At this moment, Li Zhe shook his head slightly, and directly got up slowly, holding up Cao Guangyi's corpse with spiritual power.

Then, he turned into a streamer, and flew quickly in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

In an instant, Li Zhe had already reached the city lord's mansion.

It was late at night, and everyone in the mansion had already fallen asleep, except that Quan Yi was still sitting cross-legged in the room to practice.

At this moment, Quan Yi frowned slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

I saw that the door of my own room had been opened at some unknown time, and a person stood still in the room, and a corpse was placed in front of me!

In an instant, Quan Yi only felt that his heartbeat seemed to have accelerated a lot.

However, after seeing the standing person clearly, Quan Yi breathed a sigh of relief.


He stood up and bowed to Li Zhe with a fist, and said respectfully.

Li Zhe nodded slightly, then pointed to the corpse on the ground, and said softly: "This person is the murderer in this city."

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Quan Yi's eyes also lit up instantly.

The previous city lord was unable to catch the murderer for decades, and his grandson caught him as soon as he took office. The position of this city lord is basically stable!

"Thank you senior!"

Immediately, Quan Yi bowed his fist to Li Zhe and said respectfully.

"Well, I just leave it to you to let you know that I did arrest someone, and don't do anything to his body."

Li Zhe glanced at Quan Yi and said softly.

Hearing Li Zhe's words, Quan Yi was taken aback, and glanced at Li Zhe suspiciously.

According to Quan Yi's idea, he wanted to take out Cao Guangyi's corpse for public display.

Upon seeing this, Li Zhe took a breath, and just said softly: "The forces behind him, even I may not be able to provoke me. If you don't want to die, you can dispose of it at will. If you cherish your life, you will bury him well. It is said to be arrested When it's there."

This sentence is exactly what Li Zhe brought Cao Guangyi here, to let the City Lord's Mansion bury him.

Although Cao Guangyi did a lot of unforgivable things, he was tempted in the end. If he didn't do such things, others would do it. After all, he was considered a poor man.

Since Li Zhe had already taken the other party's life, it was not a big problem to bury him under the circumstances that the other party had given him some help.

And when Na Quan Yi listened to Li Zhe's words, his heart shook.

The forces behind Cao Guangyi even said that Li Zhe could not provoke him, so he naturally squeezed his heart, knowing that he was not provoke either.

Doing what Li Zhe said is the best way.

Immediately, he nodded decisively, and replied: "The juniors must be dealt with according to what the seniors said!"

Hearing this, Li Zhe also nodded slightly. After hesitating for a while, he raised his hand and took out dozens of top-grade Danyu from his storage bag.

Looking at the Danyu in Li Zhe's hand, Quan Yi's eyes were straight!

Although it was a casual cultivator, Quan Yi himself would occasionally find a way to mine Dan Jade in places with scarce spiritual power.

However, what he can get is the best quality, and it is nothing more than a middle-grade Danyu. He has never had a chance to see this top-tier Danyu!

Immediately, Quan Yi swallowed his saliva and looked at Li Zhe.

"Take these Danyu, those families who have lost their children, think of ways to make some compensation, do you understand?"

Li Zhe looked at Quan Yi and said slowly.

I want to bury Cao Guangyi, which is undoubtedly unacceptable to those families who have lost children.

But Li Zhe was only able to do so much. To help them kill these people who had taken their children captives, Li Zhe was already walking the way for the sky.

Immediately, Quan Yi nodded decisively, and put these Danyu into his storage bag without hesitation.

He is not stupid. For the monks, so many top-tier Danyus are enough to directly buy the entire city!

Those families are all mortals, and compensation is nothing more than compensation for things used by mortals. Compared with this top-grade Danyu, it is naturally insignificant.

"The junior will take care of everything that the senior has arranged!"

At this moment, Quan Yi nodded decisively without hesitation.

Li Zhe knew that if he arranged it himself, Quan Yi would strictly enforce it. After all, his cultivation base was placed here.

Immediately, after everything was arranged, Li Zhe nodded and said calmly: "It's best to be so."

The moment the voice fell, Li Zhe was a flash, and disappeared instantly.

After seeing Li Zhe disappeared, Quan Yi bowed his fist in the direction where Li Zhe was leaving.

Then he closed the door happily, entered the room, and began to carefully look at the Danyu he had just obtained.

At this time, Li Zhe did not go far, but after flying for a while, he stopped on the top of the high mountain not far from Quyang City and sat cross-legged.

He needs to figure out what kind of mechanism the rune is, and find a way to remove the rune from his body.

This sign is almost equivalent to a time bomb, staying in his body forever, this is definitely not acceptable to Li Zhe.

