After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 158 Violent Energy Arrow

Tiangong Pavilion!

The top and purest weapon refining force in Gaotian City.

The equipment and props produced by Tiangong Pavilion are almost in hard currency in the entire "Zero Realm".

For example, the "Silver Star Shuriken" in front of you is one of the iconic props of Tiangong Pavilion.

The "Silver Star Shuriken" is one meter long, with five sharp blades forming the blade. There are two loading holes on the grip, one can be filled with strengthening stones, and the other can be filled with elemental crystals.

Although it is a one-time item, the power that a fully equipped "Silver Star Shuriken" can exert is equivalent to a full blow from a Silver Three-Star Awakener.

Even if it is not filled with strengthening stones and attribute crystals, the power of the naked "Silver Star Shuriken" alone is equivalent to a strike of a Silver Star Awakener.

But if that's the case, this thing is not enough to become the iconic prop of Tiangong Pavilion. Its biggest feature is that there are no restrictions on the use of this prop.

Tiangong Pavilion always only recruits members based on their understanding and not their strength. This has resulted in many members of Tiangong Pavilion having poor strength.

Because of this, in order to protect themselves, they racked their brains to produce props without any restrictions on use.

This means that as long as they are well prepared, even a newcomer who has just awakened can display silver-level combat power in an instant.

Using props to leapfrog and kill people is also the key to Tiangong Pavilion's success!

However, this kind of props are never sold to the outside world. Even if they are sold, they are often sold at large auctions, and they are often priceless and cannot be obtained except by powerful forces.

In the previous life, Chen Bugu only teamed up with the people from Tiangong Pavilion on a mission, and only saw the "Silver Star Shuriken" at that time, but he didn't expect that the meeting would be in the hands of Alek.

Chen Bugu activated "Bullet Time" with all his strength and retreated violently.

After the shuriken flew out of Alek's hand, it turned into a silver meteor and sped towards Chen Bugu.

It seems that there is only two stars difference between the two stars of silver and the nine stars of black iron, but in fact the power gap is so huge that they cannot be connected at all.

Chen Bugu turned around and shot water and wood arrows one after another while continuing to accelerate.

The water and wood arrows hit the "Silver Star Shuriken" and instantly shattered into water and wood energy that dissipated in the air.

Chen Bugu had already withdrawn from the "Cross Street" at this moment, but the "Silver Star Shuriken" was still following closely behind him, and even Alek was not far behind.

"This guy is really worried if he doesn't see me die with his own eyes."

Chen Bugu didn't know what method Alek used, but he could feel that he had been locked. If this continued, he would be overtaken by the "Silver Star Shuriken" within three seconds.

In desperation, Chen Bugu turned around, faced the "Silver Star" that was approaching at high speed, took out the [Short Wind Blade], and used his "deduction" to the extreme.

When the "Silver Star Shuriken" was still 10 meters away from Chen Bugu, Chen Bugu launched the "Wind Thrust" and moved 15 meters diagonally forward.

This move successfully caused Chen Bugu and the "Silver Star Shuriken" to move out of position.

Reverse displacement at the extreme distance is also a method often used by people in later generations to deal with directional locking skills.

Unfortunately, after being misplaced, the "Silver Star Shuriken" made a large circle to the rear and flew towards Chen Bugu again.

"Hahahahaha, Chen Bugu, give up. This is a mark lock, you can't run away."

Alek stood on the roof not far away, looking at Chen Bugu, and let out the frustration in his chest.

No matter how fast Chen Bugu breaks through, as long as he is still in the black iron stage, the "Silver Star Shuriken" paired with the [Marking Rune] can kill him!

Not to mention Chen Bugu, no one in the entire Obsidian Town could block this blow.

At this moment, Chen Bugu no longer had the psychology of the rampant Alek. He stopped on a certain avenue and watched the "silver star" turn back and attack, and he was already prepared.

Later, he will try his best to avoid the fatal part. As long as he still has breath left, he can survive by "backtracking".

The only thing you need to worry about is the small-scale explosion that occurs after the "Silver Star Shuriken" hits.

Chen Bugu's mental power flowed away crazily, and the consumed "Aura Seal" was replenished.

Even if the "spiritual shield" cannot block it, as long as it can gain one more second, it will be useful to Chen Bugu.

Just when the silver star was only a dozen meters away from Chen Bugu, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in Chen Bugu's mind.

Then, an "echo" mark disappeared from his mind.

A huge "energy arrow" condensed from the remaining energy of the black turtle appeared in front of Chen Bugu.

The dazzling white light instantly swallowed everyone's sight.

This arrow was originally sealed by Chen Bugu when he could not control it. When it was released again, it was immediately beyond Chen Bugu's control.

Feeling the violent energy in front of him, Chen Bugu hurriedly released it.

The huge energy arrow flashed past with a dazzling white light, and then collided with the "Silver Star Shuriken".

Chen Bugu only felt that the energy in front of him collided and expanded rapidly, forming an unstable energy storm, followed by an unprecedented huge explosion.

The white light instantly engulfed Chen Bugu.

The "Aura Mask" shattered, and the three "Aura Seals" that had just been replenished also evaporated in an instant.

Chen Bugu seized this moment and stepped back.

The power of the arrows transformed by the remaining energy of the black turtle was beyond Chen Bugu's expectations.

The energy storm destroyed everything around it.

Seeing that he could not exit the explosion area, Chen Bugu had to subconsciously put his hands in front of his head.

The strong wind pushed him back a few meters. He finally stabilized his body and hurriedly condensed the remaining mental power into the "Spiritual Light Seal" again.

The dazzling white light gradually dissipated along with the violent energy, and Chen Bugu only felt severe pain in his arms.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a huge pit appearing fifty meters away. The pit swallowed up the entire avenue, and even the houses on both sides were affected.

All the stone bricks on the original avenue were turned into powder, and the walls of the houses on both sides have also disappeared.

The residents inside the house slumped on the ground, looking at everything that suddenly happened in front of them, and were so frightened that they could not speak.

Chen Bugu turned to look at the other side of the road and found that the "Silver Star Shuriken" had disintegrated into pieces and the energy arrows had disappeared.

Another person who faced the explosion, Alek, was covered in blood and wounds. He had been forced to exit the "scarlet state" at some point.

Even with the blessing of "blood transformation", Alek could not survive this level of energy storm.

He still can't understand how he could lose.

Who could have imagined that Tiangong Pavilion's "Silver Star Shuriken" would be blocked in this small Obsidian Town.

Alek was seriously injured and staggered to his feet. He hurriedly took out the recovery pill and drank it, but Chen Bugu would not give him time to recover.

"Chen Bugu, you and I have no mortal grudge. We should talk."

"What do you want? I can give it to you!"

"If you kill me, the people behind me will not let you go."

"Wait, we can..."

No matter how much Alek shouted, Chen Bugu ignored him.

He released the bowstring in his hand, and the wooden arrow instantly crossed the distance between the two people with purple flames.

Alek's eyebrows were pierced, and purple flames spread from between his eyes, swallowing up the once famous "Cross Street" leader.

People not far away looked at this scene and understood that Cross Street was completely finished...

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