After I Picked Up the Immortal Bottle

Chapter 2135: Threat from the pinnacle

At this moment, Li Zhe kept asking: "That exercise is still there, show it to me."

"The exercises are brought with them."

Cao Guangyi nodded decisively, and then pulled out a book of exercises that seemed to have been damaged a lot from his arms.

Immediately, Li Zhe raised his hand and took the exercise from the opponent's hand.

Fortunately, although this exercise was extremely damaged externally, nothing recorded on it was damaged at all, and the entire exercise could be clearly seen.

The first half of this exercise is a cultivation technique. This cultivation technique doesn't have much superiority, but it just absorbs spiritual power and runs it into the dantian.

However, in the second half of this period, it is indeed a record of such magic techniques for transferring the spirits to control the puppets.

However, with Li Zhe's current cultivation base, he can easily see that this technique is incomplete, only a small part of it is recorded!

This should be part of the puppet technique, but there is no way to separate the spirits.

It is precisely because of this that Cao Guangyi will let his entire soul go out of his body to control the puppet.

Immediately, Li Zhe also took a deep breath, and slowly put this technique into his storage bag.

Although Li Zhe wanted to start practicing this exercise immediately, it was not a complete exercise after all. In order to avoid mistakes in the practice, Li Zhe decided to wait until he had collected all the puppet techniques before starting to practice.

"Where did you discover this exercise?"

Li Zhe glanced at Cao Guangyi and asked softly.

Hearing this, Cao Guangyi took a breath, and this was telling Li Zhe the location.

After saying this, the whole room was instantly quiet.

Both of them knew what would happen next.

Cao Guangyi never thought that Li Zhe would let him go, even he himself thought he was damned.

Whether it was from the heart or not, he did the things, and the children were taken away by him.

When the silence lasted for a period of time, Cao Guangyi raised his head, looked at Li Zhe, and whispered slightly with difficulty: "I'm ready, please give me a good time..."

Hearing Cao Guangyi's words, Li Zhe shook his head slightly, sighed, and slowly raised a hand and nodded at his brow.

In an instant, a surge of spiritual power rushed from the center of the eyebrows into the spiritual platform, and then poured down into the dantian.

After just a few breaths, Cao Guangyi's figure was slightly soft, and he fell on the table, his breath was gone.

"I want to let you go, but it's a pity that you have killed too many sins in your hands. If you end it like this, it will be considered a relief for you."

Li Zhe looked at Cao Guangyi's corpse, shook his head slightly, and muttered softly.


At the moment when Li Zhe ended Cao Guangyi, he felt his heart jump.

It was an extremely strong sense of crisis that came to Li Zhe instantly!

There was a candle in the room, and at this moment the candle started to tremble rapidly.

The flames trembled, and the shadow in the room shook rapidly at this moment. Vaguely, the shadow on the wall turned into a black shadow, trying to swallow Li Zhe completely!

Li Zhe's face was sullen, sitting still.

But this time, he didn't pull out his magic-devouring spirit sword.

Or to be more precise, he can't move at all now!

This is the breath that makes Li Zhe who is now in the late stage of the Nascent Soul Realm tremble for it, the peak of the Purple Mansion Realm...the last time it is the late period of the Purple Mansion Realm!

Feeling the pressure on his body, Li Zhe's expression was gloomy, and his heart had already judged the opponent's general strength.

"Tsk tut..."

At this moment, there was a sudden smacking sound not far away.

Li Zhe looked in that direction and saw that he was lying alone on the bed in this room for some time!

And that turbulent coercion was also transmitted from the body of the opponent.

It was the moment when the opponent's figure appeared, Li Zhe felt that the pressure on him had weakened a bit.

Although there is still not much action, but now it is no problem to speak.

"Your Excellency..."

Li Zhe had a sullen face, staring at each other quietly, and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Li Zhe's questioning, the other party laughed loudly, the laughter was sharp, but quite permeating.

At this moment, Li Zhe felt as if his eyes were dazzled. The figure on the bed disappeared into the bed in the blink of an eye, and the next moment he had reached Li Zhe's side!

At this moment, after the opponent reached his side, Li Zhe felt a biting chill on the opponent's body.

Rao, because of his own cultivation level, he couldn't help but feel a bit of coldness.

"Tsk tusk, it's a pity, you are from Donghua Sect, I can't move you."

This person sat beside Li Zhe, looked at Li Zhe sideways, and said as if jokingly.

But Li Zhe felt as if his heart was surging through the stormy sea at this moment.

After I came here, I never said that I was a member of the Donghua Sect. Even the clothing of the exercises, there was no trace of the Donghua Sect.

