After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 155 How Many Days Has It Been?

"Hey, have you heard? The human race is fighting again recently."

On a certain city wall in Obsidian Town, two defenders of the Demon Lizard Clan looked at the members of the "Cross Street" rushing back outside the city with great fanfare, and said with some schadenfreude.

"But the human race is indeed interesting. It fights among itself and rises very quickly."

"Speaking of which, wasn't the trigger for this civil war among the human race the guy who shot you when he entered the city? Tsk, tsk, tsk, your boy was not shot to death by him at that time. You are really lucky."

"Hmph, you were still laughing at my lack of strength at that time. What now? This is not my problem at all."

"Yes, that guy killed an eight-star and ran away while being chased by Alec. I guess only the leader of our clan can deal with him."

"He ran away, but Cross Street and Injustice Hall got into trouble."

"Is there anything strange? It's not the first time."

"This time is different. After all, Alek has reached nine stars. You see, Cross Street has been very aggressive these days. It is uncharacteristically very powerful, which has caused many disadvantages to the people of Unjust Hall."

"Okay, let's wait and see the show."

After the two demon lizards finished speaking, they hurriedly stood up straight and glanced at Long Er walking from the side unconsciously.

"Are you two out of your mind and want to practice with me?"

"Don't dare, Captain Longer, please spare us."

Long Er looked at the well-organized Cross Street members under the city wall and frowned.

Although the leader of the Demon Lizard Tribe had a good relationship with Alek, that was before...

Liu Chengfeng was different from the mayor. He rose too quickly and became the number one person in Obsidian Town in just over a year. This made all races feel a sense of crisis.

Therefore, even though the Demon Lizards did not like humans, they still chose to form an alliance-like relationship with "Cross Street" in order to check and balance the growth of "Unjust Hall".

But now that Alek has broken through to Nine Stars, the balance has been broken, and the original power structure in the town will inevitably change.

Originally, the growth of the "Cross Street" was inevitable, and the Demon Lizard Clan had no choice. However, by chance, Chen Bugu appeared out of nowhere.

That guy killed their deputy leader when "Cross Street" was at its peak, and also killed another member of "Cross Street" at the banquet in front of the whole town's bosses.

The most outrageous thing is that he ran away in the end...

The leader of the Demon Lizard Clan was at the scene that night, but he told Long Er that it was not that they let Chen Bugu go on purpose, but because Chen Bugu was too fast and could not stop him by the time he reacted.

Regardless of whether it relies on external force or not, the strength of this human being cannot be underestimated.

That night, the leader of the Demon Lizard Clan immediately held a meeting of clan leaders when he returned to the clan.

Long Er participated in the entire meeting as the team leader, and the final instruction he received was to prohibit all members of the Demon Lizard Clan from participating in the battles of the human race.

Two days ago, I heard that Chen Bugu’s companions were suspected to have appeared around the "Unjust Hall"...

At this time, even a dull person like Long Er seemed to smell a hint of gunpowder.

In the next three days, members of the "Cross Street" went out in large numbers and launched a meticulous carpet search outside Obsidian Town.

Not only that, people from "Cross Street" frequently provoked "Unjust Hall" when performing tasks outside the town. In just three days, several conflicts broke out.

"What a troublesome and powerful race..."

Although the human race is fighting among themselves, strong people emerge in large numbers. Whether it is Liu Chengfeng a year ago or Alek, who broke through the nine stars in the last beast wave, they are now individuals standing at the top of Obsidian Town.

Oh, yes, Long Er almost forgot, there is also the boy named Chen Bugu. If he does not die, he should be a troublesome character in time.

After this time, Obsidian Town will inevitably reshuffle its cards.

Longer recorded everything in front of him, and he also understood that all the poker players were waiting and watching at this moment.

Everyone already knows who holds the "big and small kings".

But everyone was curious about what cards Chen Bugu held.

At the same time, inside the "Unjust Hall", Liu Chengfeng was sitting in the main seat, listening to Mr. Zhou's report on the recent actions of the "Cross Street".

After listening, Liu Chengfeng lowered his head and thought for a long time.

"Lord, Cross Street has gone too far this time! Several of our brothers have been seriously injured." A young man sitting at the end of the table on the right said indignantly.

"About Chen Bugu, it seems that Alek doubts us."

Hong Ziyu bit his fingers and rarely sat seriously.

"It doesn't matter whether you have doubts or not. Alec dares to do this without evidence. He is testing us. He can't continue acting anymore."

"As long as we don't follow the facts, there's no need to worry about just one cross street. It's impossible for Alek to start a full-scale war with us."

"But there's one thing I still don't understand. He just broke through the Nine Stars, so he can't be the Hall Master's opponent. This behavior is not like his usual style."

Mr. Zhou was sitting on Liu Chengfeng's right hand, his brows furrowed. "Alek's" anomaly made him a little worried, but at this time, the personnel he had placed inside the other party also mysteriously lost contact.

"Have Bai Ting and the others evacuated?" Liu Chengfeng looked at Mr. Zhou.

"It's been evacuated. We sent people to notify it in advance yesterday. After all, many people know that location. According to the momentum of Cross Street, maybe that area will be searched this afternoon."

"Which direction did they go?"

"Bai Ting and Han Badou discussed and decided to go all the way to Gaotian City."

"Well, Chen Bugu probably won't be able to come back in a short time. They can't enter Obsidian Town, and it will be troublesome to stay here."

"Yes, that's what I heard from them. They probably want to increase their strength as soon as possible and come back to help Chen Bugu. What a pity. They should all be members of our 'Unjust Hall'."

Mr. Zhou shook his head regretfully.

"Next, let everyone in the hall put aside the tasks at hand for the time being. Our number is not as large as that of Cross Street, so there is no need for head-on confrontation."

"Alec's counterattack is indeed a bit weird. Let me find a chance to explore the truth. Before I figure out the reason, brothers should not act rashly."

Although everyone in the hall was not angry, since Liu Chengfeng had made a decision, they would no longer discuss this issue.

In the "Injustice Hall", no one would ever question the decision of the hall leader Liu Chengfeng.

Next, everyone continued to discuss matters in the hall, until a loud noise interrupted Liu Chengfeng's thoughts.

"What's the noise? I'll go out and take a look."

Mr. Zhou stood up, walked into the courtyard, and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw a bloody light pillar rising into the sky from the west.

"This is...Alek?"

"What is he crazy about? Wait..."

Mr. Zhou suddenly thought of something, looked surprised, and hurriedly returned to the house.

"Lord, something happened. Alec took action in the direction of Cross Street."

"Alec actually took action in the town. The last time I saw him so irritable was that night... ah?"

Hong Ziyu seemed to suddenly realize something while speaking, with a strange expression on his face.

By this time, Liu Chengfeng and others had already walked outside the house.

A blood-colored light beam came into everyone's eyes, and the next second, the light beam was pierced by countless blue water energy arrows.

Hong Ziyu happened to see this scene when he ran out.

"Depend on!"

"It's only been a few days!?"

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