After I Die I Will Decipher Everything

Chapter 68 Chen Bugu Loses His Composure

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Chen Bugu was sweating profusely, his eyes were shining with silver light, and the short blade in his right hand formed a series of afterimages, finally chipping away at the ice at his feet.

Without enough time to deal with the ice on his feet, he hurriedly moved forward two steps, then took a few meteorite crystals from the ground and put them into the storage ring.

After putting away the Starfall Crystal, Chen Bugu instinctively felt irritated for some reason, and his mind was very confused.

Forcibly suppressing the irritation in his heart, he looked at the pile of rocks he had discovered earlier. The branches and leaves on the pile of rocks had long been wrapped in ice slag. Seven of the eight Warcraft eggs had been completely broken. Through the broken eggshells, Chen Bu could see Gu saw bright red blood intertwined with black mist, and the body of the unborn snapping turtle was soaked in blood that was about to freeze.

The eighth egg has begun to show cracks on its surface and may soon follow in the footsteps of its siblings.

Chen Bugu looked at the huge pothole behind him. Water was still gushing out continuously. Another layer of water quickly accumulated on the ice under his feet, and there was a faint black mist lingering on the water. This black mist and those The black mist pouring out of the cracks on the surface of the monster egg looks very similar.

However, Chen Bugu had no time to think about this. He had the Star Meteor Crystal, but he didn't want the egg anymore. There was an ice-armored snapping turtle less than 20 meters away from him, and he had to escape.

Chen Bugu entered "bullet time" again, but he discovered a serious problem within a few steps.

Looking down, I saw that my ankle was turning purple from the cold, my right foot was completely numb, and I had no feeling at all.

Chen Bugu decisively used "backtracking"!

The power of time enveloped him again, and Chen Bugu's whole body was exuding faint silver light spots. He felt his own changes. The blood color and sensation in his right ankle began to return. His sore right arm also began to return to normal, and his mental strength quickly returned. Restored to before Chen Bugu chopped the Star Meteor Crystal.

At the same time, the ice-armored snapping turtle had already seen the tragic scene of broken shells on the stone pile, and it was stunned for a moment in a very humane manner. Chen Bugu looked at it and suddenly had a bad guess - were these eggs still good before the ice-armored snapping turtle left?


Sure enough, after the ice-armored snapping turtle reacted, it roared to the sky. The ice pick on its back seemed to come alive, began to grow and became sharper, and then charged towards Chen Bugu again.

On the other side, Lin Xiaoxiao also joined the battle. Four cold iron darts surrounded the ice-armored snapping turtle and launched attacks one after another, but unfortunately they failed to break through the defense.

Lin Xiaoxiao remembered that Chen Bugu said that the weak point of this monster was the exposed tortoise shell in the center of the abdomen, but it was not easy to control the cold iron dart to fly in from the bottom of the ice-armored snapping turtle and accurately hit that small piece of exposed tortoise shell. easy.

The bottom of the ice-armored snapping turtle was also covered with ice. Several times, Lin Xiaoxiao's cold iron darts had hit the ice and bounced off before it reached the center of its abdomen. Lin Xiaoxiao has tried many times without success.

Bai Ting and Yan Kuan's attacks had no effect on the ice-armored snapping turtle. They also felt that it was just an iron plate and could not be "chewed" at all.

At this moment, there is still some distance between Lao Liu and Lin Ye and Chen Bugu.

Although the ice-armored snapping turtle is not a speed-type monster, the Black Iron Five-Star is still faster than them.

Chen Bugu felt very good when he used "Recall" for the first time. Except that the skill cooldown was not reset, his physical condition basically returned to 10 seconds ago.

What amazed him most was that his mental state seemed to be able to go back. The most obvious thing was the change in mood. The inexplicable anxiety disappeared, and Chen Bugu calmed down again.

He looked at the ice-armored snapping turtle charging menacingly in front of him, calmly entered bullet time, and ducked sideways in time when the ice-armored snapping turtle rushed towards him, and raised the [Wind Short Blade] towards the snapping turtle's right hind leg with all his strength. The knife slashed down.


Chen Bugu's short blade only split a ring of ice, and it was difficult for him to penetrate any further.

Unable to break defense! He simply put away the knife and took a few steps back.

The ice-armored snapping turtle that missed the attack was obviously even more angry. It turned around, the ice picks on its body fluttered, and all of them were launched in the next second.

