After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1799: The first battle begins!

After summoning Li Huang, and confirming that Li Huang was the seventeenth person, Li Zhe brought Li Huang into the Urifei Palace again.

There are now a total of 17 people participating in this inheritance. In other words, if you want to get the inheritance steadily, Li Zhe needs at least eight blood lotus marks, plus the mark of Li Huang, a total of nine, to be stable. Get inherited!

In other words, Li Zhe had to kill at least seven people, or let seven people take the initiative to give up the mark.

Moreover, in such an environment, once a fight will inevitably cause huge spiritual power fluctuations, once the fluctuations occur, they will attract people around them.

By then, the first two sides will be besieged!

"It's really tricky..."

Li Zhe murmured in a low voice, the light flashed in his hands, and the five elements had already fallen into Li Zhe's hands.

In addition to the five-element spirit prescription, Li Zhe had also taken out the water spirit orb that Li Zhe had obtained on the day he obtained it in the West Sea inheritance.

With these two things, at least Li Zhe can be invincible in this heritage!

Anyway, as long as you kill the enemy, you will be able to get all the blood lotus marks of the enemy, which makes Li Zhe a little relieved.

With this rule in place, even if someone is the first to do it, Li Zhe is not in the slightest. After all, the trial time, but there is a full month!

After hesitating, Li Zhe still didn't leave the dense forest, but fell straight down and fell on the branches of the dense trees for a moment below, and began to practice cross-legged.

For Li Zhe, rushing to find and kill enemies in the early stage was very energy intensive.

Relatively speaking, when there are not many enemies left, it will be easier to **** the blood lotus mark.

Obviously, those who can come here are undoubtedly elite disciples of various families or sects, and their ideas are similar.

Therefore, Rao's trial has officially begun now, and this trial land is also unusually quiet.

Time passed slowly, and three full days had passed since the trial began. However, in those three days, no one went to war.

There was an aura of tension in the entire trial ground.

At the same time, outside of the trial land, all the sectarians of the nine sects had already crossed the East China Sea and arrived outside the trial land!

"That's it. I'll wait for the trial to end. Then, without the energy protection, I can find a way to set foot on the trial ground and make this my exclusive inheritance! "

The master of the nine gates led a group of people, looked at the place of inheritance of the power of chaos in the midair, and said softly.

Hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Upon seeing this, the master of the nine gates raised his wrist, and a stream of light flew out in an instant, and in a flash, it turned into a floating ship.

All the nine best people fell on the boat at this time, and began to wait for the end of the inheritance.

It's just that all of them didn't notice. Since they arrived here, there was a sense of God that has been surrounding them.

That divine consciousness was not someone else's, it was the divine consciousness released by Huang Yitian.

The strongest sect master of these nine sects is only the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Realm. In addition to being Li Xiu, he hasn't noticed Huang Yitian's divine consciousness at all!

Huang Yitian also didn't know the origin of these people. After all, he was a Xihai monk at the beginning, so naturally he would not recognize the costumes of this small sect of Dongzhou.

However, Huang Yitian was not in a hurry to do it, just watching the other side quietly.

After all, his main task was to prevent Hundred Islands from being discovered by other forces prematurely. If this group of people did not pose any threat to Hundred Islands, Huang Yitian would naturally not have to do it.

But at this moment, in this place of inheritance, the Liu brothers are not just like Li Zhe and the others.

They have already made a decision, and that is to kill two people, get two marks, hide them, and stop participating in the fight!

Although there is a rule that not participating in the fight for seven days will reveal their whereabouts, but there is still a way for the two to hide.

Their idea is very simple, that is to hide until the last moment, and then take the initiative to hand over the imprint to one party to gain the other party's trust.

Then, after the other party got the inheritance, he crushed the token and took the other party to the outside.

At that time, there will be nine people left to help, this inheritance, naturally, will come!

At this moment, the two brothers are fast running through the inheritance, and they don't care about being discovered by others.

At the same time, in front of the two brothers, about a few miles away, on a wasteland, the two men wearing black light armor and carrying black wooden boxes glanced at each other.

"Brother, someone is coming."

The man on the left turned his head and glanced at the location of Brother Liu, and said softly.

"It's just right, a quick fight and a quick decision, first get two marks and then talk."

The other person also chuckled lightly and said softly.

The two of them were Mo Jiazong from the southern realm of Heaven, although the entire sect was only at the middle level in the southern realm.

