After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1797: Eight groups

Seeing the inheritance opened, Li Zhedang turned into a stream of light, and flew towards the inheritance.

It was the moment Li Zhe was about to arrive in front of the chaotic turbulent flow outside this heritage land, the chaotic turbulent flow suddenly surged.

This sudden surging directly caused Li Zhe's expression to stagnate, and he subconsciously stopped.

There is no way, the energy level of this chaotic turbulence is much higher than the spiritual power, if Li Zhe is swept by this turbulence, it would be very dangerous.

After all, this is not the bottom of the sea, and you can escape downstream if you are swept away by the turbulence.

The current turbulence here has formed a circular shield, which may still be aggressive.

It was the moment when Li Zhe's figure stopped, a small vortex appeared in every direction on top of this turbulent current.

Although Li Zhe could not see behind the huge shield, based on the regular distribution of the vortex, Li Zhe could probably guess that there were eight vortexes in all!

Immediately afterwards, the vortex suddenly burst, and several streams of light flew from the direction of the land!

The speed of that streamer is extremely fast, even in the Purple Mansion Realm, it is impossible to have such a speed without using the space technique!

Li Zhe's eyes narrowed slightly, this place was the sea without any obstacles.

Rao is that the streamer is extremely fast, but Li Zhe can barely see the situation in the streamer when the streamer is still dozens of miles away.

I saw that within each streamer were two people wrapped, one of them was standing in front, holding a palm-sized scale!

If you want to come, that is the inheritance token of this dragon soul formation!

Li Zhe squinted his eyes slightly. There are eight streams in total. In other words, Li Zhe has 16 competitors in this inheritance!

And those who can come here are bound to cultivate the same vein. Under these circumstances, Li Zhe's swordsmanship may not be able to perform well.

After all, Li Zhe has learned about Li Xiu's toughness from Qing Yuan and Qing Yiqian.

"Sixteen people, it still seems a little challenging..."

Li Zhe looked at the streamer and murmured.

And just for this instant of time, the streamer had directly fallen on the vortex that appeared on the chaotic turbulence.

Immediately afterwards, everyone entered into this inheritance.

Li Zhe also took a deep breath, and directly found a place where there was no whirlpool and leaned over.

Only the moment Li Zhe approached the surrounding chaotic turbulence, Li Zhe's pupils suddenly condensed, and a sense of crisis hit him instantly.

Immediately afterwards, above the originally calm chaotic turbulence, several turbulences suddenly surged towards Li Zhe!

Li Zhe was slightly startled, but he did not hide, but at this moment, he started his dragon breath technique.

With the operation of the Dragon Breath Technique, the monk's aura from Li Zhe's body was instantly concealed, and turned into the unique pressure of the dragon!

As soon as this Longwei came out, the original turbulent turbulence suddenly slowed down, and then turned into a very soft appearance, wrapping Li Zhe in it.

Immediately afterwards, the turbulent flow was a twitch, directly pulling Li Zhe into this heritage!

At the same time, Dongzhou has nine doors.

A group of people from the Nine Great Sects are already concentrated in front of the mountain gate of the Nine Sects. Only when the Pisces Jade Pei Jade in the hands of that Sect Master gets the wave of the Ziyu, everyone will directly rush to the inheritance!

It was about a quarter of an hour after the Liu brothers were attracted by inheritance from the sect.

The mother jade in the master's hand also suddenly lit up with a faint light at this moment!

As soon as this light came out, everyone on the scene lifted their expressions and looked at their sect master with expectation.

The master also held the mother jade, slowly closed his eyes, and quietly felt the breath coming from above.

It didn't take long before he opened his eyes slowly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "The heritage has not changed, and it is still above the East China Sea!"

The moment the voice fell, everyone turned into a dodge, and flew towards the East China Sea instantly!

At this moment, within the land of inheritance.

The Liu brothers stood in front of a flat ground, surrounded by forests of blue rocks, which was similar to the formation of their own patriarch.

The two looked at each other. After Liu Xuanfei threw the crushed Ziyu on the ground, he walked towards the formation with his brother.

In the entire inheritance, there is now a small city the size of a small city, and the 16 people who entered are also separated and landed in various formations.

But they are all like the Liu brothers, with a confident smile on their faces. After all, they have been memorizing this formation during this period of time.

At the same time, Li Zhe also recovered from the chaotic turbulence.

