After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 1962: Completely lost

At this moment, all the information about the battlefield of the demon had been thoroughly understood by Li Zhe.

This so-called battlefield of the demon was an arena set up by the demon clan that day, but the size of the arena was extremely large, and it was in a space similar to a small world.

However, this space can only be opened by members of the Celestial Demon clan.

Once inside, people who are not from the Demon Race will be immediately deprived of the three senses, and then they will fight against the Demon Race that day!

Of the two parties, only one of them is completely dead before they can withdraw from this world.

Moreover, after the death of the deceased, the energy of the whole body will be condensed by the power of this world into a crystallization similar to Danyu, which can be drawn by the winner!

At this moment, after thoroughly understanding the rules of this world, Li Zhe also clearly knew that what he was deprived of was his hearing, sight and touch!

The first two are fine, but the sense of touch is very fatal for Li Zhe.

After all, the loss of touch means that even if Li Zhe is injured, he will not feel it.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, knowing in his heart that he was inferior to the opponent, so he didn't feel the slightest feeling when he was drawn into the battlefield of the Heavenly Demon.

If one's own strength is equal to that of the opponent, this situation won't happen.

At this moment, in Li Zhe's sense of consciousness, a demon man appeared not far in front of him.

Li Zhe's mind also began to gradually condense at this moment.

He is very clear in his heart, facing the enemy head-on, even if he does not lose those three senses, he is almost impossible to be the opponent's opponent!

No way, Li Zhe was almost desperate at the moment his divine consciousness fell on the opponent, feeling the opponent's half-step in the realm of the Purple Mansion.

Li Zhe knew very well in his heart that now he can only rely on the gods to see and observe. With the strength of the opponent, he only needs to shield his gods, and he is like a blind man, unable to find the slightest trace of the opponent!

Almost the moment this idea was born, in Li Zhe's perception, the figure of the demons had completely disappeared!

Jianguang field, open!

Almost the moment when the opponent's body disappeared, Li Zhe immediately opened the sword light realm.

Just rushing all the way from the cemetery, Li Zhe didn't have time to recover his spiritual power, and now he only had 50% of the spiritual power reserve left.

And at this moment, just opening the sword light domain consumed another 20% of the spiritual power!

Only this time, the sword energy in this sword light domain only existed for a moment, and it was directly transformed into silk spiritual power.

One end of these spiritual powers hangs above Li Zhe's body, while the other end spreads outward.

In an instant, Li Zhe's body was connected to densely packed spiritual threads, forming a large, almost impermeable net, directly covering the surrounding area of ​​kilometers.

Within this range, as long as the Demon Race appears, Li Zhe will be able to find the opponent through the fluctuation of this spiritual power thread, and then find a way to attack!

At the moment when this silk thread was laid, Li Zhe's hand flashed, and a pill appeared in Li Zhe's hand.

This is Li Zhe snatched from the Zhongshan Society. The effect of this pill is to quickly restore spiritual power.

Immediately, Li Zhe took the pill directly, feeling the rapid recovery of spiritual power in his dantian.

At the same time, his spiritual consciousness is all focused on the perception of the spiritual power thread.

This thread involves even the sky. Therefore, Li Zhe only needs to wait for the opponent to launch an attack. Li Zhe himself is not in a hurry anyway.

However, at this moment, Li Zhe's expression suddenly stagnated.

Because in his perception, all the spiritual power threads that he clothed were touched at this moment!

"Damn...forgot about this..."

Li Zhe's mouth twitched, and he muttered.

Li Zhe's method seems very clever, but once the opponent casts a wide range of spells, he can instantly disrupt this arrangement!

Almost the moment when this arrangement was disrupted, Li Zhe kicked his feet instantly.

In an instant, five real dragons flew out of the ground and hovered around Li Zhe.

One advantage of this real dragon phantom is that it has a little intelligence and can distinguish where the enemy is.

At this moment, what Li Zhe wants is to let these real dragon ghosts find the enemy's location for him, and then attack the past!

It was also at this time that the demons also appeared in a place about more than a few kilometers away from Li Zhe.


In an instant, two of the real dragon ghosts roared and rushed directly towards the demon race.

And the demons did not evade, lifted their feet, and slowly walked towards Li Zhe's place. Seeing that, it seemed that he didn't care about the real dragon phantom at all!

Li Zhe naturally perceives this in the process of perceiving, frowning and continuously perceiving with divine consciousness.

The speed of the real dragon virtual shadow is naturally extremely fast, and it has reached the opponent's location in an instant.