However, these two brothers are quite famous among the major sects in the southern realm.

The main reason for the blame is that they are carrying the black coffin, the inheritance holy item of Mo Jiazong!

In the battle of large and small in the southern realm, the two brothers have almost never fallen into a disadvantage when fighting in the same realm!

That is to say, the Nascent Soul Realm disciples of the Xin Sect were all sent out that day, and they had never participated in these competitions.

Otherwise, Li Zhe would have heard the names of the two brothers when he was in the Xinpai School.

"Well, everyone is here, so don't hide."

Standing on the wilderness, the man on the left chuckled and slowly turned around.

When the two voices fell, the Liu brothers appeared directly in front of them.

"Nine in East Zhou, Liu Xuanfei."

"Nine unique doors in Dongzhou, Liu Xuanxing."

The Liu brothers looked at the two, clasped their fists slightly, and declared themselves.

The two brothers of Mo Jiazong just nodded lightly.

"Give you a chance to hand over your fire lotus mark. I won't be too lazy to do it later."

The Junior Brother looked at the two and said calmly.

"This fellow Taoist joked, and both of me think so."

Liu Xuanfei frowned slightly, then said with a chuckle.


With two muffled noises, the two brothers of Mo Jiazong immediately removed the black coffin behind them and placed them in front of them.

"In this way, I want to compete with me."

Liu Xuanxing also took a deep breath at this time and said slowly.

The moment the voice fell, the breath of the two brothers instantly detonated, and a gust of wind swept the entire wilderness in an instant!

"Nine uniques, the best, super fast!"

Liu Xuanxing looked at the two and said calmly.

Almost the moment when this voice reached the ears of the two brothers of the Mo Jiazong, the figures of the Liu brothers disappeared in place as if they were blown away by the wind!

Upon seeing this, the expressions of the two Mo Jiazong's expressions became a little dignified, and they directly punched at the same time, hitting the black coffin with one punch!


Accompanied by the muffled sound, the mysterious black coffin burst open instantly, and the sky full of sawdust directly wrapped the two in it.

Immediately after that, the sawdust was collected in an instant and attached to the black armor worn by the two of them.

In an instant, the aura of the two of them had already reached their peak state in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul Realm!

At almost this instant, the two of them suddenly heard the sound of wind and thunder, and the figures of the Liu brothers appeared in an instant, and at the same time they punched each other's chest!

However, this full punch fell, but Mo Jiazong did not move at all, without the slightest appearance of force!

This is the most powerful effect of this Mo Jiazong sacred object, the Black Coffin.

Once attached to the black armor, it is immune to all attacks lower than the user's cultivation base!

In other words, unless the opponent's strength is above the mid-primary stage of the Nascent Soul Realm, any attack will not be able to cause substantial damage to the two!

One punch failed, and the Liu brothers took advantage of the speed of the exercise method and quickly stepped back, and looked at each other solemnly.

Just at this moment, about ten miles away from the wilderness, the two fat and thin people were walking on the mountain road.

"Huh? Skinny, there seems to be a fight over there, go have a look?"

The fat man sat on the thin man's shoulder and asked softly.

"The head said, come here this time, I want to listen to you, fat you decide."

The thin man answered indifferently and said softly.

Hearing that, the fat man smiled and said: "Okay, let's lean over and watch them fight first. When the fight is almost done, let's make another move."

"Good Le."

The thin man nodded slightly and responded.


In an instant, the mountain road under the two people suddenly exploded a huge pit, and then, the thin man took the fat man, and with this reverse thrust, quickly disappeared on the mountain road like thunder and lightning!

Only on the mountain road, the huge crater that was impacted because the thin man ran with all his strength seemed to say that someone had been here.

At this moment, above the wilderness, the Liu brothers were completely at a disadvantage.

The opponent is immune to attacks from himself and others, but the Liu Brothers cannot ignore the opponent's attack, and can only dodge crazily with the advantage of speed.

It's just that they themselves know very well that it's definitely not a way to dodge like this.

After all, once you are hit by the opponent, even if you are hit by the opponent, this battle will directly fall into a unilateral advantage.

"Sanjue, retreat!"

At this moment, the Liu brothers shouted angrily at the same time, suddenly punched out in their hands, and fisted with each other!

In an instant, the two members of Mo Jiazong, directly under the fist of the two, flew upside down and landed on the edge of the wilderness a hundred meters away!

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( After I picked up the fairy bottle, the literary update speed is the fastest.

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