Huo Qingchuan picked a look, to my words noncommittal.

"And, ah, if you fire someone because of this, it seems like you are warning the staff, but people who don't know the inside information will think that I'll report to President Huo after I've been chatted a few words. I don't have to work hard in the company in the future." I know it with emotion and move it with reason. I hope Huo Qingchuan can understand my good intentions.

But he didn't.

"They dare!" Huo Qingchuan is cold to Huo Qingchuan.

"They don't dare," I pressed his hand. "They must obey Mr. Huo's instructions on the surface, but they may not look down on me in their heart. You don't care about it." My tone is sincere and calm. I hope he can understand me.

Look at me like this, Huo Qingchuan's frown seems to be a little flat, and he didn't say anything drastic.

"But you can't just say that." He is still not at ease.

"Don't worry about it. I don't care what others say, just do my own job well." I smile, "people who understand you don't have to explain, people who don't understand you don't have to explain."

Huo Qingchuan looked at me, "since you insist, I have to not punish those people for the time being, and I told Wei Yan to let him hold on. But if it happens again in the future, you must tell me. "

"Yes, yes." I nodded.

After the trouble was solved, the two of us had a good meal.

In the evening, Huo Qingchuan did not leave as usual.

I took care of my hair at the dresser while he was in bed reading a magazine.

The light at the head of the bed is warm. Two people are quietly doing their own things. They don't interfere with each other and coexist in the same room. This is the life I want.

I took the medicine prescribed by the doctor in time and quantity. I went to the bedside, lifted the quilt and lay in.

Huo Qingchuan is still reading, and I don't speak. I turn over and put my arms around his waist and rub my head against him.

"Go to sleep." He seemed to smile. His gentle breath made me feel at ease. He reached out and touched my hair. It was gentle and reassuring.

The night seems to be extremely smooth, I wake up, it is already 7:30 in the morning.

For the first time, Huo Qingchuan didn't wake up, but fell asleep peacefully.

Thick eyelashes hit the face, high nose reflects the perseverance of the host, his skin is very good, better than some women.

I wanted to have a good look at this picture, but time is running out. I have to get up and prepare breakfast for them.

He gently took his arm off his body, I was ready to get out of bed, but the owner of the arm was a force, I firmly imprisoned in his side.

Originally wake up, I feel the man's heartbeat again, can't help thinking.

"You get some sleep, I'll get breakfast." I said.

"Don't worry about it. You are still ill. It's OK not to go to work. I'll ask Wei Yan to give you a holiday." Huo Qingchuan still closed his eyes, only his lips were moving.

Although this convenience is not a small welfare, but I do not want to rely on this man, relying on a long time will become a habit, people will be lazy.

"My body is fine. I can go to work today." I said firmly.

Huo Qingchuan just opened his eyes and turned to look at me. His eyes were clear and cool, just looking at me.

Then he suddenly put his head forward and kissed me on the lips. I didn't react and looked at the man in front of me.

He didn't close his eyes. He looked straight into my eyes.

I used to think that there was a lake in Huo Qingchuan's eyes, but now I know that it is more like a sea. If you sink into it, it will be boundless, making it impossible for people to escape.

Although the charming sea water will make people intoxicated, but occasionally you can see the distant scenery on the beach is also good.

I like Huo Qingchuan, but he is not the whole of my life. At least not yet.

I just looked at him with my eyes open and let him bite my lips.

Four eyes opposite, no one is willing to take the lead.

The clock on the wall is ticking along, as if to remind the passage of time.

Shallow breathing entangled together, without a trace of * * smell. The kiss is not lingering, as pure as a good morning kiss.

Huo Qingchuan finally let me go, I can finally take a good breath. To look at him in such a close distance requires considerable psychological quality.

But he still put his arms around me and put his face towards me. "Don't prepare breakfast. Go out and eat later."

This time, I didn't disobey his wishes and simply let him hold it honestly.

We came to the company together. Huo Qingchuan seems to want the whole company to know our relationship. Although I don't want to make such a high profile, I don't resist it in my heart.

Where we passed by, we received a lot of eyes without exception.

Huo Qingchuan walked with dignity, as if this morning was no different from before, so I had to harden my head and smile at the familiar people in the crowd, so as not to wipe Huo Qingchuan's face.

Today, the company has a sales performance commendation meeting to be held. All the people who are lucky to be on the list are well dressed, so that they can express themselves in front of the whole company.