But just like this, the other party could tell at a glance that he was a disciple of Donghua Sect!

At this moment, the man sat up straight, his palms swayed in the void on top of Li Zhe's head twice, and murmured: "It seems that the Donghua Sect group is very optimistic about you, but it was for you. With so many lines of cause and effect laid down, if I move you, I'm afraid they will appear soon..."

Li Zhe sat quietly and heard the other party's words at this moment. This was a reflection of why the other party spoke like this.

Affection is that the real people of Donghua Sect laid a causal line on them.

However, after Li Zhe had lived and died several times before, this line of causality did not work. It seems that this line of fate was probably used to prevent evil repairs from harming Li Zhe.

The person beside him didn't need to observe too much, Li Zhe could already see from the other party's speech and behavior that the other party was not a righteous person.

"Your Excellency... who the **** is?"

Immediately, Li Zhe calmed down his mentality slowly, and asked in a deep voice.

Since it was confirmed that the other party did not dare to hurt himself, Li Zhe had nothing to fear.

"Our informant, and the two disciples sent out to connect, were all killed by you?"

The other party did not answer Li Zhe's words, but looked at Li Zhe and said in a deep voice.

As soon as this statement came out, Li Zhe instantly reacted, and the other party was the member of the evil sect he was preparing to investigate.

"it's me."

The other party is already keen to this point, and when he comes to the door, it is impossible not to know if it is his own hand.

Therefore, a botched concealment is not as good as a generous confession.

Seeing Li Zhe nodded in response, the other party laughed again with unknown meaning.

After a long while, he calmly said to Li Zhe: "Well, I treat this matter as if you didn't know it, it was unintentional, but if you tell Donghua Sect of this matter, I can't handle it.

Listening to the other party's words, Li Zhe had a thorough understanding of his heart, and the feeling that the other party came over this time was threatening him not to speak out.

Li Zhe's face was sullen, without making a sound, just waiting for the other party's next words.

"From now on, you are not allowed to investigate my case again, nor can you tell anyone about it, otherwise, you will die miserably."

This person looked at Li Zhe with a smile on his face, as if he was saying something insignificant.

However, with the voice of the other party, the pressure Li Zhe felt was gradually increasing.

"I...I understand."

Li Zhe hesitated for a moment, then nodded in response.

For such verbal matters, there is no need to try to say anything more, anyway, the other party can't control what you do.

However, just when Li Zhe thought so much, the other party directly raised his hand and caught Li Zhe's abdomen!

Li Zhe's pupils shrank suddenly, and he could clearly feel that a force he couldn't understand was gradually converging into his dantian!

He wanted to resist, but at this moment, being so close to his body, Li Zhe was completely unable to resist the opponent's power!

Li Zhe estimated that even if he released that celestial power, he would not be able to offset this huge pressure.

Soon, that power poured into Li Zhe's Dantian, turned into a talisman, and slowly fell on Li Zhe's Yuan Ying.

"Don't worry, this talisman will not have any influence on you. Of course, this is on the premise that you abide by our rules."

This person looked at Li Zhe and said with a sneer.

"What are you going to do?"

Li Zhe also asked with a solemn face.

Hearing Li Zhe’s words, the other party also faintly smiled, and said calmly: "Children should not participate in matters of adults, remember your words, otherwise, even if it is the founder of Donghua Sect, You broke the rules and you still want to die!"

While speaking, Li Zhe felt the coercion all over his body suddenly dissipate, and the shaking candlelight also restored calm at this moment.

The other party had already left at this moment, and Li Zhe couldn't even notice how the other party left!

Li Zhe calmly sat on the spot.

Originally, Li Zhe thought that this thing was an ordinary evil sect, so he was acting quietly here.

But now it seems, I am afraid that things will not be so simple.

There are all evil cultivators around the peak of the Purple Mansion realm. I am afraid that there will not be too few top cultivators in this evil sect.

Li Zhe took a deep breath, looked up at the corpse of Cao Guangyi in front of him, and took a deep breath.

"Master, since the other party restricts you, how about letting me tell Donghuazong?"

It was also at this time that Baobao Boy spoke in Li Zhe's sea of ​​knowledge.

"No, once Donghuazong starts investigating this matter, I am afraid I will be killed by the rune instantly. This risk is too great. Before the rune is resolved, this matter cannot be spread!"

Li Zhe took a deep breath, shook his head, and rejected Diaobao Boy's proposal. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: I found the fairy bottle, I read it on my mobile phone: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"favorite\" below to record this time (Chapter 2135 Threats from the Peak) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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