During the week when Chi Xin asked for leave, I didn't contact her. I want to wait for her to come back.

Similarly, after being said that, I decided to move out of Chi Xin, because whether we can make up or not, I can't live with her all the time.

Fortunately, Huo Qingchuan has been taking me in these days, so that I will not be reduced to a hotel.

One day, I was browsing the rental information on his home computer when Huo Qingchuan saw me. He came to me and stood still.

"Are you looking for a house?" He asked me as he drank his freshly brewed coffee.

"Well, I can't live in Xiaoxin any more." My attention has been on the screen, some perfunctory reply.

The first condition for me to find a house now is that the rent is cheap, and the second is that it's better not to be too far away, otherwise it will be very troublesome to go to work. However, it is still very difficult to find a satisfactory place in this city.

After listening to my reply, Huo Qingchuan seemed to think about something, and then he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Can't you live with me? We're all in this relationship now. " His gentle voice seemed to be pleading and commanding.

I put down my mouse and looked at him. It seems that he made a similar request after a romantic night, but I remember clearly that I refused him.

So now, my decision will not change.

First, the relationship between Huo Qingchuan and me is just in the early stage, and there is no guarantee that we will be together in the future. It is unacceptable for me to live together in advance; Second, I'm going to pick up Yan Yan sooner or later. I'll let my daughter live with a strange man. How can I explain to her?

"I'm not thinking about cohabitation yet." I did not hesitate to answer him, I saw Huo Qingchuan face a flash of displeasure.

"Why?" He asked naturally.

I calmly told him my reasons, for this kind of thing, I don't want to make a deadlock with him.

Huo Qingchuan unexpectedly understood my idea, I thought he would be as stubborn as usual.

"You are such a muscle." However, in the end, he gave such an evaluation.

I am noncommittal to his words, continue to look at the online housing.

"Look at this one, the location is good, and the house is OK. It's just a shared house. I'm afraid it's inconvenient to take Yanyan back at that time." I looked at a satisfied house source and muttered with some concerns.

"Don't talk about it with others. The mermaids and Dragons outside are not safe for children." Huo Qingchuan rejected the idea in one breath.

"And this is a single room apartment, but it's too expensive." I've ordered another house, but I'm still a bit reluctant in terms of my current conditions.

Huo Qingchuan didn't make any comments this time. Instead, he held his chin and thought about it for a while. Then he said to me, "wait a minute. I remember that a friend of Wei Yan was a housing agent. At that time, he introduced me to my house. I asked him."

Finish saying, didn't wait for me to answer, then went to make a phone call by oneself.

Looking at the grade of Huo Qingchuan's apartment, I think maybe there won't be a very cheap place in that friend's place.

Anyway, I continued to search for the right house.

After a while, Huo Qingchuan came back to me, shaking the phone in his hand, "it's done." He said.

I looked at him in surprise, thinking of my own conditions, but I didn't have the heart to refuse other people's kindness, so I had to ask for a while.

"Where is it? How much is the rent?"

"Well," Huo Qingchuan answered obviously, some things are irrelevant. "I'll tell Wei Yan about your conditions, and he'll take care of the rest."

As expected, he is a big boss. As long as he pushes things down and enjoys his achievements, I feel sorry for him.

But I always care about the price of the house that Huo Qingchuan and Wei Yan set up, so although I accepted his kindness, I still silently wrote down a few places that I could get by.

There are only a few days left for me. I have to find a house to move out in these days. In order to save time, I took a lunch break to have a field visit.

Looking at the good places on the Internet, but in reality it is not so good. In the face of the rejected options, my heart is more and more anxious.

Since tomorrow is the weekend, we should take advantage of these two days to choose a good place anyway. I thought as I packed my things.

"Well, later, you wait for me." Most of my colleagues went to enjoy Friday night, and Wei Yan stopped me at the door of his office.

I looked up at him. "It's nothing."

Originally, I wanted to take advantage of today's time to move my luggage out of Chi Xin's house and put it to Huo Qingchuan, but if it is for a short time, I can still wait.

Wei Yan motioned to me, then hurried back to the office, and soon came out.

"President Wei." I got up from my seat and asked him why.

"Well," he said, "Mr. Huo asked me to find a house for you. My friend has a good and cheap one. I want to show you tomorrow. Are you free?"

