The more I want to avoid something, the higher the probability that it will happen. I deeply understand this truth.

"Why me?" I still want to fight for myself.

Let Mr. Huo's secretary pick it up, or let Xiao Lin send it up. I shouldn't be allowed to send it anyway. Looking at Wei Yan's eyes with ulterior motives, my heart is more uneasy.

"You are involved in this contract. If Mr. Huo asks, you can answer No." Wei Yan a face of sophistication, "Xiao Lin in dealing with some urgent documents, you help, run a leg."

What he said is so reasonable that I can't refute him.

If I insist on it, I'm afraid I'll expose my mind. I have to accept my orders and put away the documents and walk out the door.

When passing by Xiaolin, she seems to be chatting with someone with her mobile phone.

I don't want to worry about this any more. I have no right to order Xiaolin, and I'm not qualified to give orders to Wei Yan. I can only follow his instructions.

With the increase of the number of floors, I feel more and more complicated.

It's just a document. I hope nothing extra happens. I pray for myself.

Gently buttoned the door of Huo Qingchuan's office, I whispered and politely explained my intention, "Mr. Huo, Mr. Wei asked me to send the contract you want to see."

With permission, I turned the handle and walked into Huo Qingchuan's office.

He was the only one inside, and my heart began to beat uncontrollably.

He didn't seem to expect that I would come. After a while, he didn't say anything.

"Mr. Huo, this is the contract you want to see." I quickly walked over and handed over the contract with both hands.

Huo Qingchuan reached out and took a look at me and opened the contract.

He didn't ask any questions, just flipped through the document page by page.

Can I go now? I was struggling in my heart, but thinking of Wei Yan telling me to take back the documents, I could only stand in the same place.

"Well, no problem." It seemed that after waiting for an hour, Huo Qingchuan finally looked at the short contract and handed it back to me.

After getting the contract, I want to get out of this place quickly.

When I looked up to say goodbye to him, I met his eyes again, deep and unpredictable.

He just stares at me without any cover up.

My heart beat faster. I almost ran away from Huo Qingchuan's office.

I feel that this state of my own is very strange. It is clear that I am not such an obvious person who will expose my vacillation.

When I fell in love with Zhan Yi, he even said that I am a very slow person, just like a pot of boiling water, which is always so tepid.

It's just that Huo Qingchuan always has a way to make my pot of warm water boil completely. That's why I'm afraid to face him and I'm afraid that I will boil up inadvertently.

In particular, the pair of eyes that seem to be able to see through people's hearts directly makes some careful thinking invisible under his eyes.

This man is very dangerous, I often remind myself.

So not as a last resort, I still want to have less contact with him.

Since taking over, the company has been on the right track, and the whole company has been busy.

The sales department is the pillar of a company. Under the leadership of Wei Yan, the performance is getting better and better day by day. You can tell from the usual conversation of the colleagues in the sales department.

Chi Xin, in particular, seems to be thriving with her appearance and cheerful personality. She has been nominated as a small manager of a team a few days ago.

On the day of her appointment, she invited the subordinates of the team and called me to a famous Sichuan restaurant for a meal.

Her subordinates drank her wine and said some obviously flattering words. I felt a little uncomfortable, but the client was very satisfied and would not refuse anyone.

Soon, Chi Xin was on her way.

"Sister Xin is really young and promising. We all have to rely on her in the future." A man with a thin chin, I remember everyone calling him Qiangzi, said to the whole table with wine, his face glowing red.

Everyone echoed. I couldn't see much sincerity in their expressions.

But Chi Xin drank all the wine.

"Yes, sister Xin has become a manager at such a young age. She is so beautiful that her pursuers must have lined up." The speaker is Yu Li, the big mouth of the sales department. As long as there are gossip, there will be her.

Everyone burst into laughter, and then saw Chi Xin stand up wobbly, fingers in the mouth made a silent gesture.

"No matter how many pursuers there are, there is only Mr. Huo in my heart. Ha ha!" She may have drunk so much that she doesn't know what she's talking about.

How can this kind of thing be said in front of everyone? I want to help her in a hurry.

At the same time, when I heard Chi Xin say this, my heart felt bad again.

But the people who drank seven halos and eight vegetarians didn't seem to take chi Xin's manifesto to heart at all. They pandered to Chi Xin's words and continued to drink.

