After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 149 The Memory Of Black Turtle

Before Chen Bugu could react, the pictures in his memory changed rapidly.

The originally broken forest continued to heal itself over time, and buds sprouted out of the ground again, growing continuously between day and night.

The picture flashed quickly one frame after another, and suddenly after a certain frame, various kinds of magical beasts began to appear in the forest.

The changes happened so fast that Chen Bugu didn't even see how these monsters appeared.

Facing the continuously changing picture, Chen Bugu quickly started "Bullet Time".

In the "bullet time" state, the picture in front of him still changed rapidly, but Chen Bugu could barely see the information clearly.

In a certain frame, an intelligent race appeared for the first time, a race that Chen Bugu had never seen before.

They have many tentacles like octopuses and float in the air.

Before he could take a closer look, this race disappeared from the forest, and then every frame was a different race.

It wasn't until more than a dozen unfamiliar races passed that Chen Bugu finally saw a familiar face.

The Envoy Clan, the Elf Clan, the Demon Lizard Clan, the Naga Clan, the Dwarf Clan, the Evernight Clan, the Storm Clan... and finally the Human Clan.

But the human race does not appear in large numbers in the forest like other ethnic groups. In comparison, it is only sporadic.

Chen Bugu also quickly understood the reason. After all, the concentrated "catastrophe" belonging to the human race was still 10 months away.

After the appearance of the human race, the flow of images in the memory gradually slowed down.

At this time, a huge meteorite crystal appeared above the place where the "Black Turtle" slept.

Under the influence of the "Black Turtle", the water element seeped out from between the star crystals, condensed on the surface of the star crystals, and formed a stream of water that continued to flow out. Over time, a stream was formed.

Not long after, two men in black robes appeared here. They placed a nest of ice-armored snapping turtle eggs next to the star crystal. They took out a porcelain bottle and poured some black liquid into the bottom of the star crystal. of liquid.

Afterwards, the man in black robe disappeared, and two huge ice-armored snapping turtles came here following the scent of their eggs.

At this time, traces of black mist began to seep out from the gaps in the Star Meteor Crystal, subtly affecting the snapping turtle eggs.

Not long after, a familiar thermal imaging drone broke into the picture.

The memory picture gradually blurred, and Chen Bugu looked at the black turtle in front of him again.

He already roughly understood what happened, but there were a few questions that needed to be confirmed.

"What's going on with the ice-armored snapping turtle?"

"Although I don't know why they appear in the forest, they are one of my dependent races, and they have a trace of blood power."

"Why did the man in black robe choose the egg?"

"The origin of all things is invisible and formless. When it is first born, the power of life is most vigorous."

"So, those eggs were sacrificed?"

"Yes, my origin will be invaded by the demonic energy, reborn with their life force, and then revived through recycling."

"Then what happened to Amon?"

"You saved it, but part of its origin was taken away before it could be recovered. This also caused my awakening to be delayed and my strength weakened. However, you also took away part of the demonic energy, giving me more time to be conscious."

"Why do you call 'Amon' king?"

The fluent questions and answers were quietly interrupted after Chen Bugu asked this question.

The black turtle was silent for a moment. It looked at the little guy swimming at Chen Bugu's feet, and seemed to be confirming something repeatedly.

Xuangui's eyes left 'Amon' and looked at Chen Bugu again.

"Although it is still very weak at the moment, it will one day become a 'king'."


"Next question, who are you sealing? I'm not talking about you, but 'you'."

The thing that impressed Chen Bugu the most in Xuangui's memory was undoubtedly the black mist that destroyed the world and the four-color light pillar that stood out in the darkness.

"It's a demon, but I can't remember much about it."

"We have been eroded by the demonic energy for too long, and the power of the seal has long been loosened. The men in black robes want to use the accompanying demonic energy in us to completely destroy the original seal. Their goal is that demon."

"Sooner or later I will be swallowed up by the demonic energy again. If you kill me before then, you can stop them."

Chen Bugu was a little surprised when he heard this. For some reason, he suddenly thought of the demon Kefuke mentioned in the secret realm of the Muka tribe...

God? demon?

What is going on in this world?

He was getting more and more confused.

"Will killing you prevent that demon from awakening?"


"Then you still..."

"If the seal is loose, the demon will wake up sooner or later. We have been swallowed by the demonic energy. If you don't kill me, I will become the nourishment for the demon to wake up; but if you kill me, you can at least buy some more time."

"What will happen if the devil wakes up?"

In Chen Bugu's impression, the starting forest in the previous life did not undergo any catastrophic changes at this time.

"I don't know, but the only thing that is certain is that demons are the enemies of mankind."

Chen Bugu fell silent. Xuangui's words seemed to be full of loopholes, and there were some key pieces of information that he could never get explained.

First, Black Turtle seems to know him and "Amon". The closeness of "Amon" may be explained by blood, but he has no memory of when he has dealt with this king-level monster.

Second, Chen Bugu tried to decipher the memory image of the Black Turtle, but it didn’t work. Moreover, it was not an illusion. If everything really existed, humans had not yet appeared when the Black Turtle was sleeping. Why would it know the existence of humans? , and why do you conclude that demons are the enemies of mankind?

Third, the demon mentioned by Kfuke in the Muka tribe's secret realm seems to match the demon sealed by Xuangui and the others. However, Xuangui remembers so many things, but not the information about that demon. Too strange.

Starting from these angles, Chen Bugu tried to ask several indirect questions, but Xuangui blocked them one by one and still couldn't explain.

Black Snake seemed to see Chen Bugu's doubts and entanglements, and then spoke.

"This deal is not bad for you. Firstly, we will use our last waking moments to help you kill those men in black robes; secondly, if you kill us, you will not only get the source of the cold water, but also be successful Why not break through the Nine Stars?"


"Haven't you already seen it?"

After the black snake finished speaking, its blue snake eyes shone slightly, and the running water on the ground turned into a strange black color, exuding bursts of cold air, and then turned into several black water snakes and rose up.

"With your affinity for the water element, after obtaining the source of cold water, you can control this extremely cold water. Isn't it good?"

The black snake spat out a letter, and in those narrow snake eyes, there was an unspeakable cunning and confidence at this moment.

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