As I expected, Huo Qingchuan spoke highly of my craft.

Looking at the impression of high cold man eating so sweet, I am also very gratified.

After dinner, Huo Qingchuan seemed to want to help me clean up the dishes and chopsticks, but I refused, "goodbye, Mr. Huo, you don't touch Yangchun water. I'll do this little thing." I want to say.

Huo Qingchuan shrugged, did not insist, then sat on the sofa to watch TV.

After washing the dishes and restoring the kitchen to its original appearance, I came out of the kitchen.

Huo Qingchuan's shadow was not seen in the living room. I looked around and found that he was neither in the study nor in the bedroom.

Are you out? There's no reason not to say hello to me. I saw that his coat was still on the hanger, which dispelled the speculation.

At this time, the door of the bath room rang, and Huo Qingchuan appeared in front of me with a bath towel around his lower body.

The bright and clean skin with a healthy man's complexion is still under water, and the dripping hair is dripping with water. After a day's washing, Huo Qingchuan is even more difficult to look directly at.

"It's hard for you. Take a bath." He said to me as he wiped the drops from his hair.

I deliberately from his body don't open the line of sight, "I know."

He seemed to see through my mind, a few steps to my front, close to me and said, "I'm going to take a bath later, do you want to come with me?"

Magnetic voice and enchanting tone make my heart beat faster.

"Who, who wants to wash with you." I was a little flustered to refuse.

You know, even with my ex husband, I haven't bathed with him.

Huo Qingchuan laughed and touched my hair. "I'm kidding. I've put the water in the bathtub for you. Go in." Then, he pushed me to the direction of the bath.

After helping me close the door, Huo Qingchuan didn't mean to come in, so I gradually calmed down.

Slowly walked to the huge white bathtub, I reached for a handful of water, not cold or hot, the water temperature is just right.

Huo Qingchuan didn't know what was added in the water. The clear warm water sent out the fragrance of roses, which made people feel comfortable.

Taking off my clothes, I soaked the whole person in the bathtub. After a while, the bathtub was full of white foam.

The foam of the whole body gave out a tiny crackle, which made my nerves more relaxed. I leaned back on the pillow of the bathtub, looking at the steaming ceiling, enjoying the comfort at the moment.

I don't know how long it took until Huo Qingchuan knocked on the door, I remembered my situation.

Without waiting for my response, he opened the door and came in with a clean towel and a bathrobe in his hand.

At the moment, I have no place to hide. I can only let men see myself.

A faint smile appeared on his face. He looked at the foam wrapped me. "You haven't brought your clothes, please wear mine first."

The corner of my mouth smoked, in order to let the man out quickly, I immediately agreed to come down.

As expected, obedience worked for Huo Qingchuan. After putting things down, he went out.

After learning the lesson, I hurried out of the bathtub, dried up the foam on my body and dried it with a bath towel, and then changed into a man's somewhat roomy bathrobe.

Wrapped up my hair with a towel, I went back to the living room, and Huo Qingchuan was just wearing a bathrobe and sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"It suits you very well." Up and down looked at me, Huo Qingchuan said with a smile.

He said fit? Which eye can tell?

The bathrobe was almost dragged to the ground when I was wearing it, and because it was a man's collar, it was extremely loose. If I hadn't tied the belt tightly, my chest would be described as spring leaking.

I didn't want to make fun of him. I sat on the other end of the sofa and began to wipe my hair.

Who knows, after watching my action, Huo Qingchuan turned off the TV with the remote control and got up to come to me. I stopped and looked up at him.

He reached for me by the wrist and took me to the bedroom.

"I'll blow your hair." He said.

The temperature of a man's hand is very similar to my temperature. I can't help but follow him.

Press me to the bed and sit down. Huo Qingchuan takes out a hair dryer from the cabinet at the head of the bed, adjusts the temperature and starts to blow my hair.

I'm not used to it. "I'll do it myself."

"Don't move." Men can not refuse to say.

He didn't put the hair dryer directly on my scalp, but let the wind blow along the direction of my hair. His fingers gently touched my hair and let them dry in the warm air.

Huo Qingchuan has such a gentle and meticulous side. This is something I never thought about. At the moment, I seem to be more infatuated with this man.

The sound of the machine suddenly stopped. Huo Qingchuan lifted a car's hair and put it on his face. He sniffed it gently. "It smells good." He said.

There is no doubt that this action implies something. From his eyes, I can know what he thinks next.

