After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 157 Silver Star Shuriken

Alec stood on the roof, a trace of imperceptible surprise flashed in his eyes.

"how did you do that?"

When he appeared on the roof, he happened to witness Chen Bugu solve the two "cross guards" in a flash of lightning.

Since Chen Bugu's teleportation that night, Alec learned a lot of information about him from the defenders on the southern city wall.

According to the information provided by the defenders on the city wall at that time, Chen Bugu's strength should only be around seven to eight stars.

However, what he had mastered was some kind of superpower that could increase reaction speed and body speed, and with the addition of a sneak attack, he killed Hideo Hideo in a short time.

Alek clearly remembered that even after taking the "Body Burning Pill", Chen Bugu's speed could barely reach nine stars.

But now, this guy seems to have really broken through to nine stars. How did he do it?

"You ask me how I did it? It's like this."

Chen Bugu raised the [Jasper Wave], and the water and wood elements entangled to form the arrow body, and then shot towards Alek.

Alek's body changed instantly.

His skin became snow-white, his pupils were blood-red, and the whites of his eyes turned black. The blood-colored energy cloak behind him flapped in the wind, turning into two huge bat wings.

Scarlet state!

Alek used all his strength as soon as he came up. He did not allow himself to let Chen Bugu go for the second time because he underestimated the enemy.

The water-wood arrow penetrated Alek's body, punching a hole in his body.

But Alek's face was expressionless, and not a drop of blood flowed out of his pierced body.

Looking from the wound shot by Chen Bugu, there seemed to be no flesh and blood in Alek's body, only the blood-colored energy that was constantly flowing. Those energies were constantly intertwined and contracted, gradually filling the wound completely.

"Mr. Alek, you really look like a monster."

"Thank you for the compliment." Alek said and disappeared instantly.

Chen Bugu immediately retreated with his bow. The next second he left the place, several three-meter-long claw marks appeared on the ground.

Alek's figure appeared, holding two pairs of green-level iron claws in his hands, and rowed towards Chen Bugu.

Chen Bugu shot several arrows, but Alek still did not dodge and attacked Chen Bugu, allowing his body to be pierced by the arrows.

Chen Bugu did not expect that Alek would use this kind of attack. Although he dodged the moment he reacted, he still received a claw.

The "spiritual shield" opened instantly, and Chen Bugu took the opportunity to activate bullet time, and swept his whip leg towards Alek's face, but it still swept past like running water, causing no real damage to Alek.

The attack failed, and Chen Bugu regained distance. On the way back, he found that the surface of the spiritual light shield had been stained with a few drops of blood at some point.

The blood emitted a red light and then exploded in Chen Bugu's shocked eyes.

The explosion happened exactly 5 seconds after the "spiritual shield" disappeared.

Before the next "spiritual shield" could be activated, Chen Bugu had to endure the explosion.

"[Aura Lock], right? Do you think I won't know about this?"

When the smoke dissipated, Alek looked at Chen Bugu whose hands were burned, sneered, and continued to move forward.

Chen Bugu frowned. In the "Weakness Detection" vision, the head was still Alek's weak point.

But the whip kick just now still didn't work, and Alek's body seemed to be "elementalized".

Chen Bugu had never heard of anyone being able to achieve "elementalization" at the black iron stage, not to mention that Alek was not yet an elemental awakener.

The awakening of characteristics brought about by "second stage transformation"?

Chen Bugu was confused. Faced with Alek who quickly closed the distance, he decisively launched a "mental shock".

Even if Alek's body can achieve elementalization, mental blows are still unavoidable.

Sure enough, Alek's brain was in severe pain and he stopped in place, and the bat blood wings behind him also turned into a blood-colored energy cloak.

This scene further confirmed Chen Bugu's suspicion.

"Second stage transformation" is essentially an explosive skill unique to the awakened person who has transformed into an enhanced form. The characteristics of the object can be awakened through secondary changes.

Since it is a skill, it can be interrupted!


When Chen Bugu started "Bullet Time", "Amon" jumped out of his pocket.

Two small black ice crystal snakes spit out from "Amon"'s mouth, quickly wrapped around Alek's legs, and then turned into ice flowers and exploded.

When Alec came to his senses, his legs were stuck in the black ice and "it was difficult to extricate himself."

He could even feel these weird black ice absorbing his spiritual power.

But before he could react, he was overwhelmed by the dense water element energy arrows in front of him.

Chen Bugu kept pulling the bow string while observing Alek's physical condition attentively.

The first few water arrows hit Alek's body firmly, but when he re-activated the "scarlet state", the water arrows were just like the previous attacks and could no longer hurt him at all.

But Chen Bugu did not stop his movements because he found that every water arrow would be stained with a little red when it left the body.

That was blood melted into the water arrow.

The same was true for the initial blood-colored light beam. Under the rainstorm arrows, its color slowly faded and then disappeared.

Blood is a liquid and so is water!

Chen Bugu's eyes lit up and his hands kept moving.

Alek broke through the black ice that locked his legs, and his body turned into hundreds of bloody bats and flew towards Chen Bugu.

While Chen Bugu retreated, he continued to shoot water element arrows. In conjunction with "Amon's" ice pick, he quickly scattered the blood-colored bats in front of him.

Alek followed a bat and appeared on the roof not far away. Although he still looked uninjured, his expression was not good.

His "Scarlet State" is indeed a second stage transformation, which essentially activates the blood throughout his body and stimulates himself by accelerating blood flow, thus increasing his strength and speed, and achieving "blood immunity" to physical and elemental attacks. change".

Although he didn't want to admit it, after the previous fights, he found that the speed he was proud of could not gain the slightest advantage in front of Chen Bugu.

And that damn turtle, why has no one collected information about this pet?

What's with that weird black ice? Can it actually absorb his spiritual power?

A nine-star awakened person with high elemental affinity, plus a weird battle pet with at least eight stars?

Alek suddenly discovered that in just a few days, Chen Bugu's growth seemed to be beyond his control.

And Chen Bugu seems to have discovered his weakness.

His "blood transformation" is actually more like an inferior "element transformation", because "element transformation" consumes elements that can be replenished at any time, but "blood transformation" consumes his own blood.

Each attack requires consuming his blood, and the water element, which is also a liquid, often takes away more blood.

Chen Bugu seemed to have grasped this point, and he had been using water element arrows since just now.

"Chen Bugu, you really surprised me."

"The last person who surprised me so much was Liu Chengfeng a year ago."

"This move was originally reserved for him. Since you are so eager to die, I will help you."

After Alek finished speaking, a huge cross shuriken appeared in his hand.

The moment Chen Bugu saw the shuriken, his pupils shrank suddenly and he immediately retreated.

He recognized the origin of the shuriken at a glance.

A one-time prop produced by "Tiangong Pavilion" - Silver Star Shuriken!

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