Feel the man's arm gently surrounded me, and then the next second I fell into a safe and solid embrace.

Huo Qingchuan patted me on the back, trying to comfort me in his way.

Chi Xin is my sister, and she likes him, because she finds out the private relationship between him and me. She can't say anything to me from the standpoint of Huo Qingchuan.

Sobbing for a long time, I slowly calm down.

When I came out of Huo Qingchuan's arms, I saw his white shirt on his chest wet with my tears.

"Are you in a better mood?" He looked at me and asked softly.

I nodded, although the heart still can not put Chi Xin, but after a cry, as if the accumulation of emotion expressed some, much better.

"Thank you." I said.

"Well, there's progress." Huo Qingchuan's tone is full of praise, I do not understand the look up at him.

"You don't need you now, aren't you making progress?" He explained to me with a smile.

This man, originally also can joke? It's just that this joke is not at the right time, I can't help thinking.

But even so, my mood was relieved by the sudden change of topic. I laughed.

"Stay here tonight, you can't go anywhere anyway." Huo Qingchuan saw my facial expression looked good some, tentatively said.

Since I got on well with him, I couldn't hold on to spending the night outside after every fish and water affair, and he didn't force me to indulge my little willfulness.

But now I have no place to go back, and his tone is so gentle. What else should I insist on?

I nodded, Huo Qingchuan looks very happy.

It's getting late. I've been tossing about for a long time. I'm tired and sleepy in Huo Qingchuan's soft and shameful bed.

After washing, I felt the mattress beside me sank down. Huo Qingchuan sat next to me.

The quilt rustled, because someone came in and there was a slight chill on my side.

"Did you sleep?" His voice is gentle like a lullaby, people can not help but relax.

I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids couldn't open as if they were glued together. I could only keep squinting into a slit and nodded at him.

The man's fuzzy face seemed to smile, and then I felt his palm covering my hair and rubbing it gently.

"Then go to sleep. Don't go to work tomorrow. Adjust your mood at home. I'll ask for leave for you." Huo Qingchuan on the side of the posture will I embrace into the arms, with a more gentle voice said.

That too comfortable and reassuring feeling made me sleepy, even what the man said didn't think about it, I just vaguely "en".

Maybe the environment is too comfortable. I never dream a night.

When I woke up the next day, it was more than half past nine in the morning.

There was no breath of Huo Qingchuan around. I kneaded my hair and sat up from the bed.

Then I remember what happened yesterday, and then I remember what he said to me to let me have a rest today.

Now that I'm late, Huo Qingchuan said to ask for leave for me, so I'd better give myself a day off, I think.

I got out of bed and went to the living room to get some water.

A note on the desk caught my attention. I went over and picked up the light blue note.

Huo Qingchuan's handwriting is vigorous and powerful. It's like a person.

But what makes me laugh is that in this era, there are still people leaving messages with notes.

There's breakfast in the kitchen. Heat it up and wait for me to come back.

Just like the gentle words of ordinary couples, my heart can't help but beat a few more quickly.

Reminded by his words, I'm really hungry.

When I came to the kitchen barefoot, I saw that there was too much breakfast. Select a few things that look light, put them in the microwave oven and turn on the switch.

With a crisp sound, I turn on the microwave and take out the hot breakfast.

Eating delicious breakfast alone at some big tables, I try to let my mind empty, only in this way can I come up with a good way.

Chi Xin's words came to my heart word by word, holding my heart tightly, let it burst of pain.

If we go on like this, I'm afraid we can't reconcile because of such a misunderstanding. We must find a time and an opportunity to explain to her.

But for work, although Huo Qingchuan said to ask for leave for me, he always felt that it was not appropriate for him to come forward.

I found my cell phone and dialed Wei Yan's cell phone number.

"Oh, late, are you awake?" Wei Yan's frivolous voice came from the microphone, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

But what cooled my back was, why did he ask me if I was awake?

"Mr. Wei, I'm today..." with a guilty attitude, I said tentatively.

"I know. I don't feel well. Mr. Huo told me all about it. It doesn't matter. Have a good rest and come back to work when you are well. " Wei Yan interrupted me and said in a very generous tone.

That kind of attitude that seems to have known everything makes me feel strange, like being seen through.

"No, I'll go to work tomorrow." I said something stubborn.

