Lao Liu was floating in the air and felt pain on his back.

An ice pick the size of a palm pierced his back, but he still gritted his teeth and drove [Left] with all his strength.

He lowered his head and saw Chen Bugu and Lin Ye swiftly passing below him, and he couldn't help feeling a little envious.

That guy's superpower is really buggy. It's like a movie protagonist with a "fast forward" function, controlling his own rhythm at any time.

Lao Liu was very excited when he broke through to the Black Iron Samsung, because the speed of [floating] had increased a lot, and he even felt like he was flying.

He is like a bird described by the poet, able to fly across eternity without the trouble of getting lost.

But even so, as the monsters he encountered became stronger and stronger, he realized that he was just an ordinary sparrow. He could not move even when encountering a storm, nor could he fly high or fast.

At this moment, the ice-armored snapping turtle was no slower than him.

Lao Liu saw that some soldiers had started shooting with guns to stop the second ice-armored snapping turtle.

He also saw that Chen Bugu seemed to be arguing with the female professor.

Lao Liu knew that all the monster eggs were broken into pieces, and the only one that was still intact was rescued by Chen Bugu.

In this case, will these snapping turtles let them go?

Seeing Chen Bugu walk to sit next to Lin Lin, Lin Lin stretched out her hands and used [Holy Light].

Old Liu was slightly startled, then realized that no matter how strong Chen Bugu was, he was still injured in that situation.

But the ice-armored snapping turtle didn't have much time left for them. No matter how powerful Lin Lin's [Holy Light] was, Chen Bugu couldn't be cured in three or four seconds.

Thinking of this, Lao Liu raised the [Linked Heart Crossbow], aimed at the head of the ice-armored snapping turtle, injected spiritual power, and activated "Linked Heart".

One white and one red, two arrows broke through the wind, aiming straight at the head of the ice-armored snapping turtle and shooting away.


After a muffled sound, the first arrow broke through half of the ice armor on the snapping turtle's head.

The second red energy arrow smashed the remaining defense line.

Unfortunately, after breaking through the ice armor, the energy arrow only pierced a little of the ice-armored snapping turtle's skin, and did not even cause a serious wound.

The snapping turtle didn't even pay any attention to Lao Liu, and the broken ice above his head was slowly closing again under the power of magic power.

Old Liu's face looked ugly.

Sure enough, he should return the [Lianxin Crossbow] to Chen Bugu.

Chen Bugu's attack power is the strongest among them. Only he can exert the greatest power of the "Heart-to-Heart" skill.

But every time when Lao Liu said that he wanted to hand back the weapon, Chen Bugu always refused, saying that he was a reconnaissance, the most dangerous character in the team, and had the [Levitation] power, so it would be best to give this weapon to him. suitable.

But it turned out that this weapon was unable to exert its maximum power in his hands. Even the "Lian Xin" he used couldn't stop the snapping turtle at all.

Chen Bugu didn't know what Lao Liu was thinking. At this moment, he was shrouded in [Holy Light], and his anxiety seemed to be relieved slightly.

"Lian Xin" broke through the sky, and he naturally saw it.

The ice-armored snapping turtle's defense was not broken, which was within his expectation.

Warcraft such as ice-armored snapping turtles are inherently good at defense. Even for awakened beings of the same level who are good at attacking, it is not easy to break through their defenses.

If it's not broken, it's not broken. This is normal. What worries Chen Bugu is that Lao Liu was injured?

There was an ice pick the size of a palm stuck on his back, and the clothes near the wound were already wet with warm blood.

what's the situation? Based on the height at which Lao Liu was floating, the ice-armored snapping turtle shouldn't be able to attack Lao Liu unless he used the move just now.

etc? That move just now?

Chen Bugu remembered that after he rescued the egg, he looked up and saw Lao Liu.

From this point of view, Lao Liu did not completely escape the wave of ice cones.

He looked up at Lao Liu at that time and did not notice the condition of Lao Liu's back at all.

At this moment, Lao Liu was slowly falling towards them. His "Heart-to-Heart" arrow did not cause much damage. The second ice-armored snapping turtle had already entered the crowd, and the situation on the battlefield suddenly became unbearable. optimism.

Chen Bugu stood up and picked up the [Short Wind Blade].

"Wait a minute, there is a strange energy in your body that I haven't completely dispelled yet." Lin Lin said quickly when she saw Chen Bugu standing up again.

Although the treatment only lasted a few seconds, Lin Lin was certain that Chen Bugu was in something wrong.

