It has been two months since Xie An joined "Cross Street" and it has been a smooth journey. He finally broke through to six stars a week ago and was promoted to squad leader.

After being promoted to squad leader, he was assigned to the deputy leader "Hidego Higashikata" as he wished.

Within "Cross Street", Xie An's popularity has always been good, and with his promotion to squad leader, he is already considered a core cadre.

However, no one knows that Xie An is actually Mr. Zhou's spy at "Cross Street".

He has also been secretly providing Mr. Zhou with information inside "Cross Street", but the level was too low before, and most of the information was not of high value.

Originally, I had finally gotten close to Hideo Tosei this time, thinking that I would be able to get a lot of core information next.

But he never expected that Chen Bugu would appear out of nowhere. Less than a week after entering the town, that guy killed Dongcheng Xiuwu.

Although Hideo Tosei died, Xie An, as a member of the "Injustice Hall", should be happy, but he really couldn't be happy.

It was too difficult to get close to Alek. Dongcheng Xiuwu was the best source of information, but now it was gone, which made Xie An's two months of hard work go to waste.

Just when he was distressed, he received an order, requiring him and the other team captains to station in the inner courtyard overnight, change shifts day and night, and guard the place every step of the way.

Alec took out a prop for them, which was [Founder's Barrier], a barrier-type formation disk that required four people to activate it from four positions at the same time.

After the formation is activated, a cube barrier with a side length of 10 meters will be formed. Before the barrier is broken, the inside and outside cannot communicate with each other.

Everyone understood that this was prepared by Alek for Chen Bugu.

The news that Chen Bugu used the teleportation crystal to escape has spread, so he will definitely teleport back.

In this case, it is undoubtedly a case of catching a turtle in a jar.

[Founder's Barrier] is a one-time item. If the attack power does not reach nine stars, it will be difficult to break it.

Alek had never seen such a prop used before, and he never expected to use it on Chen Bugu.

Not only that, but just to be on the safe side, Alek's "Cross Guards" seemed to be keeping an eye on this place at all times.

They are all seven-star pinnacles, and combined with the "Body Burning Pill", they can briefly burst into eight-star strength and respond to various emergencies at any time.

However, what worries Xie An the most is that he recently discovered that many internal instructions issued by Alek had the vague intention of starting a full-scale war with the "Injustice Hall".

Unfortunately, they were required to guard the inner courtyard in shifts 24 hours a day and were not allowed to leave, which made it almost impossible for him to convey any information to Mr. Zhou.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Bugu would not be able to teleport back so quickly. They were just wasting time here.

He couldn't leave here, and the information couldn't be spread out. He could only hope that the hall master and Mr. Zhou would discover the clues early and make preparations in advance.

Just when Xie An walked into the hospital and was about to go to change shifts with others.

Suddenly I saw a silver light shining in the center of the compound...

Everyone in the courtyard noticed something strange at the same time and looked at the center in unison.

The silver light dissipated, and a figure slowly emerged.

At this moment, the sound of needle dropping could be heard in the hospital, and everyone held their breath unconsciously.

"Open the formation! Open the formation!"

The team leader who was the first to react shouted and blushed! He hurriedly conveyed power to the formation eye at his feet.

Soon, the four formation eyes were lit up one after another, and a translucent cube barrier immediately surrounded the incoming people.

Xie An immediately realized that something was wrong. Although he wished Chen Bugu could come back as soon as possible, he also knew about the rumors in the past few days.

If it is true as the rumors say, Chen Bugu is also a member of the "Unjust Hall".

Alec is nearby at the moment, and the [Founder Barrier] has been activated. He may not be able to escape this time.

Xie An quickly observed his surroundings, and he had already decided that when the "Cross Streets" surrounded Chen Bugu later, he would take advantage of the chaos to pass on the recent information.


As soon as Xie An turned his head, he heard the sound of the barrier breaking.

Immediately afterwards, a blue and green energy arrow penetrated with unstoppable momentum, passed by Xie An's ear, and blasted a big hole in the wall behind him.

Xie An's legs went weak and he collapsed on the ground. His ears were scratched by the strong wind and a little blood flowed out.

"How can it be…"

He sat on the ground, shocked inside.

He himself is one of the rotation members who make up the formation, so he is very aware of the defensive power of [Founder Barrier].

"Nine stars, he has nine stars..."

The squad leader who had just reminded everyone to start the formation was lying on the ground, his face pale and looking frightened.

The barrier was broken, and many people got too close and were knocked to the ground by the strong wind brought by the arrow. At this time, they all had blood at the corners of their mouths and were already injured.

Xie An swallowed unconsciously, realizing that things had taken a turn for the better.

If Chen Bugu was really a member of the "Unjust Hall", then Jiuxing would not die here, nor could he die here.

Xie An quickly cheered up, and while the scene was in a mess, he hurriedly touched the outside. He had to pass on the information and let Hall Master Liu bring people to support as soon as possible.

Chen Bugu didn't notice Xie An. After breaking the [Fangzheng Barrier], he looked around and found that the situation in front of him was almost as he expected.

It was impossible for Alec to keep an eye on the location he teleported back to all the time, so the biggest possibility was to use some means to trap or hold him back.

After the barrier was broken, Chen Bugu had already noticed two people rushing towards him in the corner of the courtyard.

The two people's bodies were filled with a faint blood mist, and their eyes were blood red. They had obviously taken the "Body Burning Pill".

Each of them held a long sword in both hands, and the two swords were held horizontally and vertically in front of them. The energy was concentrated on the sword body and they slashed at the same time.

Cross cut!

This is the standard skill of Elek's "Cross Guard".

Chen Bugu swung [Jasper Wave] and appeared behind one of them instantly.

The long bow swept across and knocked the man away.

Everyone clearly heard the sound of bones breaking, and then saw the man flying out like a cannonball, knocking down a wall and passing out.

Chen Bugu immediately turned around, pulled the bow string, and shot a purple flame wooden arrow.

The wooden arrow grazed the fire, broke the swords in the other man's hands, and then penetrated into the body.

The purple flame ignited instantly and engulfed the man.

Xie An, who had just reached the door, looked at the scene in front of him and was even more sure of Chen Bugu's strength.

The effectiveness of the "Body Burning Pill" is 10 seconds, but it took him only 3 seconds to kill the two "Cross Guards". This is definitely something that only Nine Stars can do!

However, at the same time that the rocket hit the "cross guard", a blood swamp appeared at Chen Bugu's feet.

By the time everyone noticed, the blood swamp had already turned into a pillar of light that reached into the sky, encompassing Chen Bugu.

The "spiritual shield" automatically unfolded, Chen Bugu's eyes flashed with silver light, and an "echo" automatically shattered.

Hundreds of water element arrows appeared in front of Chen Bugu, and they all shot out in the next second.

The "Heavy Rain Arrow" goes from bottom to top, from the inside out, and penetrates the blood-colored light pillar.

The beam of light gradually faded and dissipated, revealing Chen Bugu standing intact in it.

The moment Chen Bugu raised his head, their eyes met, just like that night, Alek stood on the roof and looked down at him.

Chen Bugu smiled slightly and stretched out his right index finger as always.

"Mr. Alek, you're fine~"

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