After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 150 Ultimate Element

Chen Bugu suddenly realized that the transformation of his water element arrow just now was due to the cold water of the black turtle.

After Chen Bugu completely mastered the elements of wood and water, he understood that the elements were beginning to have consciousness, but this consciousness was more instinctive.

But in the long process of evolution, a few elements will find their own way out.

Eventually, the elements evolved two evolutionary paths.

One is to develop complete consciousness and wisdom, better control one's own power, and eventually become a brand new life - an elemental spirit.

The other is to evolve certain characteristics of one's own elements to the extreme, evolve into the origin of various elements, and become a special existence among elements - the ultimate element.

The essence of the ultimate element is still an element, but those who have mastered the ultimate element can achieve free transformation when mobilizing ordinary elements of the same type.

If you have the source of cold water, it means that any water element you can use in the future can be converted into cold water and released.

Chen Bugu was moved!

The rarity of ultimate elements is no less than that of elemental elves.

The closest he got to the ultimate element was when he obtained [Jasper Weilan].

Because the bowstring of [Jasper Weilan] is composed of extremely heavy water - "weak water".

But that wisp of weak water is just the composition of a bow string, and it does not mean that Chen Bugu can obtain the power of "weak water".

But this time it was different. If what Black Snake said was true, the temptation of the source of cold water alone would be enough, not to mention breaking through the Nine Stars.

At this moment, Chen Bugu suddenly understood why Black Snake was so confident.

It was right, and Chen Bugu couldn't refuse.

Even though he knew that there would be new causes and effects behind this, the rewards were too great and he would definitely get involved.

What's more, he couldn't ignore the mysterious man's reminder. No matter what the other party's purpose was, so far, it had not harmed him.

"Okay, the deal is done, you can tell me how to do it." Chen Bugu no longer hesitated.

Turtle Head and Black Snake looked at each other and then revealed their next plan.


"George, what's going on? Why did the black turtle stop?" Asiu looked at the black turtle that suddenly stopped not far away, and looked at George in confusion.

"Idiot, how could I know such a boring question?"

"You two, stop arguing. I'll go take a look."

After John finished speaking, his body turned into a stream of water and quickly approached the direction of the black turtle.

They originally wanted to use Chen Bugu to consume Xuangui's power, but something seemed to go wrong. The black mist suddenly disappeared, and he could no longer feel Xuangui's demonic energy.

Since his back was to the black turtle, he did not notice at all that the blood-red eyes of the black turtle had returned to blue at this moment.

Chen Bugu raised his head, the black fog receded, and he had returned to the forest.

Everything that just happened in the black turtle's consciousness space seemed to only happen in a moment.

"Look out, human, Lin Shui's power will not disappoint you."

After the black snake's voice came out, John was stunned for a moment, then realized that something was wrong and retreated violently.


The moment the black turtle turned around, the black snake had already manipulated several streams of black water, turned into water snakes, and suddenly pounced on John who was not far away.

"Oh, playing with water in front of us."

The black water snakes quickly caught up with the water flow that John had transformed into, and then exploded one by one.

The moment the water snake exploded, countless black ice was formed out of thin air, freezing that small area.

When Chen Bugu walked out from behind Xuangui, he could already see John's surprised expression frozen in the black ice.

So strong!

Even though it was suppressed by the forest and part of its origin was separated by "Amon", the Black Turtle's combat effectiveness at this moment was still at the forefront among the nine stars.

George and A Xiu obviously did not expect the change of things.

However, without giving them much time to react, Black Turtle continued to take action.

"It's cold to the bone!"

The Black Turtle's front foot stepped heavily on the ground, and a black halo of light swept across the entire place with him as the center.

The halo swept across George and Ash, and the two felt a chill envelope their bodies, and their physical functions and mental energy became much slower.

Chen Bugu seized the opportunity and entered the battlefield. He moved the bow string with both hands, and the wooden arrows grazed the fire and attacked the two men.

Black Turtle's plan is simple.

In order to retain its power to resist the erosion of demonic energy, it cannot release too powerful skills, which will accelerate its demonization.

The black turtle is not flexible enough. If the man in black robe wants to run away, it cannot expend all its strength to chase him.

Therefore, it controls and Chen Bugu performs the last hit.

If anyone escapes, Chen Bugu will chase him.

The purple rocket was stopped by a huge wall of wind before it could hit George.

The storm raged, and purple flames rose into the sky.

George is obviously a wind-attributed elemental awakener.

The black turtle roared, and the purple flame storm was quickly frozen.

Chen Bugu did not hesitate, and shot three "water and wood arrows" in succession under bullet time.

George's second wind wall had just been built, and his whole body was already rushing towards John.

He knew very well that John was only frozen and not dead yet.

John must not die here! As the core of the North Group, he still needs to initiate the subsequent rituals.

More importantly, he and Asiu alone may not be able to suppress the boy playing with bows and arrows and the black turtle.

"Axiu, cover me!"

Ash instantly understood what George meant. He lay on the ground, his hands grew sharp claws, and a leopard-like iron tail stretched out from under his cloak, and then he pounced on Chen Bugu like an arrow from a string.

In Ash's opinion, since the opponent was an archer, he must not be good at close combat. As long as he got close to him, he was sure that the opponent would never be able to shoot another arrow.

The three "Water Wood Arrows" were not blocked by the wind wall. They were spirally wound, like drilling holes, and quickly broke through the wind wall's interception, flying towards George without stopping.

George was surprised to find that these three arrows came back and forth. If he continued to move forward, he would be hit by the first arrow. If he slowed down from now on, he would be hit by the second arrow. The third arrow would decisively hit the top of his head.

Just as George was about to use the inertia to slide down, he was surprised to find that black water had appeared on the ground and a black water snake appeared in front of him.

"Damn, that guy did it on purpose."

In desperation, George stepped on the wind vortex, raised his body, and avoided the water snake that could freeze him. Then he waved his right hand and drew a wind blade to meet the third "Water Wood Arrow".

The wind blade was shattered the moment it came into contact with the arrow. George used the power of the wind to change his body shape in the air, and covered his body with a black robe.

The "Water Wood Arrow" still penetrated the black robe and brushed past George's shoulder.

George's black robe was shot through, and he looked at the wound on his shoulder with a gloomy expression.

After discovering that Ah Xiu had gone against Chen Bugu, George suppressed his anger and continued to prepare to rescue John.

On the other side, Chen Bugu was already facing the "beast-turned" Ashiu.

Ashiu is very flexible, like a cheetah, and extremely fast.

Chen Bugu kept shooting water arrows, but he dodged them one by one.

As the distance between him and Chen Bugu shortened, Ashiu gradually determined that Chen Bugu's speed could not keep up with him, and the opponent seemed to have spent too much mental energy, so that the "Heavy Rain Arrow" he was wary of did not appear for a long time.

Just when Ah Xiu was about to get close to Chen Bugu, he suddenly changed his direction strangely and desperately distanced himself.

Cold sweat fell from Ash's forehead.

At that moment, the "beast intuition" in his ability gave him a naked warning.

That's a harbinger of death...

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