After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 131 Return To Obsidian Town

When dawn arrived on time the next day, the sun shone on the endless plain again, and Obsidian Town ushered in a new day.

The defenders on the south wall yawned and completed their shift.

At this moment, there are still many places on the south city wall that have not been repaired. The pitted gaps and the smell of blood that cannot be washed away by rain still remind people of what a tragic war broke out here.

The corpses of the monsters under the city wall have not been cleared yet, but at the request of several leaders, an open space has been cleared in advance for the burial of warriors of all races who died in this battle.

Long Er slowly pushed the city gate open. He had been guarding it all night and planned to go back to rest after opening the city gate.

After all, tonight he will go to the "Cross Street" to participate in the banquet with the leader of the Demon Lizard Clan, so it is necessary to go back and rest now.

Just when Long Er opened the city gate and was about to turn back and walk in, he seemed to catch a glimpse of a black shadow passing behind him from the corner of his eye, but when he turned around again, he saw no one.

"Captain Longer, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, maybe I'm too tired and a little dazzled."

"Yes, Captain Longer, we fought all day yesterday. I didn't expect to be so unlucky. It happened to be our turn to defend the city wall. We are really exhausted."

"Okay, okay, stop complaining and bring you some good wine tonight, okay?"

Long Er patted the demon lizard soldiers on one side, and their little thoughts were almost written on their faces.

"Hehehe, thank you, captain! There will definitely be good wine at the "Cross Street" banquet tonight, and we will be satisfied if we can have a taste."

"I know, I know."

Long Er agreed, and the group of people slowly walked back towards the residence of the Demonic Lizard Clan in the town.

As time goes by, more and more awakened people wake up from their sleep, and Obsidian Town gradually regains its vitality.

After the beast tide passed, the four walls of Obsidian Town were severely damaged, and the survivors quickly reinvested in the construction of their homes.

Although there were heavy casualties in this battle, the Awakeneds who survived generally increased in strength.

Among them, the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly the leader of "Cross Street", Alek. The news that he became the third "Black Iron Nine Star" in Obsidian Town spread almost throughout the town on this day.

Whether on the street or in the tavern, survivors of all races were talking.

"Another Nine Stars. The human race is growing really fast."

"Yes, many of the strong men who came out of the town in the past few years were from the human race."

"There is nothing strange about this. Every time a new race appears in the Zero World, it will be brilliant for a while, but within a few years, it will be the same as other races.

"Yes, you see, there have been a lot of human races in the town recently. Their racial transfer period may have just begun, and it is normal for them to be more prosperous."

"Besides, haven't you noticed? The human race is prosperous on the surface, but in the small Black Obsidian Town, the human race has divided into two forces, and they like to fight among themselves. I'm afraid it will be difficult to achieve great things."

"That's right. Which race was the last new race that appeared in the Zero Realm? Oh, yes, the Storm Clan, they are like this too. As a result, only one mayor can still hold up the Storm Clan."

In a tavern on the roadside, several awakened aliens were chatting quietly while chewing monster meat.

On the street outside the tavern, the members of "Cross Street" were all glowing and quite proud of themselves.

If they meet people from the "Unjust Hall", they will go up to talk enthusiastically, and even send out an invitation to them to attend a banquet at the "Cross Street" tonight to witness the growth of the human race.

The members of the "Unjust Hall" didn't answer anything and just walked by in a hurry.

The basic members of the two forces have had some conflicts and disputes in the past. "Cross Street" has a large number of people, and "Unjust Hall" is strong, and they have always refused to obey anyone.

But as Alek ascended to the Nine Stars, the gap in the top combat power of the two forces was narrowed, making the members of "Cross Street" more confident.

Liu Chengfeng issued an order early this morning that all members of the "Unjust Hall" must participate in the post-war reconstruction of the two southeastern city walls. They were not as idle as the "Cross Street". Although they were not angry, they had to walk quickly.

At the same time, Mr. Zhou waited for Chen Bugu again in the "Unjust Hall"...

The day passed quickly amid the publicity of the members of "Cross Street".

As evening approached, the courtyard of "Cross Street" was brightly lit and bustling with people.

Hidego Higashikata and Nobuko Tamura stood at the door of the outer courtyard. They were wearing kimonos made of various kinds of cloth. With smiles on their faces, they greeted guests of all ethnic groups at the door.

"Hall Master Liu!"

Dongcheng Xiuwu stood at the door. The moment he saw Liu Chengfeng, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop rising.

"I almost thought you wouldn't come."

"Mr. Alek has been waiting for you in the inner courtyard for a long time."

As Dongcheng Xiuwu spoke, he waved to one side and called an awakened person from China.

Liu Chengfeng took a look and realized that this person happened to be one of the survivors of the "Suicide Squad".

"Mr. Liu, we meet again."

The Chinese Awakener smiled sheepishly at Liu Chengfeng. After returning to the East City Wall, they were called away before they could properly express their gratitude, which made him feel a little guilty.

"You, take Hall Master Liu to the inner courtyard to meet Mr. Alek."

"I'm sorry, Hall Master Liu, I have to stay at the door to greet the guests. I really can't leave, so I'll ask your compatriot to take you a ride." Dongcheng Xiuwu turned around and said to Liu Chengfeng again.

Liu Chengfeng nodded and walked into the "cross street" with Hong Ziyu and Mr. Zhou.

"Humph, this devil is getting more and more aggressive."

Elder Zhou's dissatisfied words reached the ears of the leader of the Chinese Awakening, and he lowered his head in shame.

Given Liu Chengfeng's level, even he could see Dongcheng Xiuwu's neglect at a glance.

"It doesn't matter, I believe he won't be able to bounce around for long."

After Liu Chengfeng left, Dongcheng Xiuwu welcomed a dwarf warrior in front of the gate.

He walked to Hidego Higashikata and took out a green-level crossbow from his backpack.

"Mr. Dongcheng, Master Fran is still recovering from his injuries. Unfortunately, he cannot attend the banquet. The dwarves will attend on my behalf. Please give me your advice."

"In addition, Master Fran asked me to return this [Heart-linking Crossbow] to you."

The dwarf said as he handed over the crossbow.

"Master Fran fought for Obsidian Town, which is admirable. We will definitely come to visit him afterwards. But, did Master only ask you to give me the crossbow? That arrow..."

Dongcheng Xiuwu took the [Heart-linking Crossbow], but saw that the dwarf made no next move, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Master Fran asked me to convey my apology. He cannot make arrows that match the [Heart-linking Crossbow]."

"How could it be? Master Fran is a senior craftsman."

Dongcheng Xiuwu frowned. Could it be that the dwarf leader disliked his insufficient reward? Or are they worried that this weapon will pose a threat to them?

"Master Fran said that the structure of the [Lianxin Crossbow] piece of equipment is extremely weird, and he can't even see through it."

"Moreover, he also said that the skill 'Connecting Hearts' should not appear on a piece of green-level equipment. Even if it is a blue-level equipment, it is difficult for such a powerful skill to appear, unless..."

"Unless what?"

Dongcheng Xiuwu frowned and asked with some confusion.

"Unless this piece of equipment is incomplete..."

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