After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1961: Demon Battle Platform

A little bit of red light, at the top and bottom of the ground, in the space less than a hundred meters high, constantly hovering and flashing.

This red light is very dense. If there are monsters or demons here, it will definitely be ecstatic, because the monsters here are already rich to a certain degree, so this red light flashes will be concreted.

Li Zhe had just arrived here, he frowned slightly, and a sense of discomfort had spread from the bottom of his heart.

Because there are already so many demons in this world, even though the demonic energy exists, it is not very strong.

But after arriving here, it really gave Li Zhe the feeling of returning to the original Tiannan realm, the place where the Demon Realm invaded.

He also knew very well that since it was the demons waiting at the altar, if he entered this demonic energy, he would definitely be discovered by the opponent.

After all, that devilish energy cannot be absorbed at all by itself, and can only be drained away.

In this way, the convenience is able to easily find one's own place by sensing the magic energy.

However, since he had agreed to those resentful spirits, Li Zhe had to go in here.

And if Li Zhe wants to reach the location of the Demon Pool, he must pass through it.

Immediately, the Forbidden Spirit Rune flashed on Li Zhe's arm and instantly enveloped Li Zhe.

After that, Li Zhe took a deep breath, strode forward, and walked into this heavy devilish energy while his figure flickered.

At the same time, there is a huge circular altar at a position about one kilometer in front of this place.

The altar is surrounded by charms engraved with the inscriptions of the demon clan, and it gradually extends towards the altar in the center.

In the center of this circular altar, there is a huge depression.

The entire altar looked like a huge bowl, and inside it was a dark red water wave like blood.

To be precise, it's not like blood, it's all the blood of the demons!

Below this are the inner alchemy of those demons and the Nascent Soul.

And around this altar, there are various inscriptions. These devil blood and those inner alchemy are condensed by these inscriptions all the time, turning into thick devilish energy.

These devil qi were not floating in the air like other devil qi, but all overflowed to the ground below.

If you go all the way down from here, about several kilometers below, the place where the purple smoke floated out is directly below this place!

It was the moment Li Zhe entered this place, and the blood on the altar poured out ripples in an instant.

Then, a head slowly leaked out of the blood.

It was a face with a beautiful face like a scholar, but that face matched the scene, but it had a very strange feeling.

Immediately, his stature rose slowly, and his entire body completely floated from the blood, standing on the surface of the blood.

In addition to the human disclosure, his body was covered with crocodile-like scales, and there was a huge crocodile tail dragging behind him.

This body combination, just looks, has a very strange feeling.

However, the coercion that oozes from his body is far more powerful than that Cang Ju, and he already has the strength of a half-step Zifu!

These clones of them are all completely independent, and memories and the like are not shared. Therefore, the demons do not know the identity of Li Zhe.

He just frowned slightly, thinking about the existence of this powerful but unknown existence in this underground world.

However, he only hesitated for a moment, and a murderous intent slowly dissipated in his eyes.

His task is to guard this altar. No one is allowed to approach it. If anyone approaches, no matter who it is, even if it is another clone, he will be able to kill it!

Since entering this devilish energy, Li Zhe has become extra careful, guarding against any accidents.

It was at this moment that Li Zhe's complexion suddenly condensed, and his eyes instantly turned to a direction ahead.

Now that there is the existence of killing Dao Qi in his body, Li Zhe's perception of killing intent can be said to be extremely sensitive. Even if the killing intent of the demon race is already well hidden, Li Zhe still clearly perceives it!

In an instant, Li Zhe raised his hand with one hand, and with this raising of his hand, several sword energy instantly condensed in front of him.

It was the moment that the sword light condensed, a blood-red spirit power whip instantly leaked out of the void and drew it towards Li Zhe!


In an instant, the long whip of spiritual power collided with Li Zhe's sword, and there was a harsh scream.

The voice just sounded, and the two spiritual powers burst out instantly.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, his figure also instantly retreated hundreds of meters from the explosion, almost to the edge of the range of the altar.

Just retreating to this place, Li Zhe's expression was suddenly startled, and his palm suddenly slapped to the left.


In an instant, a palm thunder lit up from Li Zhe's palm.

