into the fire.

This was the first time Han Badou saw Chen Bugu like this.

"Brother Chen, if I advise you, will you listen to me?"

Chen Bugu stopped moving in his hands, raised his head, glanced at Han Badou, smiled and shook his head.

"Badou, since you can see it, there is no need to persuade me."

Han Badou lowered his head, not knowing what to say.

After another half hour, Chen Bugu stood up and tiptoed out of the dilapidated house.

Han Badou quickly followed him out. He grabbed Chen Bugu's sleeve not far from the door.

"Brother Chen..."

Chen Bugu turned around, his eyes firm, and he gently pushed Han Badou's hand away.

"It's okay, I'll be back."

Han Badou just looked at it, watching Chen Bugu's back quietly disappear into the night.

When he returned to the house, he saw Bai Ting and Yan Kuan sitting by the fire again.

Bai Ting looked up and asked when Han Badou returned.

"He went?"

Seeing Han Badou nodded, he sighed.

"Okay, maybe he can just leave if he has his own words."

That night, the frost and dew were heavy, and the Lin sisters and Wang Bin, who were lying on the animal's fur, tightened their tight clothes.

Fortunately, before dawn arrives, there are still sporadic firelights to dispel the cold and darkness...

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