There is a strange energy in his body that is as hard to expel as a tarsal maggot.

Although the Holy Light is effective, it takes more time to completely remove it.

"There's no time. You help Master Liu and Teacher Lin treat them, and I'll stop that monster."

After Chen Bugu finished speaking, he walked to Xu Lu again.

"Professor Xu, no matter what trump card you have, you'd better take it out quickly. Your soldiers are still trapped in the ice. We can't withdraw today. Let's fight."

Although she was unhappy with Chen Bugu's previous attitude, Xu Lu admitted that what this man said was right.

A soldier from the second platoon had already been injured in the battle with the ice-armored snapping turtle. She was also very anxious, but what other trump cards did she have?

Old Liu fell next to Chen Bugu and smiled bitterly.

"Sorry, 'Lian Xin' was wasted."

Chen Bugu looked at Lao Liu and wanted to care about his injury, but his inexplicable anxiety made him only say four words coldly.

"Treat first."

After saying that, Chen Bugu ignored Xu Lu and Lao Liu. He mentioned the [Short Wind Blade] and rushed forward immediately. The addition of the second ice-armored snapping turtle had quickly put Bai Ting and others at a disadvantage.

Lin Lin hurriedly came to Lao Liu and began to treat him.

"Master Liu, don't worry, Chen Bugu has a strange energy in his body, that's why he is like this."

Lin Lin opened her mouth to explain Chen Bugu.

"We risked our lives to save him. What does his attitude mean?"

Before Lao Liu spoke, Lin Ye came over and said angrily.

The deep voice reached Lin Lin's ears, and she was stunned. Teacher Lin was usually very gentle, but she had never heard this tone before.

With the addition of Chen Bugu, the pressure on Yan Kuan and others was greatly reduced, but the situation did not get any better.

The inability to break through the defense means that the long battle only consumes their mental energy, and sooner or later they will fall back into a disadvantage.

Chen Bugu was also very agitated at the moment. Whether it was the fireball technique or the [Short Wind Blade], his attacks could not effectively kill the snapping turtle in front of him.

To seriously injure the monster in front of you, you can still only attack the Mingmen, which is the exposed turtle shell in the center of the abdomen.

Others also understand this truth. Yan Kuan and Lin Xiaoxiao have been trying before, but unfortunately they have failed.

Lin Xiaoxiao's cold iron dart has not yet reached the point where it can be used as an arm.

Yan Kuan's ground thorn is feasible, but after the stream freezes, both the air and the ground are filled with a large amount of ice elements, and other elements become extremely thin, which causes Yan Kuan's [Earth Element] to be greatly restricted.

The power of his skills was greatly weakened, and even if the ground spurs bombarded the exposed turtle shell, it would not be able to cause enough damage.

But the most frustrating thing is Bai Ting. The pure ice on the ice-armored snapping turtle cannot conduct electricity, and his lightning is almost useless.

Chen Bugu gritted his teeth and decided to take the risk. He rushed towards the ice-armored snapping turtle. The moment he approached, his eyes flashed with purple light and his "mental shock" was activated.

Taking advantage of the ice-armored snapping turtle's dazed moment, he activated "bullet time", and a sliding shovel rushed under the ice-armored snapping turtle.

The dense ice under the tortoise shell scratched blood marks on Chen Bugu's skin. He endured the pain and raised the [Short Wind Blade] and stabbed it towards the exposed tortoise shell.

Seeing that the [Short Wind Blade] was about to pierce the exposed turtle shell, Chen Bugu suddenly found that the "ceiling" in front of him began to drop.

Did this guy regain consciousness so quickly?

It wants to crush me to death!

Two thoughts quickly flashed through Chen Bugu's mind.

He didn't dare to take the gamble and hurriedly rolled sideways and slipped out from under the ice-armored snapping turtle.


As soon as Chen Bugu rolled out from under the ice-armored snapping turtle, he felt the earth tremble, and dust and ice chips hit his face.

After continuing to use "bullet time" to close the distance, Chen Bugu raised his head again, only to find that the ice picks on the backs of the two ice-armored snapping turtles had all stood up and were shaking slightly.

That trick is coming again!


Chen Bugu's reminder was drowned in the sound of ice picks breaking in the wind.

On the backs of the two ice-armored snapping turtles, countless ice cones were erupting into the sky.

Everyone looked up at the same time and saw countless crystal clear blue ice cones shining in the sun. They were as bright and beautiful as sapphires, but silently flashed the cold light of death.

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