After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 148 You Will Agree...

Black turtle!

Chen Bugu looked wary and quickly held [Jasper Weilan] in his hand.

Those two pairs of blue eyes surfaced, it was the black turtle from before.

The black snake wrapped around the turtle shell and looked at Chen Bugu with the turtle head.

Chen Bugu had naturally heard of the fact that king-level monsters could understand human speech, but Xuangui only said five words, three of which he couldn't understand.

Long time no see?

He and Xuan Gui have not met for more than ten minutes. Can this be called a long absence?

"do we know each other?"

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, Chen Bugu asked tentatively.

"We'll get to know each other, but not now."

This time it was the Black Snake who spoke. Its voice was sharp and thin, but its sharp snake eyes were as deep and mysterious as a black hole. They were both charming and awe-inspiring.

Chen Bugu frowned as he listened to Black Snake's words. He could no longer understand what they were saying.

"We don't have much time left..."

"Let's make a deal, human."

Turtle Head's voice was deep and deep, like a twilight old man.

Chen Bugu had gradually calmed down. Looking at the surrounding environment and combined with his own experience, he guessed that he might be in the consciousness space of the black turtle.

"Amon"'s anxiety disappeared, and instead he continued to feel close to the black turtle.

Chen Bugu looked at Xuangui, who seemed to be one size smaller, and thought that maybe they could really talk.

"What deal?"

"If you kill the man in black robe, his companions will not let you go. We can help you kill them."

Chen Bugu was stunned when he heard this. In fact, he was not worried about the other three people at all. At most, he could just use the teleportation crystal back to Obsidian Town.

However, before returning to Obsidian Town, in order to deal with "Cross Street" and Alek, he still needs to prepare, or at least test the effects of new skills.

While he was preparing, it would indeed be troublesome if there were three enemies following him.

"Tell me your conditions."

"kill me."



Chen Bugu wondered if he had heard wrongly.

"My condition is, kill me."

"To be precise, they should kill us."

Black Snake spit out the letter and spoke again, supplementing Turtle Shou's words.

"Why?" Chen Bugu was puzzled.

"That's our deal too."

Guishou spoke slowly again, but what he said made Chen Bugu even more confused.

"What kind of deal have you been talking about, I don't understand."

"Now is not the time. One day you will understand."

"If you don't say anything, I can't agree to this deal."

Chen Bugu felt a little baffled. He didn't want to be used as a weapon when he didn't know anything, let alone that the other person wasn't even a human being.

"You will agree..."

The black snake spat out a scarlet letter. Its eyes were extremely sharp, as if it could see through all the secrets, which made Chen Bugu very uncomfortable.

However, facing the strange self-confidence of the black snake, before he could ask "why", Chen Bugu immediately drew out [Jade Wave], then tensed up his whole body, took several steps back, and looked around cautiously.

"Who are you?"


Chen Bugu raised his hand, and the extremely active water element surged to his fingertips with joy. A pure black water arrow more than one meter long appeared in his hand.

With no time to sigh at the transformation of the water element arrow, Chen Bugu looked around, trying to find the mysterious man.

Just now, he heard that mysterious voice again.

"Promise to it!"

The reappearance of this voice made Chen Bugu break into a cold sweat.

The other party actually followed him!

Although he had never felt any malice from that mysterious man, even so, it was difficult to reassure him.

However, no matter how Chen Bugu searched, he could not find any existence in this space except Xuangui and "Amon".

Xuangui seemed to be very calm, and did not say anything to stop or ask Chen Bugu's crazy behavior. He just stood quietly and waited.

After confirming that the mysterious voice would not appear again, Chen Bugu had to put away his weapon and look at Xuangui again.

"Even if it's a deal, I need to know why you did it."

So far, the mysterious man has not harmed him. After calming down, Chen Bugu decided to listen to Xuan Gui's explanation again.

"We have been eroded by the evil spirit for too long, and there is not much time left for us."

"Demon energy?"

This was the first time Chen Bugu had heard this term, and it reminded him of the black mist.

Only then did he notice that the black mist that had previously lingered on Black Turtle and "Amon" had disappeared.

"Yes, the long-term suppression has caused our consciousness to be eroded by demonic energy. But it is different from the other three guys. As you can see, I have two consciousnesses, so my resistance to demonic energy is also stronger. Some."

"On the other hand, thanks to the 'King' absorbing part of my origin, he also withdrew part of the demonic energy."

"That's why I was able to regain consciousness briefly, but the demonic energy has begun to counterattack, and I don't have much time left."

"The long years have worn away too many of my memories. Next, I will tell you everything I still remember."

"Come forward and put your hands on the top of my head."

Chen Bugu was confused when he heard this, but perhaps because of the closeness of "Amon", his wariness towards the Black Turtle was gradually dispelled.

He stepped forward and placed his hand on the top of Xuan Turtle's head.

Then, a memory suddenly appeared in his mind.

He vaguely saw a black turtle roaring up to the sky in the forest, and a blue light beam spewed out from its body.

The light pillars merged into the sky, and then green, white and red light pillars lit up in the distance in the east, west and south directions.

The sky suddenly darkened.

Countless black mist occupied the entire sky.

The next second, everywhere you looked, the trees seemed to have been destroyed by huge pressure.

The black turtle also seemed to be under tremendous pressure, and the ground beneath its feet cracked inch by inch.

The earth is deeply sunk, and the Black Turtle will inevitably fall into it.

Chen Bugu could no longer see the black turtle. It was buried deep underground. Only the blue beam of light still penetrated the rubble and reached the sky.

The black mist in the sky became thicker and thicker, almost condensing into a solid substance and slowly pressing down towards the ground.

The trees in the entire forest collapsed, the land was cracked, the rivers stopped flowing, and the elements in the air fled in all directions, making it look like the end of the world.

Only the four-color light pillars still stand in the darkness forever.

The black mist finally failed to hit the ground.

The moment the four-color light beam suddenly dissipated, a hole was torn open in the sky, and sunlight poured down.

Under the dazzling sunlight, all the black fog dissipated like snow.

After the disaster, the forest was devastated, but silently, it returned to deathly silence.

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