An hour after Chen Bugu left, Master Fran confirmed that the threat to the south city wall had been completely eliminated, so only the defenders who were on daily vigilance were left behind, and he led the remaining soldiers to rush to the east city wall.

When they arrived at the east city wall, they happened to witness the collapse of the Warcraft army.

Standing on the east wall, looking towards the rear of the battlefield, you can faintly see some black ice. Wherever the black ice appears, there must be corpses of high-level monsters.

Led by Liu Chengfeng and the mayor, powerful men including leaders of various clans were charging under the city wall. It could be seen that the battle here was coming to an end.

Master Fran led a group of awakened people on the south city wall. Seeing that they could no longer help, they simply joined the team to rescue the wounded.

Compared to the south city wall, the east city wall looked much messier. Many corpses of monsters and severed limbs of defenders were piled randomly on the ground. The smell of blood that filled the air stimulated everyone's sense of smell and nerves.

Chen Ping looked at the scene in front of him and subconsciously covered his nose, his face a little pale.

Uncle Liang saw this and patted him on the shoulder.

"It's always better to see it with your own eyes than to hear it said a thousand times, Chenping, try to remember it all, this is a normal casualty."

Chen Ping nodded, then followed the team and began to rescue the wounded.

The original team on the east wall, especially the human awakeners in the inner hall, were a little surprised when they saw Chen Ping and others.

Although the south city wall faced less pressure, the number of guards they guarded was also far less than that of the east city wall. Unexpectedly, they could still spare manpower to support them.

Just ten minutes after Master Fran and others joined in the rescue, Liu Chengfeng led everyone back to the city wall.

Master Fran faced Liu Chengfeng, looked left and right, but never saw Chen Bugu, so he asked.

"Captain Liu, why don't you see my old brother?"

"Let's go."

Hong Ziyu wiped the blood from the tip of the gun and answered casually.


"What Zi Yu means is that Chen Bugu returned to the 'Unjust Hall' first. He seems to have gained something and decided to go back to retreat." Mr. Zhou added in time.

"Secluded again? Gained something again? It's really like his style."

After hearing this, Master Fran didn't study it carefully. He followed Liu Chengfeng and others to inventory the battlefield and participated in the post-war meeting.

At the same time, Chen Bugu and Amon had left Obsidian Town and were heading southeast at full speed.

He did go to the battlefield on the east city wall and helped eliminate some monsters. After seeing that the situation was decided, he said goodbye to Liu Chengfeng, Mr. Zhou and others.

On the east city wall, the leaders of various clans witnessed Chen Bugu's move, and some thoughts that were about to move were just like the misty smoke rising, and completely dissipated not long after they were formed.

As for the achievements of South City Wall, it will not take long for the news to spread throughout the town. Chen Bugu also achieved the high-profile effect that Liu Chengfeng wanted.

The tide of beasts has receded, and now is the chance to leave.

A hundred miles around Obsidian Town is a huge and desolate wilderness, covered with gravel, weeds, lonely trees and stray monsters.

Occasionally, you can see small and medium-sized water pools. The surrounding areas of the water pools are lush and lush, with abundant forest and grass, and are full of vitality. They attract awakened people and attract high-level monsters at the same time.

Heading all the way to the southeast, after a hundred miles, you will enter a hilly area that stretches for hundreds of miles. The terrain here progresses from low to high levels, and the undulations gradually increase, eventually leading to the bottom of an endless cliff. Above the cliff, there is The territory of Gaotian City.

At his current speed and the distance in his memory, if he goes all out, he can enter Gaotian City in about four or five days.

This time going to Gaotian City, Chen Bugu had two main goals.

The first step is to enter the city, use the power of the boundary stone to break through, and enter Silver.

The second item is to look for Bai Ting and others, then find a place to stay in Gaotian City, and then make plans for the future.

In fact, there was a third item, which was a task Liu Chengfeng entrusted him with, but Chen Bugu ignored it automatically.

Liu Chengfeng once asked Chen Bugu if he would return to Obsidian Town after finding Bai Ting and others.

After thinking for a while, Chen Bugu shook his head.

With his current strength, it would be good to hide in Obsidian Town and grow up obscenely, but he still has many questions that remain unanswered.

About the truth about this doomsday, about the intelligence obtained by the army in advance, about the top of the Towering Tree, and about the mysterious voice in his mind...

The experience and lessons from his previous life made him very clear that strength is the most effective guarantee for everything, and his strength, on the vast Zero Realm Continent, was far from enough to protect himself.

Obsidian Town can be his starting point in this continent, but it can never be the end.

Liu Chengfeng also understood this truth, but he was unwilling to leave until Obsidian Town completely became the human race's stronghold.

So, he handed the task to Chen Bugu, hoping that Chen Bugu could help find clues to return to Earth. After all, since Obsidian Town found nothing, he could only place his hope on Gaotian City.

It's just that until the end of his last life, Chen Bugu had never heard of anyone finding clues to returning to Earth, so he didn't have much confidence in it.

All he can do now is to survive first, continuously improve his strength, and then learn as much as possible about the truth of this world.

The military must have more information inside, but he didn't have many opportunities to contact the military before the concentrated catastrophe 10 months later.

But, at least there is a goal and more options.

After several hours of trekking, Chen Bugu arrived at the edge of the plain. At this time, the sky was completely dark.

In the distance, layers of hills and mountains undulate in the night, and at the end of these mountains is the area of ​​Gaotian City.

Chen Bugu stopped and lit a fire to rest.

Although the wind and noise are lonely in the plain, the advantage is that it has a wide field of vision. If there is danger, you can predict it in time.

After eating the food, Chen Bugu took out the beast crystal of the Earth Fire Salamander and used [Crack] to absorb it, but he still couldn't get any energy feedback.

In the late period of the last life, as a large number of humans entered the Zero Realm, some theories began to become popular.

One of them is the "container theory".

At the black iron level, the human body is like a hard container. After killing the monster, the plundered energy naturally fills this container, and then every time it reaches a height, a breakthrough will be completed.

However, when reaching the peak of the Black Iron Nine Stars, this container has been filled with energy. If you continue to obtain energy, it will only overflow in vain, and you will not be able to complete the breakthrough.

This is exactly what happened to Chen Bugu. Whether he killed the Earth Fire Salamander or cracked the beast crystal, he could no longer gain energy.

In extreme cases such as killing the Black Turtle, the violent energy was forced into its body, and the energy could not escape in time. It would only make the "container" full of cracks and eventually completely shattered.

It is precisely because of the existence of the "container theory" that Chen Bugu and Liu Chengfeng have always been trapped at the peak of Nine Stars, unable to make any progress.

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