After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1798: Scarlet Fire Lotus

As the seven groups of people entered the inheritance, outside this inheritance place, it also became exceptionally quiet.

Because of the chaotic turbulence, even the sea breeze cannot come in.

There was no sound in the entire space, so quiet that Li Zhe could even hear the sound of his own breathing.

"Don't wait, I should be the last one."

Just at this moment, behind Li Zhe, a flat voice suddenly came.

Hearing this voice, Li Zhe's eyebrows condensed for an instant, and he turned his head and looked behind him.

Behind him, a man in white clothes was looking at him quietly, with a slight smile on his mouth.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, and slowly stood upright, looking at the other person indifferently: "You're not bad, this body is concealed, I almost never found you."

Li Zhe had been in a state of concealment because he was worried about being discovered by others.

Under these circumstances, it is naturally impossible for Li Zhe to release his spiritual knowledge to explore his surroundings.

But this is the case, the fact that the opponent can get so close so easily already shows that the strength of the opponent is at least as good as that of Li Zhe!

And this person looked at Li Zhe, although his expression was indifferent, but there was a heavy touch on his face.

He could also feel that if he took two steps forward, he would be discovered by Li Zhe, so he chose to speak at this distance and give Li Zhe a predicament in advance.

At this moment, the two seem to be looking at each other calmly, but in fact, they are both quietly looking at each other.

Li Zhe could clearly feel that although the breath of the person in front of him was extremely convergent, but in the vagueness, he could feel a little surprised!

He is very clear that although the opponent is at the same level as himself, he is definitely a master, and even if he is a little careless, I am afraid that he will lose the opponent!

In the same way, not only Li Zhe felt this way, but the man looked at Li Zhe also felt the same way.

He always relied on his excellent talents and always felt that he was invincible in the same realm. Looking at Li Zhe at this moment, it was the first time that he had shaken his mind a little!

"Are you alone?"

Finally, Li Zhe took the lead to speak, breaking the long silence.

"It's like home, like fairy cold."

The man looked at Li Zhe, chuckled lightly, clasped his fists and bowed to Li Zhe, and then declared himself home.

"Li Family, Li Zhe."

Li Zhe also glanced at the other party and said softly.

"Presumably your Excellency should also be aware that you and I are similar in strength. If it is not necessary, in the inheritance, you and I should not fight."

This is as if Xianhan looked at Li Zhe and said slowly.

Listening to Ru Xianhan's words, Li Zhe also squinted his eyes slightly. He knew that the other party's words were already showing a certain degree of weakness. At least, he was unwilling to directly confront him.

"Right on my mind."

Li Zhe also nodded slightly and said slowly to the other party.

Li Zhe has seen all the people involved in the inheritance, and only the person in front of him can give Li Zhe a sense of pressure that is difficult to hostile.

Therefore, since the other party has stated that it is best not to fight, Li Zhe will naturally not refuse.

And when Ru Xianhan saw Li Zhe agree to his words, he also chuckled lightly without saying more.

As the figure walked, there was already a trace of afterimage, and he entered directly into the dragon's back arch.

Until the opponent left, about two or three minutes later, Li Zhe took a deep breath, stepped forward, and also walked into the heritage arch!

After walking in, Li Zhe felt a sense of dizziness after spatial transmission.

After the dizziness appeared, it only lasted for a moment, and Li Zhe felt that he was stepping on a piece of mud.

Li Zhe squinted his eyes slightly, and with a slight movement of his spiritual power, his dizziness was directly resolved.

At this moment, Li Zhe glanced around, only to discover that he was now in a dense forest.

Originally, Li Zhe planned to hide it well and wait until he confirmed the inheritance rules before taking action.

However, in this situation, Li Zhe was not sure where he was and whether anyone was around him.

Therefore, after hesitating, Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness spread out in an instant, directly spreading to the surrounding area within ten miles!

When the divine consciousness spread to this point, Li Zhe frowned slightly, his expression slightly puzzled.

No one existed within ten miles around him, but the dense forest he was in was not big, it happened to be about ten miles away, and Li Zhe was right in the middle of the dense forest.

But such a glance also made Li Zhe at least a little confirmation.

That is, if this inheritance is not divided into multiple spaces, then within this inheritance, the range must be extremely large, at least there will be a range of hundreds of miles.

Otherwise, within ten miles of oneself, it is unlikely that there will be no one else.