I can't imagine that Wei Yan really cares about my business. Is it really due to the big boss's face?

"I'm free. I can do it today." Because it was urgent, I answered immediately.

"Today," Wei Yan looked a little embarrassed, "hiss, not today."

His expression is a little cramped. I've never seen him so shriveled. I think it's funny.

"Tomorrow, then." People are kind enough to help me find a house. Naturally, I have no interest in imposing my urgency on others.

I said goodbye to Wei Yan and took a taxi back to Chi Xin's apartment.

The two big boxes were still in the same shape. I dragged them out of the room and looked around at the house where I had lived for a while. I was a little lost.

The taxi driver was waiting for me downstairs. When he saw me coming down with two big boxes, he kindly walked out of the door and helped me put the suitcase in the trunk.

"Thank you, master." I expressed my thanks for the kindness.

"It's nothing," the teacher, who was 50 or 60 years old, said with a smile, "where are you going?"

I reported the address of Huo Qingchuan's apartment, and then felt that the taxi master started the car.

"Girl, is this a move?" The master asked me when he was driving the steering wheel.

"Well," I thought, "sort of."

"Ha ha, that apartment is full of rich people." The master said half jokingly, and then looked at me in the rearview mirror.

Looking at my clothes, I gave a wry smile. Does the master think that I am a little lover maintained by a rich man?

But looking back, my relationship with Huo Qingchuan is not so clear. Our relationship has not been made public. Isn't it the lover who was secretly maintained by President Huo?

I didn't respond to the teacher's words. I just looked at the scenery quietly by the window.

Huo Qingchuan had a dinner party today. It was the property of the apartment that helped me move the box upstairs. It's worthy of being a high-class apartment. Even the service is so considerate.

Move two big suitcases to a place that doesn't get in the way, I lie on the soft sofa.

But there is no time for me to rest. There are only two days in total. I have to find a house. With this in mind, I went to the computer again, ready to collect the places I'm going to see tomorrow.

At eight o'clock, Huo Qingchuan called me and said that he might not come back tonight. I put down the phone, looked at the dishes on the table and ate them silently.

It's normal for a person like him to go to a nightclub with his clients after dinner. Why should I care so much?

Although I think so, I always feel uncomfortable in my heart.

In order not to let myself think wildly, early I lay on Huo Qingchuan's big and shameful bed and fell asleep.

Until the next day Wei Yan's phone call woke me up, Huo Qingchuan did not come back.

After knowing my location, Wei Yan told me to clean up first, and he came to pick me up.

It seems that he has taken the fact that Huo Qingchuan and I are in contact as the premise, so he will agree so naturally, I think.

Although a little embarrassed, but I can only follow his words.

Within half an hour, there was a knock on the door.

Open the door, it's Wei Yan.

But I always feel that there is something wrong with him. Is his face a little asymmetrical and his eyes not as vivid as usual?

Wei Yan didn't mention the affair between Huo Qingchuan and me as I imagined. We two exchanged greetings and then set out.

Sitting next to him, looking at some haggard men, my curiosity overflowed.

I thought that no matter how tired he was, this man was always in high spirits. What could make him like this?

"Mr. Wei, are you ok?" Just now, the steering wheel slipped, causing the car to shake violently.

"Yes? okay! It's all right After readjusting the route, Wei Yan replied absently.

Is it me that makes people embarrassed? I'm a little embarrassed to think.

"You don't have to think about it. It's my business." As if seeing through the expression on my face, Wei Yan looked at the front and comforted me.

"That's too much trouble for you. I'm not delaying your business." I said politely.

"Ah," Wei Yan sighed, "I have to thank you, otherwise I really don't know how to get through these two days."

The more he said that, the more strange I was. What happened to him?

"Here we are." Did not wait for me to come up with a reason, Wei Yan will be parked in a car looks very new neighborhood door, said to me.

There was a man in a suit standing at the guard at the door. After seeing us, exactly speaking, after seeing Wei Yan's car, he waved to us.

Wei Yan and I got out of the car and met the man.

"This is... The slim, clean looking man looked at me with a light in his eyes.

"Yes, this is the tenant." Wei Yansheng hard introduction way, "she calls late late late."

Then he turned to me, "this is the manager of the housing agency, Bai Shaoying."

"Hello, Miss Chi." The man reached out to me.

"Hello, manager Bai." I responded.

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