Of course, this is from my heart. For this man, I don't even feel angry now.

"I'm her mother. What's wrong with sending my daughter to live with my grandparents for a while?" I asked.

It seems that I didn't think of refuting my words for a while. Zhanyi pauses again, "then you should also discuss with me. I'm Yanyan's father!"

"No need!" I made a firm answer, and now I suddenly realized that what I learned from Huo Qingchuan was straightforward and easy to use.

"What did you say?" Zhanyi can't seem to accept my answer.

"We will divorce soon. Yan Yan must talk to me. Why should I talk to you?" I return to him rightfully, in the tone of divorce.

"I don't agree to divorce!" He said.

"This is not your has the final say," I hummed, "this marriage, we are determined!"

"Late, late, you!" It seems that Zhanyi can't stand it any longer and is about to get angry.

I want to hang up and stop arguing with this man.

But before I hung up, I heard a loud noise in the other party's phone, and then came the voice of Zhan Yi, who was a little panicked. "Sweetie, how do you... Again?" after another loud noise, the phone hung up.

Did you get caught by Xiao San when you called me? You deserve it, I think.

But now, it seems that Chi Xin is even happier than me after I heard that Zhan Yi and I have officially divorced. She took me to another big dinner to celebrate.

Back home, I put the divorce certificate in the drawer, lay on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

Everything in the past is like a dream, a dream gone forever.

Since it is a dream, there will always be a waking moment.

Without the marriage dispute, I was totally devoted to my work. If others try one point, I'll try two points. The principle that stupid birds fly first is especially applicable to me now.

With the accumulation of meeting with customers, I gradually like the job of sales. It seems to be in my original closed world opened a window, let me see a lot of never seen scenery.

But I know that it's not enough to be satisfied with the status quo. I have to work harder to get my daughter back.

But I do not know why, my heart in addition to Yan Yan, seems to have an unrelated person.

The more I forced myself not to think about him, the more Huo Qingchuan's voice and words came into my mind.

Recently, Huo Qingchuan has never expressed anything to me directly, so whenever I think of him, I persuade myself not to expect anything.

However, Chi Xin seems to be in a good mood recently. She is good at dressing up and goes out every day. She also pays attention to her dressing style.

Is my sister in love? If that's the case, I can't help being happy for her. But if I meet the wrong person like me, it will have a huge impact on the future life. I have to guard for her.

On that day, she came home at more than nine o'clock in the evening, her smile could not be hidden, and she even hummed a little song.

"Xiao Xin, did you have dinner with your friends?" I decided to let her say it by herself, so as to carry on the elder sister's care.

"Yes Chi Xin changes her high-heeled shoes, throws her bag on the sofa and goes back to her room to change into her home clothes.

I followed her to the door and watched her change.

"Oh?" I picked up a tone with an obvious element of suspicion“ I haven't seen you so happy after dinner with your friends before, have you... "

See me like this, the expression on Chi Xin's face is more brilliant.

She came over and hugged me, and I could smell the perfume on her body.

"Did you really have a boyfriend?" I patted her on the back, naturally happy.

Chi Xin let go of me and winked at me. "It's not that far. After all, it's not so easy to be the president's wife."

Mrs. President? I was shocked and an idea came out.

Is it because of her recent success······

"What's the president's wife?" I asked tentatively.

"Of course it's Mr. Huo," Chi Xin answered without thinking, her face still shining.

"Mr. Huo? Do you have dinner with Mr. Huo recently? " I asked a little strangely.

Seeing that I was so surprised, Chi Xin showed a "so what" expression, and then took my arm and sat on the sofa together.

"I told you before that Mr. Huo has helped you so much. It's right to invite someone to dinner."

Looking at Chi Xin's excited expression, my heart seems to be scratched by something. It doesn't hurt, but it feels strange.

"But if you want to invite me, I'll come too." I hesitated to say what I thought.

Chi Xin blinked, "sister, don't you mean it's unnecessary? I know you don't know the world, and your current economic conditions don't allow it. I'll help you with this kind of thing. "

I don't know why, listening to Chi Xin say these words, there is a trace of agitation in my heart, "that doesn't need to always invite him to dinner."

Some feelings are not clear now, I just express my own opinions according to my inner thoughts at the moment.

"Tut, sister, you are so slow." Chi Xin didn't seem to realize what I really thought. She patted me on the shoulder and said, "you forget that I always dream of marrying Mr. Huo. Now I'm marching towards this dream step by step. Don't you be happy for me?"

Looking at my cheerful sister, I fell into meditation.

Yes, she told me this idea from an early age, but I didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that she really likes Huo Qingchuan.

What's more, my sister has helped me too much since my conflict with Zhan Yi. Now, seeing her chasing her own ideal step by step, I have a selfish idea. I'm really a selfish sister.

I bit my lip to hide my little uneasiness and asked her, "well, what's Mr. Huo's attitude to you?"

The man who said "love" to me, when he received my sister's invitation, how would he respond? Is he always resisting others, or can't help being moved? I'm anxious to know how Huo Qingchuan reacted.

"Mr. Huo, he has always kept a straight face." Seems to think of something bad, Chi Xin's not so excited just now.

But she soon adjusted herself, "but it doesn't matter. Since Mr. Huo is willing to come out for dinner at my invitation, it shows that I still have hope. Are you right, elder sister

She grabbed my arm and shook it as if waiting for me to give him a positive answer.

I embarrassed smile, can't bear to hit her, reluctantly nodded.

Like being greatly encouraged, Chi Xin cheered, "great, I'm going to work harder!"

After that, she went into the bathroom to wash, leaving me sitting on the sofa in a complicated mood.

Late late, what are you thinking? Do you expect anything from that man? Are you worthy of your sister?

These thoughts tormented my mind like endless flames. I thought a lot that night.

There are some things in the world that we can't hope for. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. As for that sentence, that kiss, let it dissipate with that night.

Now the focus of my life is still work. As soon as I get busy, many tangled things will be left behind. I enjoy this state.

Life is moving towards good. I don't have to worry about myself.

But every time Chi Xin tells me about Huo Zong, I have to think of that man. This kind of feeling is really very painful.

Especially every time I see Huo Qingchuan in the company, he looks at me as if nothing happened and he doesn't have any intention. I can't control my emotions. My heart beats faster and I can only escape from his burning sight.

But fortunately, because of the gap between my position and his, we hardly have a positive confrontation.

Maybe after a while, I will forget that night, I think.

In a word, it's better to have less contact with him. I made a judgment for myself.

But no matter how hard to avoid, there will always be accidents. That day, I was called in by Wei Yan.

Generally, he told me to either talk about work or inform me that I had clients. I walked into his office with peace of mind.

"Come on, late." He said to me.

I approached his desk and he threw me a document.

I opened it and had a look. It was a business contract that I talked with him and Xiao Lin last week. The client had already signed it.

"What's the problem?" Since the contract has been signed, it's good to leave it to Xiao Lin for safekeeping. Why take it out?

"No problem," Wei Yan said casually, "but Huo always wants to see the contract, so you can send it to me."

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