"Not complete? What does this mean?"

"According to Master Fran's guess, [Lianxin Crossbow] may be the main body of a certain high-level equipment, so the skill 'Lianxin' is retained."

"However, due to the influence of certain external factors, its own grade dropped, and it finally became a green-level weapon."

The dwarf pointed at the Lianxin Crossbow in Dongcheng Xiuwu's hand and continued to explain.

"The influence of external factors generally includes the disassembly of core components, or the power of a high-level curse or seal."

"For the former, you only need to retrieve the core components for installation, but for the latter, you need a powerful light attribute awakener to break the demon."

"But in any case, this piece of equipment has not yet revealed its true appearance. Its structure is like a fog to the blacksmith. This makes it impossible for us to produce matching arrows, and neither can Master Fran, so we can only ask me to connect the arrows with it." Xinnu] is returned to you."

"Perhaps, when it regains its grade, the arrow problem will be solved."

The dwarf bowed again to Hidego Toge, conveying the apology from the leader.

"It's okay. When you go back, please thank Master Fran for me."

"In addition, I would also like to ask if the master has mentioned that if the [Lianxin Crossbow] is restored to its original state, what level of weapon will it be?"

Dongcheng Xiuwu put the [Heart-linking Crossbow] into the storage ring and looked at the dwarf again.

"Master Fran did mention this. His guess is..."

When the dwarf said this, he subconsciously took a step closer and deliberately lowered his volume and whispered.

"Purple level!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Dongcheng Xiuwu's pupils shrank uncontrollably, and a look of shock flashed across his face.

"I see."

"I believe that the glorious dwarves will keep the news of every customer, right?"

Dongcheng Xiuwu held the dwarf's hand and silently handed over a seven-star beast crystal.

"Of course, Mr. Dongcheng, I swear by the honor of the dwarves, even Mr. Alek will not know the information about the [Lianxin Crossbow]."

The dwarf took a step back and bowed slightly. No one could see the smile hidden under his big beard.

"Thank you for your hard work, please come in. Since you are here to replace Master Fran, you should naturally enter the inner courtyard. Good wine and food are ready. Nobuko, please take this master in."

Higashikata Hidego smiled and asked Tanaka Nobuko to lead the dwarf in.

Seeing Nobuko Tanaka turn around and walk into the courtyard, the dwarf thanked him and took steps forward.

However, when he passed Hidego Higashikata, he stopped again and whispered in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"By the way, Mr. Dongcheng, in order to thank you for the beast crystal, I specially send you a piece of information."

"In the largest house two streets west of here, there is an elf who just came from Gaotian City. It is said that he is the best at light magic. Maybe you can give him the [Heart-linking Crossbow] to take a look."

"However, I heard that he plans to return to Gaotian City tomorrow morning. If you really have such a plan, maybe you will have to go to Nao Nao Nao after the banquet is over tonight."

After the dwarf finished speaking, he followed Nobuko Tanaka into the inner courtyard, leaving Hidego Tosei alone at the door.

At this moment, although he looked expressionless, he was actually strangely excited inside.

You know, the best weapon in the entire Obsidian Town is Liu Chengfeng's blue Tang Hengdao, but with that weapon, Liu Chengfeng has firmly established himself as the number one person in Obsidian.

If the [Lianxin Crossbow] regains its original power, then the day when Dongcheng Xiuwu can overlook the entire Obsidian Town will not be too far away.

"Oh? Mr. Dongcheng, you seem to be in a good mood."

After hearing the sound, Dongcheng Xiuwu quickly put on a smile and looked at the person.

"Miss Jiang, you are here too. The mayor has already entered the inner courtyard. Please come quickly."

Dong Chengxiu very elegantly stretched out his hand to the side, making a gesture of invitation.

"Actually, I've been here for a long time. I just saw Mr. Dongcheng chatting with the dwarf master and I didn't want to disturb him, so I kept waiting on the street."

As Jiang Sisi said this, she put her jade fingers on Dongcheng Xiuwu's chest and rubbed it gently.

"It turned out to be like this. I'm really sorry for neglecting Miss Jiang. I will definitely punish myself with three drinks later."

Through Jiang Sisi's low-collared shirt, the snowy white fell on Dong Cheng Xiuwu's eyes, and he did not hide his naked gaze.

"Mr. Dongcheng's words are serious. The little girl will be waiting for you in the inner courtyard." After Jiang Sisi finished speaking, she gently retracted her hand, smiled charmingly at Dongcheng Xiuwu and walked towards the inner courtyard.

Dongcheng Xiuwu's eyes wandered over various parts of Jiang Sisi's body. It must be said that this woman has charming eyes, a graceful figure, every smile and every move is charming, and her every move is full of charm. No wonder even the mayor is like this like her.

Even if Nobuko Tanaka could transform into Jiang Sisi's face, he could not replicate her seemingly innate temperament and charm, which made Hideo Togei full of interest in this woman.

"It doesn't matter. When [Lianxin Crossbow] recovers its level, I may not be able to challenge Jiu Xing. Jiang Sisi will be my winner sooner or later."

Jiang Sisi was right about one thing, Dongcheng Xiuwu was indeed in a good mood at the moment.

Although the dwarf did not bring him any arrows, he did bring him two pieces of good news.

His mind was now filled with the [Heart-linking Crossbow] emitting purple light, and this thought was gradually occupying his brain like a plague spreading.

Far away in the street where Hideo Hideo didn't notice, Chen Bugu's figure quickly disappeared into the shadow of the building.

As the night gradually grew, the inner courtyard of the "Cross Street" was filled with people. Many people raised their wine glasses to toast Alek, celebrating the leader's promotion.

In the corner of the banquet, Hong Ziyu picked up a piece of barbecue, stuffed it into his mouth, and spoke incoherently.

"Mr. Zhou, you are right, that person really suits the boss's taste."

"What the Hall Master likes is nothing more than a person who values ​​emotion and righteousness. He values ​​emotion even more than Chengfeng. Unfortunately, emotions are the fragile disease of all human beings. People who value emotion hand over their swords to others, whether intentionally or unintentionally. When the knife edge is inward, you are the one who gets hurt."

After taking a sip of the fruit wine, Mr. Zhou felt a bitter taste in his mouth. He still couldn't get used to drinking this kind of thing.

"But, Mr. Zhou, don't you often say that heartless people are just like beasts in the wilderness? Even if you are lingering in the last days, your life will be wasted if you are heartbroken?"

"Yes, so the balance between strength and emotion is an art. After all, emotional independence is much more difficult than strength independence. When it is within your ability, whether you can protect your heart and hold on to it all depends on personal choice, and he has already made a choice. "

"Indeed, otherwise the boss wouldn't come to this banquet, but this barbecue is really good. Come on, Mr. Zhou, you can try it too."

Hong Ziyu's mouth was full of oil, he picked up a large piece of barbecue in his hand and handed it to Mr. Zhou.

"I hope everything goes well." Mr. Zhou took the barbecue, looked at the night sky in the west, and took a big bite.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the interior of the "Cross Street" was brightly lit and people were drinking and drinking.

However, while people were chatting and drinking, Hidego Higashikata, the deputy leader of the "Cross Street", quietly walked out of the "Cross Street" gate.

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