Seeing the collapse of the beast tide, the awakened people of all races on the city wall became even more excited. Many people even jumped off the city wall, preparing to hunt down the fleeing war beasts.

"Don't fucking chase me too far!" Master Fran yelled loudly.

Fortunately, most of those who dared to jump off the city wall were experienced warriors. They were always on guard against the deadly counterattacks of the monsters and did not pursue them too far.

Chen Bugu stood on the edge of the city wall and found a warrior from the Storm Tribe not far away, so he spoke.

"Brothers from the Storm Tribe, please follow us and check to see if the beast tide has really dispersed. Please keep a good distance."

The warrior of the Storm Tribe found out that the person who spoke was Chen Bugu. He couldn't help but stand up straight and loudly agreed.

"Yes! Hall Master Chen!"

After finishing speaking, he fluttered his wings and flew out, observing the movements of the army of Warcraft from high in the sky.

At this moment, high in the sky, the warrior of the Storm Clan could more clearly feel the role Chen Bugu played in this war.

On the battlefield, black ice is everywhere you can see.

The black ice was mixed with the blood of the monsters, and on the messy battlefield, blood-colored ice flowers bloomed, which actually had a strange beauty.

On the other hand, the retreating beast tide looked completely defeated. All kinds of low-level monsters fled in panic, trampling on each other's bodies at will, and they were already in a mess.

Without the suppression of high-level monsters, this group of low-level soldiers has completely lost their threat.

The battle on the southern city wall is completely over.

Chen Ping looked at Chen Bugu's back and poked Uncle Liang next to him with his elbow.

"Uncle, why do I feel that the beast tide is not that scary?"

Chenping had heard too many rumors before the war, and always thought that many people would die in the town every time there was a beast tide. But now it seems that the rumors do not match what he has seen.

"Uncle, you are right. Those people in the tavern and courtyard like to show off. They always exaggerate and brag, and they will deceive newcomers like us."

The man named Uncle Liang suppressed his blush, as if Chen Ping was the one scolding him.

"You fart, Chen Ping, let me tell you, let alone you in this battle, even those of us who have experienced the beast tide are covered!"

"Go and inquire carefully. How could the beast tide in the past have been so easy? This time it is entirely because of Hall Master Chen. He is too...too exaggerated."

Seeing Uncle Liang's face turn red, Chen Ping also understood that he probably said the wrong thing.

"Uncle Liang, isn't this a good thing? That's our hall master."

"Yes, that is our outer hall master, Chen Bugu."

Chen Ping looked at Chen Bugu's back, his eyes full of excitement, and an inexplicable sense of pride lingered in his heart.

But on the entire city wall, there was someone else who was even more proud than Chen Ping.

"Hey, did you see it? That is the strength of the leader of the outer hall of the 'Unjust Hall'."

"Two shots? No, the Fire Salamander was already dead when the first rain arrow was fired!"

"What? Don't you know yet? The tortoise monster fighting alongside Master Fran is Chen Bugu's battle pet. Yes, yes, of course it's Jiuxing!"

"You don't know me? Oh, I'm not talented, the deputy master of the outer hall, Xie An!"

"Yes, I am indeed a six-star, but do you know that our hall master can fight against an eight-star when he is a seven-star? Do you think I can do it?"

"You guys are here, what are you doing now? I've told you guys a long time ago that the hall master is very strong, right?"

"What? You said who is stronger or weaker between him and Hall Master Liu, then I have the right to say in this matter. Do you know about the battle yesterday? Yes, yes, I am right there, listen to what I say to you Come…"

Seeing that the beast tide receded, Xie An immediately began to wander around the city wall. Taking the opportunity to help everyone clean up the battlefield, he automatically turned on chatting mode.

He knew that after today, even if Chen Bugu was not in Obsidian Town, his name would become the best sign.

At the same time, Chen Bugu came to the body of the Earth Fire Salamander. He took out his short blade and dug out a green and transparent beast crystal from the body.

After putting the beast crystal into the storage ring, Chen Bugu came to Master Fran.

At this moment, the warrior from the Storm Tribe happened to return and landed in front of the two of them.

"Hall Master Chen, Master Fran, the Warcraft army has been completely defeated. Most of them have fled five kilometers away and can no longer form a large scale."

Chen Bugu nodded, then picked up the shrunken Amon, put him in his pocket, and spoke to Master Fran.

"There should be no problem here. How about I go over to the east city wall and have a look?"

"Are you leaving now? Those weaklings above are still waiting for you."

"Master Fran, I'm not good at that. I'll leave the rest to you."

"When you appeared on the stage, you seemed to be very good at saying 'It's just a nine-star beast...'."

Master Fran finally remembered that this line was what he said to boost morale during the last beast wave. However, the difference was that he failed to defeat the Earth Fire Salamander last time, but Chen Bugu did. .

"Those are all Master Fran's good words. I'm just learning and selling them now..."

"Okay, go quickly, but I don't think we will need you in the east. You have to know that the leaders of all the tribes are basically there."

"Well, I'll go take a look."

"Okay, brother, let's meet again at the post-war dinner."

"Okay, Master Fran, we'll see you later!"

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he quickly hurried along the city wall toward the east.

At the same time, somewhere in the Forest of Beginnings, John was kneeling on the ground, his head lowered, and his expression could not be seen clearly.

On his side, stood six men in black robes. They stood together in twos and divided into three groups. They all lowered their heads slightly at this moment, not daring to look straight ahead.

Right in front of the seven of them, there was an Asian man. He was wearing a gray robe. The face exposed under the hood looked to be in his forties, with sunken eyes, blood-red whites, and a high nose. The face is clear-cut and strong.

At this moment, he was looking up at a big tree in front of him, his face expressionless.

On top of the tree, sat a petite figure. The figure was completely shrouded in shadow, making it difficult to see the appearance.


"Xuangui is dead?"

"Yes, Chief."

Listening to the sound coming from the tree, the man in gray robe replied.

"Have you confirmed it?"

"Yes, we have returned to confirm that there is no magic left on the Black Turtle's body."

As soon as the man in gray robe finished answering, his right arm suddenly felt cold where it connected to his shoulder and neck, and then the entire right arm slipped strangely.

He caught the broken arm with an expressionless face and pressed it back into place. The smooth, mirror-like wound grew a brown rhizome, which connected to the wound of the broken arm and soon returned to its original state.

At the same time, behind the man in gray robe, John's whole body was violently convulsing, bleeding from all his orifices, and his face was hideous. In less than a moment, he completely turned into a pool of pus and blood and died.

"Don't bring trash to me next time."

"Yes, leader!"

The man in gray robe looked up at the figure, still expressionless.

"Did you just say that there was no magic left on the corpse?"


"Go find the person who assisted Black Turtle and bring him to see me."


The moment the man in gray robe bowed his head in response, the figure on the tree had completely disappeared.

The six people behind him felt as if they had been granted amnesty. They all breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed unconsciously. One of them asked.

"Boss, what should we do with the three we are guarding?"

"Let's just watch first."

"Understood, those awakened ones captured in the dungeon..."

The man in gray robe turned around and walked forward, shaking his head and nodding as he walked, as if he was thinking about something, and his footsteps casually stepped on the blood and pus on John's body.

The shoe prints stained with blood and pus moved deeper into the woods behind them step by step.

Before the figure of the man in gray robe disappeared completely, the cold voice came from the darkness.

"Kill them all..."

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