Wei Yan there seems to be a pause, and then burst out a burst of enigmatic laughter, "it seems that you don't get Mr. Huo's favor, what do you think, Mr. Huo?"

Oh, no, he was with Huo Qingchuan. I was more embarrassed when he realized this. Does that mean that he knows everything that happened to me? I'm nervous.

"If it's OK, I'll hang up first. Goodbye, Mr. Wei!" As if I didn't want to verify my guess, I hung up quickly.

As for how Wei Yan told Huo Qingchuan my joke, I don't care.

The phone went black because it hadn't been operated for a long time. I pressed on it again, looked through the recent call records and found a number.

Xiaoxin, only my sister's number, I use a nickname.

Should we call and explain something to her first? I'm a little upset.

But looking at that number for a long time, I finally gave up. I'm afraid we can't make it clear when we talk about things between the two of us over the phone. Let's go to the company tomorrow and have a good talk with her when we meet.

I have nothing to do in my spare time, so I just put aside my worries and began to visit Huo Qingchuan's apartment.

Although I knew how high-grade it was yesterday, it was really not a place I and other civilians could afford to live in during the day.

From the big French windows, you can see the landscape of the whole city. Not far away is the rushing river, the prosperous area and the advantage of riverside. I'm afraid this is an apartment that only the rich can afford.

Silently sighed, I sat on the rocking chair by the window, quietly enjoying the warm sunshine.

At noon, I went out with the key card that Huo Qingchuan left me and bought back a lot of fresh vegetables and fish. I was taken in for a night yesterday. I wanted to make at least one delicious meal in return.

At three or four o'clock in the afternoon, I began to prepare. First, I soaked the carp in the sauce, and then I castrated the chicken wings. At the same time, I began to clean up the vegetables.

My cell phone rang. I wiped my hands on my apron and came to the living room to answer the phone.

It's Huo Qingchuan. He asked me what I was doing and said that I didn't have a social party today and would go home after work.

I made a false detour with him and said what I was doing was a secret.

Huo Qingchuan smiles, and the voice from the microphone is still gentle.

Put down the phone and I'll go back to the kitchen.

I patiently prepared everything, just like cooking at home and waiting for Zhanyi to come back, but now it's changed.

If we can go on like this with Huo Qingchuan, one day I will be able to prepare our dinner in our home, and then wait for him to go home. What a happy picture.

I blushed at the thought.

Shaking my head, I got rid of the unrealistic ideas in my mind and went on with the work at hand.

After I cooked the best dish - braised carp, the door outside rang.

I hurried out of the kitchen and saw Huo Qingchuan, who was in the door with slippers.

"What's the taste? It smells good." He found me in the kitchen with a curious expression on his face.

"Well, I'm cooking. It's a reward for your stay all night." I said the so-called secret plainly, but my heart is a little expectation.

With that, I went back to the kitchen, to make a dish, can't have a moment of distraction.

Huo Qingchuan put away his coat and briefcase in the living room and then came to the kitchen.

"You go out and wait. You'll be fine soon." While fiddling with the chicken wings in the pot, I said to him without looking back.

Suddenly I felt a heat behind me, a warm and thick touch on my back, and the feeling of being surrounded came from my waist.

"Is that the secret? Or, surprise? " Huo Qingchuan put his chin on my shoulder, looked at the dishes in the pot and said to me.

I'm not used to his sudden physical contact. It's strange.

I moved my shoulder to remove the source of itching from my shoulder. "Surprise is not it. I can only cook."

The strength on the waist seemed to be tighter. Huo Qingchuan came close to my ear and blew air. "If you want to repay me, there's more than one way."

Full of teasing tone, coupled with the man's unique obstinacy, the success of my ears and face up.

I repressed my heart, turned around and pushed him with my elbow. "It's just a joke. I'm going to have dinner soon. Would you please leave the kitchen for president Huo? It's in the way."

After listening to my "reprimand", Huo Qingchuan's face showed a child like expression of grievance. I couldn't bear to look down, so I had to lower my head and push him out with a red face.

Finally, I was able to cook at ease. I started to prepare step by step.

It's just the two of us, but I made a table.

Huo Qingchuan looked at the rich dishes on the table, and the expression on his face made me very satisfied.

"Feel free to try." I'm very confident in my skills, I said.

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