Now it seems that the other party is just telling himself not to tell the cult.

But if it takes a long time, it is still unknown what the other party will use this symbol to threaten him in the future.

This is definitely not acceptable to Li Zhe.

At this moment, with the movement of the exercises and the flow of spiritual power, the mark on Li Zhe Yuanying's mark began to slowly become clear at this moment.

As the rune was revealed, Li Zhe could also clearly feel that the power contained in this rune was not very powerful.

But it is also equivalent to the energy that a Golden Core Realm cultivator can explode when he explodes!

If this energy is external, Li Zhe can even directly resist.

However, this talisman is on top of his own Nascent Soul!

Once it breaks out, Li Zhe's entire dantian will be destroyed by it without a doubt!

Moreover, at that time, all the spiritual power in Li Zhe's body will be aroused. In a few moments, Li Zhe's whole person will die instantly, there is no other possibility!

Li Zhe took a deep breath, quietly feeling the existence of this talisman, and began to cautiously touch it with spiritual power.

However, no matter what method Li Zhe uses, this talisman stays at the center of Li Zhe Yuanying's eyebrows.

Li Zhe frowned. After probing for a while, he gave up the idea of ​​getting it down.

After careful probing at this moment for a long time, Li Zhe has already confirmed that unless he abandons the Yuan Ying, this talisman cannot disappear!

It's just that if this talisman is not resolved in the body, for Li Zhe, it is completely equivalent to being like a knuckle in the throat, and like a light on the back.

Li Zhe just noticed when he had a conversation with Na Quanyi.

Every word I say will be detected by this symbol. Once there is a problem, this symbol will explode instantly!

That is, he must be monitored along with his own words, this kind of sign, Li Zhe doesn't want it to be on himself for even a second!

However, now, Li Zhe has not thought of any way.

"the host."

At this moment, the treasure fishing boy also spoke slowly.

"What's the matter?"

Li Zhe responded with doubts.

Hearing this, the Diaobao Boy said softly in Li Zhe’s sea of ​​knowledge: “The evil cultivation, no matter how powerful it is, it must be a certain kind of exercise. Zong also has a certain understanding, maybe Donghua Zong also has a certain understanding of this evil cultivation technique?"

As soon as he said this, Li Zhe's eyes lit up instantly, and he murmured, "Yes..."

Although this talisman can monitor Li Zhe's words and the information transmitted by Li Zhe's spiritual sense, it is impossible to detect such words as the Diaobao boy who speaks in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Therefore, this talisman also doesn't know what kind of thinking Li Zhe has now.

If these evil cultivating forces are not eliminated in one day, they will definitely grow a little bit stronger.

And it seems that the other party should be specially placed in the mortal city where there are very few cultivators, such as Cao Guangyi, to catch children.

From the perspective of Dongzhou as a whole, the number is definitely not small!

A mortal city loses one child every year, but if there are one thousand and ten thousand mortal cities, that number would be too much!

Thinking from this aspect, Li Zhe felt more frightened the more he thought about it, and he must not leave it alone after he was aware of this.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath, stood up, drove away, and sprinted directly in the direction of Donghuazong.

Although Li Zhe needed the puppetry very much, if the matter was not resolved, even if he got the puppetry, Li Zhe would not be able to practice with peace of mind.

Moreover, it is very likely that when Li Zhe discovers the puppet technique, the evil cultivator will also feel it.

Li Zhe couldn't guarantee that the other party would **** the exercises from him.

Therefore, the safest way is to solve the seal first.

Along the way, Li Zhe looked calm, just silently heading in the direction of Donghuazong.

After Li Zhe galloped all the way for a few days, the surrounding scenery finally gradually became familiar.

Donghuazong is already ahead.

Immediately, Li Zhe took a deep breath.

In the past, when he returned to Donghua Sect, he would feel a little bit of rest.

Only this time, after returning, Li Zhe still felt a little heavy.

With the token of the elder of the Zifu Pavilion, Li Zhe did not enter through the gate anymore, but went straight back to the boundary of the Zifu Pavilion and headed towards his own cave.

Soon, Li Zhe returned to the door of his cave mansion, and the maids were still working diligently to pack their things.

"Stop for a while, I have something to say."

Immediately, Li Zhe said aloud.

Everyone noticed that Li Zhe had actually returned. The latest chapter address after I found the fairy bottle: I read the full text after I found the fairy bottle: I found the fairy bottle, the txt download address: read it on my mobile phone after I found the fairy bottle: order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the \"collection\" below to record this time (Chapter 2136 in a safe way). Record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like "After I Pick Up the Immortal Bottle", please recommend this to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) Book, thank you for your support! ! (

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