Fortunately, I didn't drink that night and drove Chi Xin home.

Finally, I helped her to the bed. I carefully took off her shoes and clothes and covered her with quilt.

"Mr. Huo, you wait. When I become the general manager of the sales team, I'll see if you still look me in the eye." in a daze, Chi Xin says a dream.

It turns out that her obsession with Huo Qingchuan is so deep that she wants to make achievements in her work and let him pay attention to herself. Although I feel uncomfortable, I admire Chi Xin's hard work.

I need to strive for what I want. This is what I learned from Chi Xin.

Just like me now, if I want to keep my daughter by my side, I have to work hard.

The next day, because of the temporary sales meeting, I had a lot more work on hand. Until I get off work in the afternoon, I still have a lot of data to deal with.

Now the work of the company is more and more tense. If it is delayed until tomorrow, I will only accumulate more work. I looked at my watch, rubbed my temples, and prepared to finish the work in hand.

After work, all my colleagues left one after another. Only my desk was on in the big office.

Ordered takeout, I quickly finished eating, and a head into the document.

I don't know if it's because I'm too involved in my work, or if the time passes so fast. When I finish the last form, it's already eleven o'clock.

No, if you don't hurry up at this time, you won't be able to catch the last bus home.

I got up in a hurry, turned off the light, picked up my bag and coat, and ran downstairs anxiously.

There's a bus stop right next to our company. I'm running there in high heels. But in front of my eyes, the last bus just slipped away. How could I wave? The driver drove away like he didn't find me.

I gasped in place with my hands on my knees, feeling a bit embarrassed at the moment.

In this case, we have to take a taxi back.

After putting on my coat, I adjusted my breathing and prepared to go to the wider side of the road to wait for a taxi.

A light towards me, I instinctively blocked the dazzling light with my hand.

Originally, I wanted to wait for the car to pass before I cross the road. Unexpectedly, the car stopped in front of my eyes.

Even in the dark, I could recognize the familiar car.

I was shocked and looked into the car.

Sure enough, the driver is Huo Qingchuan, whom I have been avoiding recently.

He waved to me, I do not know how to respond to him, can only stand in situ slightly bent to him.

Then I saw him come out of the car and come to me.

There's no one around again. It's a terrible situation, I think.

"Why haven't you come back so late?" He came to me and asked in his usual strong voice.

"Read some papers." I answered.

After a pause, Huo Qingchuan suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward the car. "I'll take you back."

I had to be dragged away by him for being too tough. Before the resistance, he had opened the front passenger's door.

At this time, I have no choice but to listen to the arrangement of men.

Shut the door for me, and the man walked around and sat in.

He didn't start the car right away, but seemed to be thinking about something.

What happened last time was in his car, too familiar with the dark makes me fidgety.

Should we say something, but what should we say? I'm engaged in a fierce ideological struggle.

"You've been avoiding me lately." When I was at a loss, Huo Qingchuan suddenly opened his mouth, but what he said was such an endless and provocative words.

He turned and looked at me as if waiting for an answer.

I watched him warily, and my nerves broke.

I'm not good at lying. I'm really avoiding him.

The same to avoid their feelings about uncontrollable.

Seeing my vigilance, Huo Qingchuan narrowed his eyes and stroked my cheek. My face is a little cold because of nervousness, but his hands are very warm. The appropriate temperature is comfortable.

Being engaged in the fascinating and warm ideological struggle about whether to leave or not, Huo Qingchuan kept caressing me and suddenly approached me.

Instead of kissing my lips as he did last time, he leaned against my ear.

"I miss you so much."

He breathed in my ear and said something that I couldn't refuse.

At that moment, I felt something collapsed in my heart, which caught people off guard. Somewhere in my heart, there seems to be a beautiful fireworks blooming, I can't help but indulge in it.

My body moved because of his words, but I didn't get rid of his touch.

He slowly withdrew his body and stopped his face at a distance of only a few centimeters from me.

I clearly saw the light shining in his eyes. It seemed that I was attracted. I couldn't take my eyes back at all.

I opened my eyes wide and watched his face enlarge infinitely in front of me.

The soft touch from the lips is expected, but this time, it seems to be more hot and lingering than the last kiss.

I didn't resist him. I couldn't resist him. I let him hold my face and deepen the kiss.

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