He took a deep breath, raised his head, and looked around.

At this moment, it is still the same as his previous formation in the sea, with green rocks everywhere.

The only difference is that the semi-circular blue rock has disappeared.

Obviously this is the reason for the formation of the formation, which has caused the intensity of the formation to be improved a bit. It is no longer the same as before, and there is an obvious reference.

Now all the Qingyan around Li Zhe are almost exactly the same, but in the details, they are all similar!

However, since this formation opened the back door for the Dragon Clan, Li Zhe naturally didn't have to care about these things.

I saw Li Zhe surrounded by a strong dragon breath, and walked straight forward.

In fact, this formation is not too complicated. It's just that under the action of the formation, if you don't follow the correct route, you will ignore the cultivation level, make people lose the sense of direction, and keep spinning in place.

But this formation didn't take effect on Li Zhe, so Li Zhe could walk flat in this formation.

It is said that since Li Zhe has such shortcuts, he should naturally enter this formation first and find a way to gain inheritance.

But Li Zhe didn't think so, he still wanted to take the opportunity to see what kind of people his opponents were.

Soon, Li Zhe walked to the center of this formation, and further forward, he would walk out of the range of these blue rocks, leave the formation, and walk to the gate formed by the two dragon spine.

At this moment, on the stone tablet in front of the door, the word "Dragon Body" was shining brightly, and I could faintly perceive the dragon power emanating from it.

And above the meniscus gate formed by the two dragon spine, there is a faint light.

There was an aura of space attached to the light. I thought that after entering it, it was possible to pass the formation to reach the real inheritance space.

At this moment, Li Zhe was hiding behind a piece of blue rock at the very edge of this central open space.

He has now temporarily stopped the dragon's breath technique, and when he got here, this formation would naturally not take effect anymore.

Li Zhe directly wrapped himself completely in it with a forbidden spirit, and waited here quietly.

What he wants is to see all his opponents first, remember his strong opponents, and find the weakest opponent!

Li Zhe's purpose is to solve the weakest two first, and then see from each other's mouth to see if there is any information he didn't know.

Time passed slowly, and after Li Zhe arrived, in less than three minutes, two people walked out of the opposite Qingyan.

"So fast..."

Li Zhe squinted slightly, thinking silently in his heart.

You know, the reason why Li Zhe can be so fast is because he can ignore the formation, and this is how he can get here quickly.

And everyone except Li Zhe can only get out after breaking the formation.

This is so, the opponent's speed is only three minutes slower than Li Zhe, enough to see the strength of the opponent!

Just as Li Zhe thought, these two people are both the peak strength of the initial stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, and one step away is to reach the middle of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Even Li Zhe can faintly perceive that one of them can clearly break through to the mid-term, but he has forcibly suppressed his cultivation!

Such strength should not be underestimated.

The dressing of these two people is also very special. Both of them are wearing black light armor. Behind them, they are carrying a one-person-sized black wooden box, which looks extremely strange.

After the two arrived here, they just glanced around quietly, and then walked into the dragon's back arch with a tacit understanding!

If it weren't for this dragon soul formation, in addition to the rules and regulations, private fights are prohibited, I am afraid the two people may even directly block here, kill them all before entering!

After watching the two enter the archway, Li Zhe also silently recorded the two in his heart. Li Zhe would not choose to fight with these two as a last resort.

In a twinkling of an eye, it was time to stick an incense stick again, and the Liu brothers also appeared in Li Zhe's sight.

Apart from the fact that the two brothers are very similar in appearance, there is not much surprise.

However, Li Zhe knew that they were like brothers, fighting together, that degree of tacit understanding would add a lot to their strength, and it was also a difficult opponent to deal with.

After the Liu brothers left, only less than a minute passed before they walked out again.

These two people are very strange, one tall and one short, one fat and the other thin. The tall thin man and the short fat man seem to be extremely different.

Moreover, the auras of the two were extremely strange, and Li Zhe even had difficulty seeing each other's cultivation!

However, the highest person who can come here is only the initial cultivation base of the Nascent Infant Realm. Although it is weird, there is no need to worry too much.

Except for these three groups of six people, the next ones are not too strong.

At least the strength displayed by their aura was not enough to make Li Zhe fear.

At this moment, Li Zhe has passed seven groups of candidates, and only the last group is left. Out of caution, Li Zhe still waited quietly.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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