The overwhelming ice cones pierced the air, roaring and flying towards everyone.

Chen Bugu immediately entered "bullet time". At this moment, the overwhelming ice cones had reached five or six meters above their heads.

The number of these ice picks was twice that of the wave he faced before, and he had realized that many people would be injured under this attack.

Wrapped by the power of time, Chen Bugu turned around and found that almost everyone was within the attack range.

Including Bai Ting, Yan Kuan, Lin Xiaoxiao, Lao Liu and others were standing in the flight path of the ice cone.

The "electric knife" transformed into Bai Ting's right hand has already made a forward slashing posture.

Yan Kuan squatted on the ground, and the earth boots on his feet flashed with green light. It could be seen that the "Earth Mother" had been activated. He pressed his hands on the ground, his face was pale and he was sweating profusely. Stone walls were slowly rising in front of everyone.

Unfortunately, at this rate, the stone wall cannot cover everyone.

At least, the ice pick as thick as an arm heading towards Lin Xiaoxiao's chest would definitely not be able to stop it.

With no time to hesitate, Chen Bugu had no choice but to quickly pounce on Lin Xiaoxiao who was closest to him.

Sure enough, when the ice pick was less than 50 centimeters away from Lin Xiaoxiao's chest, the wide stone wall was just higher than Lin Xiaoxiao's thigh.

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with blue light. She had used her thoughts to the extreme, but the force and speed of those ice picks were too strong, and the large transparent net she weaved with her thoughts was instantly pierced.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked desperate as she watched the ice pick stabbing her chest.

The next second, she felt herself being knocked down by a huge force, and the scenery in front of her changed instantly.

Huge ice picks pierced the ground and human bodies, and the splashed gravel was followed by screams.

Lin Xiaoxiao was pinned down by Chen Bugu. Normally, with her character, she would definitely scold Chen Bugu.

But now, she just looked blankly at a young warrior not far away from her.

One second, he was fighting side by side with Lin Xiaoxiao, but now he was kneeling on the ground and screaming. His arms were completely cut off from the elbow joint down, and the blood in the wound was quickly frozen by the contaminated ice slag.

The soldier's two forearms fell into Lin Xiaoxiao's hands.

Chen Bugu raised his head and saw that many people had fallen. Fortunately, Bai Ting, Yan Kuan and Lao Liu were all fine.

Lao Liu was fine thanks to Lin Lin, who opened the energy shield attached to the [Goblin's Bone Staff] in time.

Almost all of the wide stone walls were shattered by the ice picks, but the impact of the ice picks was also mitigated, so many people avoided fatal injuries.

But even so, at least five or six soldiers had ice picks pierced through their chests and were nailed to the ground. They probably wouldn't survive.

Chen Bugu looked at the two ice-armored snapping turtles again and found that the ice picks on their backs had regenerated at this moment. He wanted to stand up and divert one of them away before they could launch the next attack.

He could dodge the large-scale icicle rain using bullet time, but others could not.

The two ice-armored snapping turtles releasing that skill together were too lethal. If they did it again, his team would probably suffer casualties as well.

Just when Chen Bugu was about to stand up, he suddenly felt a resistance from his wrist.

He looked down and saw Lin Xiaoxiao's trembling hands tightly grasping his wrist. Her face was a little pale, her pupils were unfocused, and her breathing was a little short.

Chen Bugu frowned slightly, looked at the two broken arms on the ground, and suddenly understood.

But he didn't have the time or the mood to comfort Lin Xiaoxiao, so he just forced Lin Xiaoxiao's hand away.

Lin Xiaoxiao's hand was forcibly opened, and she watched Chen Bugu stand up again. He faced the light, his back to her, and he grasped the short blade again with his right hand.

Before rushing out, he spoke in an indifferent tone, turned his back to Lin Xiaoxiao, and said only three words.

"stand up!"

Looking at Chen Bugu's back, and then at the soldiers who were raising their guns again to shoot, Lin Xiaoxiao's breathing gradually calmed down. She gritted her teeth and stood up, and the cold iron dart circled her again and rotated rapidly.

Cai Tianze was sweating profusely. He knelt on the ground. The severe pain almost made him faint. His arms had disappeared from the elbow down, and he could no longer raise the gun.

A soldier who cannot lift a gun.

Oh, he is useless!

"stand up".

A man's cold voice came to his ears. He raised his head and saw that the man who had embarrassed the professor picked up a short knife again and rushed out.

He also saw the girl controlling the darts, standing not far away, her hands obviously shaking uncontrollably, but she still walked forward slowly.