Sure enough, he immediately bullied me and overwhelmed me. He looked down at me and his eyes were full of light.

At this moment, some things need not be said.

I stretched out my hands and put my arms around his neck.

He pulled the lace off my wide bathrobe, brushed it away from me and untied his own.

I smell the same shampoo on his head and the same bath liquid on his body. I have the illusion that I want to integrate with this man.

Huo Qingchuan hugged me in his arms, gave me a kiss on the forehead and said softly, "live with me."

After intercourse, men's demands are so natural, but I can't accept them.

"Not yet." I didn't sound so determined because I was too tired.

Huo Qingchuan seemed to move for a while, and said nothing more.

The next day, I refused Huo Qingchuan's proposal to let me rest for a few days. I got up early, prepared breakfast for him, and then took a taxi back to Chi Xin's apartment.

Since I decided to go to work, I had to go home and change.

When I came to the front of the apartment, my heart was still very nervous. In case I met Chi Xin, how would I explain to her?

Some trembled to open the door, I found that Chi Xin was not at home.

Maybe I went to work, I think.

I opened the room I lived in, and I was stunned by the scene in front of me.

It seems that no one has ever lived in it. On the bed, on the floor, on the desk, all my things have disappeared. Instead, two large suitcases stand prominently on the floor of the bedroom.

Open the trunk. It's full of my stuff.

My heart once again pulled up, to do this, Chi Xin's meaning is self-evident.

I and Huo Qingchuan things in the end to her how big a blow, will let her so hate me?

In desperation, I found a note on the bed.

Is note popular nowadays? I thought with self mockery.

I've packed all the luggage for you. I hope I won't see anything about you when I go home next time.

Just a few words, but let my heart incomparable suffering.

In fact, I recognized being driven out, but I can't just let the misunderstanding between Chi Xin and laissez faire deepen. I don't want to lose my sister.

I have to have a good talk with her, even if it's an apology, even if she slaps me again, I want to save my sister who once thought about me, I think.

Although the luggage has been packed, I have no place to move it. I have to put it here for the time being. I hope it won't be thrown out like garbage.

I pulled a suit out of the box, put it on and rushed to the company.

Just one day without going to work, I feel like several days have passed.

When I came to the office, I didn't see Chi Xin. I asked several colleagues, and they shook their heads and said they didn't know.

Turn on the mobile phone, dial her number is either no answer or directly hung up, is it talking about the customer? I guess. Of course, it's possible that I didn't answer my number on purpose.

Xiao Lin came to call me and said that Wei Yan wanted to see me.

Also, after asking for leave, I have to take a leave with my boss. I put aside Chi Xin's business and went into Wei Yan's office.

"Are you better, don't force it." Wei Yan looked at me with great interest, and his tone was light.

I have no mind to care about his ulterior motives, but some absent-minded, "thank you for your concern, I'm much better."

"There is a customer meeting this afternoon. I need you to go with Xiao Lin. the information is here." With that, Wei Yan pushed a stack of documents to me“ Look ahead. "

I took the information and nodded.

Just about to walk out of the office, I suddenly turned around and asked, "Mr. Wei, does my sister Chi Xin have business today?"

Wei Yan didn't know why he looked at me. "Chi Xin, she asked for a week's leave from yesterday. She said she was going back to her hometown. You're her sister, don't you know?"

Took a week off? Back home? I can't help but feel tight.

Regardless of answering Wei Yan's question, I walked out of the office.

There are some drumming in my heart. What will happen when Chi Xin goes back to her hometown at this time? She should not tell her parents about my divorce and Huo Qingchuan. I still believe in my sister.

It seems that it's really time for me to move away. Originally, she even refused to give me a chance to explain this sister? I think a little sad.

Forget it. I'll explain to her when she comes back. At that time, maybe my careless sister will be angry.

After persuading myself not to think much, I put my mind into my work.

In the afternoon, there were no heavyweights at the meeting, because our representatives were only me and Xiao Lin. But with a positive and serious attitude towards work, I kept a complete and detailed record of the meeting, one for myself and one for Xiao Lin.

"Sister Chi, you are so careful." Kobayashi looked at my record, "I didn't remember so much detail."

I laughed, "I used to be an administrator. This is my job, so I'm used to it."

"Then give it to Mr. Wei, so that he won't have to talk about me again." Xiao Lin winked at me mischievously and said.

I couldn't help but smile.

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