"So...what is the goal of this inheritance?"

Li Zhe took a deep breath, leaped slightly, jumped directly onto a tree, and looked around.

Within this heritage, it is quite different from the outside world.

The sky was pale red, and a blood-red sun that was ten times larger than the outside world was hanging in the sky, but the temperature was quite normal.

Just as Li Zhe secretly speculated about the content of this inheritance, everyone else was just like Li Zhe.

After everyone came in, they were divided into different places. If you look from the top of the inheritance, within the entire inheritance, the closest people are separated by more than twenty miles.

And everyone is also extremely cautious, regardless of their respective strengths, after entering, they have always kept their place.

Since this inheritance can be passed on for so long, the content of each trial is different.

After entering, there must be a certain reminder about the content of the inheritance trial.

Everyone at this moment is waiting for the inheritance content to appear.

Time passed slowly, a quarter of an hour after Li Zhe entered this place of inheritance.

The red sun above the sky that was originally very calm suddenly spun slowly.

Along with this rotation, a burst of dazzling light radiated out instantly, and then, above the sun, nine auras flew directly, flying to the respective positions of the people participating in the inheritance in a flash.

A stream of light, now hovering in front of Li Zhe, was a palm-sized bronze mirror.

"The entrance to the inheritance is now closed. There are 17 people participating in the inheritance this time."

It was at this moment that a voice with majesty came from the unknown at this moment, resounding through the entire heritage.

"Huh? Seventeen people?!"

Li Zhe's pupils shrank suddenly, and he muttered in surprise.

In this way, I just missed the existence of a person? ! If the voice in this heritage says that there are nine groups of people, Li Zhe's existence will be directly exposed.

If there is such a person, even if Li Zhe himself could not find out, then...

At this moment, that Ruxianhan was standing quietly on a pond, with one foot on the lotus leaf under his feet.

"Seventeen people, eight ways to escape, besides you, is there anyone else?"

Ru Xianhan narrowed his eyes and muttered in a low voice.

I don't know when a string of Buddhist beads appeared in his hand, twirling it gently.

On each of the Buddha beads, there was a faint light circling gently, as if to indicate something.

At the same time, the majestic voice rang again at this moment.

At this moment, what this voice announced was the rule of this inheritance trial!

"The content of this inheritance trial: Scarlet Fire Lotus."

At the moment when this sound came out, a **** lotus light flashed on the bronze mirror that everyone had just obtained.

Immediately after that, the blood-colored lotus flew out of the bronze mirror and fell onto the bodies of the various monks, forming a lotus mark on the chest!

Li Zhe and Naruxianhan each received a lotus mark.

Except for the two of them, all the other two-by-twos also received a blood lotus mark on their chests!

"Participants each have a blood lotus mark attached to them. Killing others can obtain the blood lotus mark of another person, and the blood lotus mark can also be voluntarily surrendered. If the reporter loses the blood lotus mark, and the inheritance qualification is lost, they will be sent out of the inheritance. "

At this moment, the voice sounded again: "This trial lasts for one month. After the end of the month, the one who has obtained the most blood lotus marks can open the final inheritance. If only one person survives within a month, the trial ends early. "

"During this period, everyone has to fight other participants in the trial within seven days. If there is no battle for seven days, your position will be displayed on the bronze mirror."

After a pause, the voice sounded again.

Now, the content of the entire trial has been completely revealed.

For a while, almost everyone's faces showed a hint of bloodthirsty.

They are all vigorous cultivators. Because of the cultivation technique, almost all of them are very combative. These trials are just in line with their wishes.

However, after Li Zhe was stunned for a while, he lifted his wrist slightly, and the symbol of Maori Fei Palace appeared in his hand.

"Could it be..."

Li Zhe murmured in a low voice, and his thoughts moved, and there was a flash of light above the magic token, and Li Huang's body had already appeared in front of Li Zhe.

"Master, what's the matter?"

Li Huang blinked suspiciously, looked at Li Zhe, and said softly.

Hearing this, Li Zhe didn't say much, he just raised his hand and pulled Li Huang's clothes away.

Sure enough, there was a blood lotus mark on Li Huang's chest at this moment!

"Good guy, you hide in the Uri Fei Palace, can you be discovered by this heritage?"

Li Zhe blinked slightly and murmured.

And Li Huang also looked at the mark on his chest, with a look of doubt on his face, not knowing when this thing appeared.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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