In addition, he also saw his comrades. He quickly rejoined the battle and launched an attack on the two giant tortoise monsters without even having time to wipe the blood off their bodies.

"Tianze, you will always be the pride of your parents."

Cai Tianze didn't know why, but he suddenly remembered what his mother said in tears on the day he enlisted in the army.

He smiled bitterly, bit the military dagger that fell on the ground with his teeth, and stood up just like the man said.

Chen Bugu naturally didn't know that his words had changed the mood of the two people at the same time. At this moment, he was constantly harassing one of the ice-armored snapping turtles with fireballs, attracting it to run towards the frozen stream.

He suddenly had an idea about how to break the exposed shell in the center of the ice-armored snapping turtle's abdomen.

When the ice-armored snapping turtle also came to the frozen water, Chen Bugu turned around and stopped.

He doesn't have much mental energy left and must find a way to end this battle as soon as possible. So he repeated his old trick. After the mental shock was activated, he rushed towards the ice-armored snapping turtle again. After the distance was shortened, he quickly started bullet time and rushed under the ice-armored snapping turtle with a sliding shovel.

The smooth ice surface greatly reduced the friction of the body, and Chen Bugu turned into an afterimage and flashed past the ice-armored snapping turtle.

The purple light and silver light in his eyes overlapped. Under bullet time, he activated the deduction with all his strength to adjust the position of the [Short Wind Blade] in his hand.

In the eyes of others, his whole body turned into a cold light, holding the knife and quickly swiping under the body of the ice-armored snapping turtle, and then rushed out from the tail.

After Chen Bugu slipped out, he quickly pierced the short blade of the wind into the ice to achieve the effect of slowing down. After he stopped, the blood stained on the blade also dripped on the ice along the blade.

The ice-armored snapping turtle suddenly howled miserably, and the ice crystals on its body were suddenly filled with cracks.

Successfully breached the defense!

Chen Bugu hurriedly got up from the ground and used "Wind Stab" to quickly close the distance.

This time, the knife in his hand pierced the ice crystals on the ice-armored snapping turtle.

Chen Bugu turned on bullet time, and countless knife shadows overlapped and enveloped the ice-armored snapping turtle.

With the last knife, Chen Bugu stabbed towards the top of the ice-armored snapping turtle's head. The originally hard ice armor on the top of the head was now easily split like paper. The tiny wound that Lao Liu had previously opened with "Lian Xin" was exposed. In front of Chen Bugu.

The blade slid smoothly along the wound, and the huge snapping turtle could no longer stand and collapsed.

Chen Bugu's hands pressed the short blade of the wind and inserted it into the top of the ice-armored snapping turtle's skull. He gasped and felt a warm energy entering his body.

On the other side, Lin Xiaoxiao did not directly return to the battle. After she calmed down, she went to find Xu Lu.

"You want a grenade?"

Xu Lu was stunned for a moment, and then her face showed joy. She instantly understood what Lin Xiaoxiao was thinking.

"Platoon Captain Li! Grenade! Do we have any more grenades?"

Xu Lu ran towards Li You, shouting loudly as she ran.

"Professor Xu, most of our grenades were lost in the Cataclysm. Currently, I am the only one with two left in the team."

Li You stopped shooting. He looked at Lin Xiaoxiao, who was following Xu Lu, and suddenly understood something. After all, he was also present when Chen Bugu talked about the weaknesses of those monsters.

Without any hesitation, Li You took out the last two grenades.

"Hold the handle, pull out the needle, and wait for the grenade to explode."

Li You handed the grenade to Lin Xiaoxiao.


Lin Xiaoxiao nodded, and two grenades flew out of Li You's hands, flying straight towards the ice-armored snapping turtle not far away.

Lin Xiaoxiao activated [Nian] with all her strength, and controlled two grenades to fly into the bottom of the ice-armored snapping turtle, passing through a pile of ice.

Seeing this, the people among them retreated, putting some distance between themselves and the ice-armored snapping turtle.

After the grenade reached the center of the abdomen, Lin Xiaoxiao activated [Nian] with more difficulty, letting the grenade move against the turtle plate until at a certain moment, it dented upward.

The safety bolt was pulled out, the handle fell off, and the firing pin fell.

The ice-armored snapping turtle seemed to feel something and moved his body quickly, but the two small gadgets stuck to his vital door followed him like a shadow.

Until a heat wave came from the abdomen, the ice-armored snapping turtle howled miserably, and its huge body fell to the ground with a crash, and the ice armor on its body was covered with cracks like glass.

Looking at those dead comrades, Li You, who was silent along the way, roared angrily.


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