The child was timid and didn't want to sleep in a separate room from her parents until she was twelve years old. Tang's mother also smiled and talked about her child's embarrassing story. "And the night they slept in separate rooms, she was scared by the shaking curtains... She insisted that there was a ghost." "Mom, why are you talking about my business?" Keke puffed up her cheeks. "And she is also introverted and dare not talk to others. Sometimes I am really afraid that she will have problems after entering society." Tang's father also sighed and said, "But recently she has been much more optimistic. She always says how good you are and how good your cooking is when she comes home." Ye Shuang looked at Tang Keke. At this moment, she had buried her face in her chest shyly, like an ostrich. "At first I thought the child was not telling the truth, but later she showed us the photos." Father Tang looked at Bai Yuyou, "Thank you for being willing to date Coco."

Bai Yuyou shook her head when she heard this, "It's Coco... I'm very happy that you are willing to make friends with me."

Ye Shuang also said, "Yuyou doesn't understand a lot of things due to some special reasons, so I am also very grateful to Coco."

"Hehe, let's have a drink."

It can be seen that Coco's parents care about Coco and are happy for their daughter to make friends from the bottom of their hearts. Ye Shuang can understand this feeling - he was actually quite happy when he learned that Bai Yuyou made friends.

You don't need many friends, but you can be close to them. For example, Ye Shuang has met many people of all kinds over the years, and has made many friends at the wine table, but the ones who really care about or are close to him are nothing more than Chen Hai and his friends.

Friends made during school days are actually easy to become lifelong friends because they are not mixed with interests. Although there will be countless choices in the future, causing the distance between friends to become farther and farther, Ye Shuang still hopes that Tang Keke and Bai Yuyou can become lifelong friends.

After eating and drinking, Ye Shuang drank tea and chatted with Tang's father, basically talking about some family matters.

Ye Shuang did not ask what Tang's father did, and Tang's father did not ask what Ye Shuang did. After all, Ye Shuang was just a guest as Bai Yuyou's "elder", not to meet his father-in-law, so the chat would not be too in-depth.

"Take your friend back to the room and sit down. I'll wash some fruit later." Tang's mother said.


Tang Keke took Bai Yuyou and Ye Shuang back to her room - the layout was very warm, with simple white decorations and a princess bed full of girlishness.

Desks, game consoles and the like are all available.

There is also a wall of figurines.

"Hmm?" Ye Shuang suddenly noticed the folded clothes on the bed, and the white big cup underwear on it was particularly eye-catching.

However, Ye Shuang was tactful and did not ask, but moved his eyes away.

"Wait, wait a minute, I'll clean it up!" Tang Keke also noticed the clothes. It was obvious that her mother had collected them from the balcony and folded them and put them in the room. She immediately pushed Ye Shuang and Bai Yuyou out of the room in a hurry, and then tossed around inside.

"Okay, please come in." Tang Keke said.

Bai Yuyou and Ye Shuang walked in again. Because there were not many chairs in the room, several people sat on the blanket and didn't think there was anything wrong.

"Keke, that..." Bai Yuyou's eyes noticed a thick book.

"Ah, that's my photo album."

"Yes, do you want to see it?" Tang Keke said, taking the thick photo album off the shelf.


Turning over the album, it recorded almost all the photos of Tang Keke from childhood to adulthood - even the first photo was of Tang Keke taking a bath in a plastic basin, with a silly smile on her face.

"Keke... chubby." Bai Yuyou looked at the photo and saw Keke's belly as a baby, and couldn't help saying.

Keke blushed and turned it over. Although she was just a baby, it was still a bit embarrassing to show her naked body to acquaintances.

The photo behind was Keke wearing a princess dress. Perhaps because she was really favored, Tang's father and mother bought a lot of clothes for their daughter, and the girl had baby fat on her face since she was a child, which made her look very cute.

"Hehe, my dad used to be a photographer and he liked to take pictures of me very much." Tang Keke smiled a little embarrassedly, "My grandma is also a fashion designer, so I don't lack clothes."

Bai Yuyou looked at it quietly and couldn't help saying, "That's great..."

She didn't have things like this.


And Bai Yuyou didn't know what she looked like when she was a child.

"Yuyou, do you have an album? Show it to me next time?" Tang Keke said with a smile, but she quickly reacted and waved her hand, "No, no, I don't mean that..."

Bai Yuyou shook her head, "It's okay."

"Well." Tang Keke was a little embarrassed to look through her album, because she knew that the girl in front of her didn't have any photos at all.

Keke thought, just change the subject.

And Bai Yuyou lowered her eyes and looked at the photos, not knowing what she was thinking.

Suddenly at this moment, a photo broke into the girl's sight. It was a photo that was completely different from Tang Keke's baby photo. It was even clear at a glance that it was Bai Yuyou.

"Huh?" Tang Keke also noticed this photo, and also noticed that it was taken out by Ye Shuang next to him.

"I just happen to have a photo of Yuyou when she was a child." Ye Shuang smiled slightly. This photo of a little girl with a cute smile was naturally what he got when he went back to his hometown last time, and he had kept it in his wallet.

"Wow, so cute." Keke also stretched her neck to look at the photo, "She has been a beauty since she was a child."

"She is a beauty?"

"It means good-looking."

"Oh..." Bai Yuyou also looked at the photo, and seemed to be fascinated - she couldn't help but wonder why she was smiling so happily in the photo, and now she seemed to have no memory of her childhood at all.

"I don't understand..."


Bai Yuyou took the photo, "Why am I happy..."

At this time, a big hand covered her head, and Ye Shuang smiled and said, "Because photos are suitable for recording important moments, and most happy moments are worth remembering."

Bai Yuyou heard this, she seemed to suddenly understand something, and reached out to take out her mobile phone.

Clicking on the album, it was basically photos of herself and Ye Shuang, and some were secretly taken of Ye Shuang.

"..." The girl put her phone in front of her face, "I also have an album... photos with Ye Shuang."

"I'm very happy with Ye Shuang..."

"The past is not important... I will also take photos with Ye Shuang in the future..."

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