I know my performance, but usually few colleagues in the sales department discuss this with me, so I don't know what level my performance will be.

But yesterday, Wei Yan told me that my performance seems to be good, so I'm looking forward to the result.

According to the company's regulations, outstanding employees will have a lot of money, which for me, is a seductive thing.

Today, no colleagues go out to run business, we are busy in the office sorting out what, I am also sorting out their own information.

A quarter of an hour from the beginning of the conference, Xiao Lin came over with a happy smile on her face.

"Congratulations, sister Chi." She sat down beside me, her words were mixed with joy.

I don't know, so congratulations what?

"What's the matter?" I asked.

Kobayashi looked mysterious and unpredictable, then looked around, approached my ear and whispered, "sister Chi, I secretly told you that last quarter, you ranked first in our company's performance."

It's false to say that I'm not excited, and Kobayashi won't cheat me. I look at her with surprise.

"Really," Kobayashi said, "originally, Mr. Wei asked me not to tell you, to give you a surprise at the meeting, but I still can't help it."

Smile can no longer hide, I sincerely smile out, but also nervous.

The whole company held a general meeting, and then I became the first newcomer. The leader will certainly praise me, and then let me speak. Wei Yan is really a ghost. If I get stuck on stage and can't get off stage, will he be happy?

Fortunately, Kobayashi told me in advance that I also had a sample of such speeches from the Ministry of administration, so I secretly organized the language in my mind, which was a kind of improvisation.

The conference was held at 9:30 a.m. on time. The auditorium was full of people, and I was also sitting on the exclusive chair of the sales department not far from the rostrum.

At the beginning of the meeting, the manager of the public relations department opened the meeting with some empty talk, followed by the leader's speech.

The highlight of this meeting, that is, the announcement of performance ranking, was announced by the new president, Huo Qingchuan.

Huo Qingchuan, with a stiff suit, stepped onto the platform with the usual steps, adjusted the microphone to a suitable angle for him, and scanned the staff below.

When his eyes passed me, he stopped a little and then took them back.

"The last quarter is the first quarter after the establishment of our company, and the market is flat because of the season," Huo Qingchuan began his official speech. "However, I still thank all colleagues who have worked hard for our company. Without you, we would not have achieved brilliant results now."

With that, there was applause.

After everyone's applause, Huo Qingchuan continued, "the theme of this conference is to commend the backbone of the sales department who are working hard. Only with their dedication can we have our rising social reputation and industry influence today!" Hands pressed to stop the applause, Huo Qingchuan took out a red document, read the above content, and began to publish the most exciting content, "next, I'll announce the top ten colleagues of last quarter's sales performance, and invite them to come on stage to receive the award."

As the names were read out from Huo Qingchuan's mouth, the brilliant colleagues stood up and walked towards the platform. Huo Qingchuan's inverted announcement, with the number getting smaller and smaller, I am also more and more nervous.

"Second, Chi Xin." I'm in second place, my sister.

Not far away, Chi Xin stands up with a proud smile on her face. Her eyes are always in the same place. She confidently walks towards Huo Qingchuan.

Nine colleagues stood in a row, each with a cheerful expression on his face.

"The first," Huo Qingchuan deliberately pause, and then look to my side. We all hold our breath and wait and see“ Late, late

I don't know if it's my illusion. I always think Huo Qingchuan's tone should be heavier when he reads my name.

A moment of silence, and then I became the focus of the entire auditorium.

I stood up, motioned to my colleagues nearby, and went to the highest honor.

I came to the designated position with a decent and unobtrusive smile on my face.

Next to me is Chi Xin, but her face is surprised and unwilling expression, which makes my mood a little complicated.

I hold the certificate issued by Huo Qingchuan personally, face to all staff, accept the baptism of the following flash.

Huo Qingchuan, as a chief executive, seems to have finished his task after awarding the award. The next speaker is Wei Yan, director of sales department.

Wei Yan still came to the stage with his usual gentle and casual smile, bowed to everyone, and then began his speech.

As the director of the sales department, his speech is closely related to sales. It is nothing more than some official words on the table. But as the leader of us, he took some of us as examples to encourage those who didn't win the prize.

I was nominated naturally. When Wei Yan talked about me, he specially pulled me to his side and said with a smile, "don't make sales difficult. As long as you want to do it, you will succeed. Late is a typical example."

This reminds me of the words I used to say when I was doing sales. Now it's used to motivate others. I feel deeply.

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