There were more than a dozen half-human-sized ice picks, and there were also a lot of smaller ice picks, shooting towards Chen Bugu overwhelmingly.

Chen Bugu entered "bullet time" and after seeing clearly the trajectories of all the ice picks, he naturally found the safe area.

However, just as he was about to finish dodging, he suddenly discovered that one of the ice picks landed on the pile of rocks, and at this time the last snapping turtle egg shook slightly.

Is this ice-armored snapping turtle crazy? That egg is obviously not dead yet!

Chen Bugu rushed directly to the pile of rocks, reached out and hugged the last snapping turtle egg, put it in his arms, and then quickly rolled forward.

The next moment, a huge ice pick fell on the original pile of rocks, and the broken eggshells were scattered by the ice pick.

Chen Bugu looked back and saw that none of the broken monster eggs were left at this moment, leaving only some frozen blood and broken ice rolling down to Chen Bugu's feet.

Chen Bugu felt inexplicably anxious again. He looked at the ice-armored snapping turtle, and for a moment he had the urge to go up and fight the beast.

"Chen Bugu!"

Lao Liu's shout interrupted Chen Bugu's thoughts. He turned around and saw Lao Liu floating in the sky not far away, and he had stopped at this moment.

"I'm fine, let's go!"

Chen Bugu shouted, and when Lao Liu saw that he was fine, he turned around and retreated.

While the ice pick on the back of the ice-armored snapping turtle was growing back, Chen Bugu suppressed his anxiety, hugged the snapping turtle egg, and started "bullet time" to run back.

Lin Ye saw Lao Liu Fei coming back, and Chen Bugu turned into an afterimage and quickly approached him.

"Teacher Lin, let's go!"

Chen Bugu's voice arrived first before the ancients arrived.

He didn't know what was wrong. Ever since the ice-armored snapping turtle released that large-scale skill, he felt a little irritable. At this moment, seeing Lao Liu and Lin Ye coming to rescue him, not only was he not happy at all, but he felt dragged down.

The ice pick on the ice-armored snapping turtle behind him had grown back, and it roared towards Chen Bugu and the others again.

The Snow Antelope's level is too low and its speed is too slow. Even if "Snow Stepping" is turned on, the distance between it and the Ice-armored Snapping Turtle is constantly getting closer.

Lin Ye wanted to summon another tame beast to stop the ice-armored snapping turtle, but was unexpectedly stopped by Chen Bugu.

"Let the Snow Black Antelope run to the side, and I will take you away!"

After hearing this, Lin Ye jumped off the Snow Antelope's back decisively and gave it instructions.

Then, he felt something being stuffed into his arms. Then, one hand pressed on his cervical spine, and the other hand pressed on his back and pushed diagonally upward.

The wind whistled in his ears, and Lin Ye felt his feet leave the ground. The scenery in front of him changed rapidly. After three or four seconds, he returned to everyone.

"Xu Lu, I got the stuff! Let's go!"

After Chen Bugu shouted, he realized that the stream had completely frozen, and the feet of two or three soldiers were still trapped in the ice. Wang Bin was using fireballs to burn the ice, but the effect didn't seem to be good.

Bai Ting, Yan Kuan, Lin Xiaoxiao and Li You and other soldiers were restraining another ice-armored snapping turtle.

"What did you do, and why is that monster still chasing you?"

Xu Lu looked at Chen Bugu and Lin Ye, or she looked at the egg in Lin Ye's arms.

It's not like they haven't tested the Ice-armored Snapping Turtle. As long as they stay away from the Starfall Crystal, the two monsters will stop chasing them.

But, what now?

The Star Meteor Crystal was chopped to pieces by Chen Bugu, and the two ice-armored snapping turtles were not determined to die. It was clear that they did not look like they would let them go easily.

"Shut the fuck up! I didn't do that!"

Chen Bugu glanced at Xu Lu coldly, and then shouted.

Xu Lu was frightened by the reaction of the man in front of her. She didn't know why Chen Bugu was so angry.

Lin Lin was also a little worried on one side. She had never seen Chen Bugu like this before.

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he seemed to realize that something was not right with him. He suppressed his anxiety and hurriedly walked to Lin Lin's side.

"Lin Lin, use holy light! Something's not right with me!"

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