It was almost the instant that thunder in the palm of the palm lit up, and a figure could be seen faintly flashing by.

Li Zhe's hand that reacted quickly, instantly hit the empty space.

A small hole was blasted out of the ground in an instant.

"who are you?!"

Li Zhe squinted his eyes slightly, and his divine consciousness fully deployed his body.

He naturally knew that this was the strongest clone of the Demon King, but his question was to get the other party to reply and use this to determine the other party's position.

However, the clone did not answer Li Zhe's words. In this underground world, only Li Zhe's words echoed.

Li Zhe took a deep breath and quickly stepped out towards the rear in an instant. He wanted to leave the range covered by the rich devilish energy first.

In this way, his own perception can be completely released.

In this strong devilish energy, Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness has been restricted to 80%, so he can't find the other person's body!

Suddenly, Li Zhe narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around instantly.

Originally, the distance he had retreated was already enough to leave the range covered by the devilish energy.

But now the devilish energy around him is even stronger!

At this moment, Li Zhe reacted. He was lost by the opponent's sense of direction!

"damn it……"

Li Zhe took a deep breath, and now that he has to find a way to find the body of the opponent, and then confront him!

At this moment, a dazzling red light suddenly lit up beside Li Zhe.

Li Zhe was slightly startled and looked at it instantly.

I saw that at a position less than ten meters beside Li Zhe, an evil spirit about three or four meters high, formed by the condensation of devilish energy, had already appeared there.

The spiritual power in Li Zhe's body surged instantly, and as soon as his wrist was lifted, the two real dragons flew towards the evil ghost instantly.

That evil spirit also turned into a burst of red light at this moment, and directly rushed towards the place where the two true dragons were imaginary.


The moment the two met, there was a huge explosion.

This time, Li Zhe didn't avoid it anymore, but clenched his teeth, thinking about what he wanted to be able to find the other party's existence.

Obviously, the opponent's realm of strength must be higher than himself, but if he keeps fighting like this, he can't find the opponent at all, let alone fight the opponent and find a way to win.

Since the opponent's strength is above him, the spiritual power reserve is naturally above him. If it continues like this, Li Zhe will only run out of spiritual power and eventually die!

Suddenly, at this moment, the entire space was suddenly dimmed. Under the shining of that little red magic energy, the world that appeared to be slightly radiant instantly turned into pitch black.

This is completely pitch black, that is, even if Li Zhe uses his spiritual power to attach to his eyes, he can't see anything!

Li Zhe's eyes constricted slightly, knowing that this is the official start of the opponent's offensive!

Suddenly, a huge figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Zhe. It was a disheveled demons, hundreds of meters high, giving Li Zhe an extremely powerful sense of pressure.

At the moment when the Demon Clan appeared, Li Zhe's body was completely suppressed and could not move.

At this time, the Demon Race gently raised his hand to Li Zhe, and whispered: "Take your hearing..."

With the sound of this sentence falling, Li Zhe's ears could no longer hear any sound, not even the slightest!

Li Zhe's eyes widened, wondering what a weird technique this is.

It was at this moment that the Mozu raised his arm again and pointed at Li Zhe, his mouth moved lightly, as if he was saying something, but at this moment, Li Zhe couldn't hear it anymore.

However, when the voice of the demon clan fell, Li Zhe's eyes instantly darkened, and even the body of the demon clan was invisible.

Needless to say, Li Zhe knew that this was because the opponent blocked his vision!

Li Zhe's breathing started to become hurried at this moment, and this was the first time he encountered such weird techniques.

Fortunately, Li Zhe's divine consciousness can still be used. Although there is no vision, it is not too difficult to replace vision with divine consciousness in Li Zhe's realm.

At this moment, Li Zhe suddenly felt lightened all over, as if there was something important missing.

At this moment, a message suddenly emerged from Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Welcome to the battlefield of the demon!"

A voice of vicissitudes appeared in Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge at this moment.

Demon battle platform?

Li Zhe squinted his eyes, wondering what this was.

It was at this moment that a piece of information quickly emerged from Li Zhe’s sea of ​​knowledge. It was all the information about this Heavenly Demon Battle Platform, and Li Zhe was completely stunned by feeling this information... …

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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