It's just that at this moment, the real dragon virtual shadow passed directly through the opponent's body, and there was no spiritual explosion in Li Zhe's imagination!

Li Zhe's eyebrows constricted slightly, naturally he did not expect this situation now.

"I don't know if you can hear me, but don't forget, I am a demon, this is just a fake body."

It was at this moment that the figure of the Demon Race instantly reached Li Zhe's, and at the same time, he put a hand on Li Zhe's shoulder and said to Li Zhe.

Although Li Zhe was deprived of hearing, he could still perceive the other party's words through his spiritual sense.

Listening to the other party's words at this moment, Li Zhe also gritted his teeth, and with a thought, several sword qis were directly cut towards the opponent.

However, just like the real dragon phantom, this one's own sword aura passed through the opponent's body in an instant, failing to cause any harm to the opponent!

"What do you want to do..."

Seeing the other party's delay in taking action, Li Zhe frowned and asked in a deep voice.

He knew very well that in the face of this intangible demon, only a divine sense attack could work, but his own strength was not as good as the opponent, and if he rashly used a divine sense attack, he might be injured instead!

However, at the moment Li Zhe questioned, his brows condensed suddenly and his eyes widened in an instant.

At this moment, Li Zhe clearly felt that the other party had searched for his own memory of the sea of ​​knowledge without knowing it!

Heavenly demon is a kind of heart demon. These skills to search for the sea of ​​consciousness are almost innate. With the lack of sense organs today, Li Zhe even searched for the other side for a while. It is a reaction!

At the moment of discovery, Li Zhe's expanded spiritual consciousness instantly condensed, directly forcibly shaking the opponent's consciousness out!

"It looks like you have a good relationship with those bald donkeys..."

At this time, the demon squinted his eyes slightly, and muttered to Li Zhe: "It's not in vain that I spent so much demon energy to bring you to the battlefield of the demon."

However, at this time, Li Zhe's spiritual consciousness was all closed, and naturally he could not hear what the other party was saying.

It was at this moment that the demon suddenly opened his eyes, and a strange red light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Rao Li Zhe had lost his vision, still under the control of the other party, slowly opened his eyes.

At the same time, in Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge, the figure of the demon suddenly appeared in it.

Only this time, no matter how Li Zhe resisted, he couldn't drive this demon out of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"You should also know that no matter what, you will not be my opponent. Here, you have only one dead end!"

After this demon appeared in Li Zhe's sea of ​​consciousness, he said slowly.

Li Zhe did not respond, but looked at him quietly, wanting to see what the other party was going to do.

"I think you should be very clear about the rules of this battlefield. Of course, I have a way to keep you and me alive and leave this battlefield!"

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, he said loudly in Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge.

At this moment, in Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge, Li Zhe's figure slowly condensed and stood in front of the demon.

"What method are you talking about?"

Li Zhe looked at the demon and asked coldly.

Li Zhe was not stupid, he didn't believe that after the demon had worked so hard to pull himself into the battlefield of the demon, he would suddenly kindly take him out.

Sure enough, it was at this moment that the demon looked at Li Zhe with an unspeakable smile, and said, "As long as you and I make a master-servant contract, then we will be considered as one party without the enemy, naturally You can leave safely."

Listening to the other party's words, Li Zhe frowned. Naturally, Li Zhe could not agree to this condition.

Even if he died here today, Li Zhe would not be able to answer this request from the respondent.

"You mean, you want to be my slave and recognize me as master?"

Li Zhe chuckled lightly, looked at each other, and said calmly.

Hearing these words, the face of the demon instantly changed, and he said angrily: "Toast and not eat fine wine!"

At this moment, in the outside world, the eyes of the demon were full of red light, and Li Zhe's eyes opened in confusion, and the whole body was already uncontrollably stiff at this moment!

At this moment, the demon is using the charm of Li Zhe, and at the same time, the divine consciousness is starting to hit Li Zhe's sea of ​​consciousness!

Once Li Zhe's sea of ​​consciousness is not breached, under this charm technique, Li Zhe will be guided by the other party and forcefully sign the master-servant contract with the other party!

In this way, Li Zhe will completely become the servant of the current demons, and can no longer do anything harmful to the other party, nor can he do anything that goes against the other party.

"damn it……"

Li Zhe's brain at the moment is rapidly thinking about solutions.

I like to ask everyone to collect it after I picked up the fairy bottle: ( The literature update speed is the fastest after I picked up the fairy bottle.

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