The 70th anniversary of Yinshan College came to an end in such a cheerful atmosphere.

With 70 grand fireworks, this impressive event came to an end.

After getting ready for the weekend, everyone was ready to return to campus life.

Apartment, early morning.

"Coco, in a uniform magnetic field with a magnetic induction intensity of B, a stationary radioactive nucleus has undergone an alpha decay, and the alpha particles emitted are moving in a circular motion in a plane perpendicular to the magnetic field..."

"So which one is the answer?" Ye Shuang pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose and asked the girl who was biting the pen.

"Hmm..." Tang Keke showed a distressed expression and wrote on the draft paper again, "Choose C."

"Correct, tell me how you got the answer." Ye Shuang nodded, seeming to be very satisfied.

Tang Keke said, "Because, choose the longest one out of three short ones... Ouch."

His head was hit hard by the paper fan, and Ye Shuang hugged his arms and said, "If you use this method again, I will change the ruler."

Keke stuck out her tongue and looked to the side timidly-at this time, Bai Yuyou was sitting in front of the piano, learning the basic exercises taught by Ye Shuang. After all, she learned a lot of music theory knowledge from the guitar, and it would be easier to learn the piano than a pure novice.

The girl played, not too noisy.

"Don't look at it, Yuyou's grades are much better than yours."

"Hmm... It's so difficult."

"If you don't understand something, I can explain it to you from the basics." Ye Shuang said.

"Here... and here." Fortunately, Tang Keke was willing to learn. After all, compared to listening to the teacher, Ye Shuang's private tutoring can better learn the knowledge according to Tang Keke's own understanding speed.

Time flies, and it is almost noon.

"Take a break." Ye Shuang helped Tang Keke write two sets of papers, and finally let her rest for a while.

Tang Keke lay on the sofa in a Ge You-like posture, "It's... no more."

"That's it." Ye Shuang smiled.

"By the way, brother, actually my parents want to treat you to a meal." Tang Keke suddenly said.

"Eat?" Ye Shuang, who was bending over to help Yu You practice the piano, turned around and seemed a little confused, "Why?"

Tang Keke thought about it, made a seven-character gesture and placed it on her chin, as if thinking, "Hmm..."

"To celebrate my rare friendship... After all, they think that people like me can't have friends." Keke looked away, her face was full of sadness, and even her body seemed to be shrouded in a shadow.

"Why is it so heavy suddenly..."

But today is the weekend, Ye Shuang thought about his own arrangements, and it seemed that there was nothing else to do except buying a car.

Let's get the car bought this week, and it would be best if there is a car in stock and it doesn't need to be delivered by reservation.

"In that case, let's have a meal together." Ye Shuang smiled, "When are your parents free?"

"They are free today, let's go over for lunch later?" Tang Keke said

"Yeah, that's fine."

Tang Keke's home is very close to the apartment, which is in the commercial plaza, and Keke's neighborhood is a residential area supporting the commercial plaza. If you really count, they can be said to be neighbors.

"Go to... Keke's home?" Bai Yuyou also looked over.

"Going to a friend's home is also a good experience." Ye Shuang said.


After Tang Keke told her family about this, Ye Shuang also placed an order at Sam's Software - after a while, the courier delivered it, a simple box of large strawberries, and some other things like cookies.

"Ye Shuang, buy fruit?" Bai Yuyou looked at the strawberries and seemed to want to eat them.

Ye Shuang explained to Bai Yuyou, "When you visit someone's home for the first time, you need to bring something as a gift. It doesn't need to be expensive, but you must bring it. This is basic courtesy."

"Yuyou, do you understand?"

Bai Yuyou nodded obediently, "Yes."

"Learn slowly, no rush." ​​Ye Shuang pinched the other's little face, and Bai Yuyou rubbed her face along his palm.

Carrying the fruit, Ye Shuang led the two girls towards the community.

Because it was very close, they did walk there, only a few hundred meters away. And Coco has the back door key, so she can go directly through the commercial plaza.

Coco's family lives in a duplex in this community,

For example, the housing price of a residential area in Haizhu City is 30,000 yuan per square meter, and a duplex of more than 200 square meters is not cheap.

After getting on the elevator, Coco opened the door lock with her fingerprint and said, "Mom and Dad, I'm here."

"Come in quickly." A middle-aged woman in home clothes came out and smiled at Ye Shuang and Bai Yuyou, "You are the brother and Bai Yuyou that Coco mentioned, come in quickly."

"Hello, I'm sorry to bother you."

"Auntie, hello." Bai Yuyou also handed over the bag in her hand, "Fruit..."

"Come if you want to, just have a meal, you don't need to bring anything..." Tang's mother said, looking at Coco with a bit of blame, "Didn't you say it was a good meal? Why let the guests bring gifts?"

"Oh." Coco forgot and scratched her head.

After Ye Shuang and the others came in, they changed into slippers.

At this time, a middle-aged man in cotton pajamas came out of the inner room. It was obviously Tang Keke's father. He wore glasses and looked a little bald. "Hello, welcome, welcome."


After smiling and saying hello, Ye Shuang and the others sat down.

The Tang family prepared hot pot, which might have something to do with Keke's idea of ​​a pot stew. After all, neither Tang's father nor his mother had any talent for cooking, so hot pot seemed to be better than a pot stew.

Although it was summer, there was no problem eating hot pot because of the air conditioning.

"I don't know if hot pot suits your taste. Keke always says how delicious his brother's cooking is. Don't be disgusted." Tang's mother said.

"It looks delicious. You're exaggerating." Ye Shuang said.

Tang's father asked, "Would you like to drink?"

"You can drink a little."

"Hehe, come on, this bottle of mine is good stuff." Tang's father was happy when he heard that Ye Shuang could drink.

After a few drinks, the warmth in the stomach also made the atmosphere more harmonious - although Ye Shuang did not like drinking, sometimes it could make communication much smoother.

"Alas, we are usually very busy at work and have no time to take care of the children... This is the first time she brought a friend home." Tang's father also said,

"You know, before, Keke always lied to us that she had made friends, and even pretended to call and said that she wanted to go out and play together..."

"You don't know... the phone screen was lit up."

Keke blushed and shouted, "Dad, what are you talking about?!"

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