As I expected, although I won the first prize in this commendation conference, the top five were almost the same in terms of turnover, that is, there was a gap between one more order and one less order.

It's not the end. I have to work harder in the future, I said to myself.

Chi Xin's side was noisy at the beginning. It seemed that her team members were all cheering for her manager to get a good place. Some were congratulating, others were begging. In a word, it was harmonious and lively.

I subconsciously looked at her there, just with Chi Xin on the eyes.

Since the last time she said such a refusal, our relationship seems to be more rigid, not only no longer speak, even on the road to see will pass like a stranger.

The last thing I want to see is a situation.

At the moment, her eyes did not look happy and complacent because of the good results, but some unwilling.

But it was just a short emotion. She immediately looked away, as if she didn't want to look at me.

I sighed and looked back.

I still have a lot of work on hand. This week alone, I have two big lists and three small lists to facilitate. Sorting out customer information and analyzing transaction data have already left me in a mess. I really have no spare time to think about how to make up with Chi Xin.

Busy time passed quickly. When I closed the document in front of me and turned my sore neck, I had been off work for a long time.

Look around, there are not many people left. We are all working hard for our lives.

After packing up, I gently pushed the chair under the table, ready to leave.

But I just walked a few steps, not far from me, a person at a desk suddenly stretched back in a sitting posture. I couldn't dodge and touched her hand.

"Sorry, I didn't see anyone behind." Before I could say anything, the young girl suddenly got up from her chair and wanted to apologize to me.

Naturally, I didn't blame her. I followed politely, "it doesn't matter. I'm not careful when I walk."

The girl looked at me for a while, and then recognized me, "Oh, you're the first lady in the meeting

I looked at her, the face seemed strange.

"My name is Deng Tingting. I just came here a few days ago. You may not know me." The girl introduced herself and scratched her head.

"Hello." I smile at her.

"I really admire you. I heard that you started from a new person. You are so powerful in such a short time. You are my idol!" Deng Tingting said cheerfully.

It's the first time in my life that I've been treated as an idol.

"I'm a bit stupid. I can't find the right way, so I'm in a mess. I can't even do a form well." Like thinking of sad things, Deng Tingting's expression is a little wilted.

"It's OK. I can't do anything at the beginning. Study slowly, and you can make progress." I said with a smile.

There are not many colleagues in the office who have a good impression on me. Maybe the child is new here and doesn't know what others think of me.

"Really?" A child is a child. A little encouragement will make her full of vitality immediately.

"Yes I nodded, and then glanced at the table on her computer. The complicated calculation and content were really hard to do at the beginning. I also suffered a lot at that time.

"I'll teach you." As a past person, I try my best to help some people who can help and let them go less unnecessary ways.

When Deng Tingting finished the form, it was already dark.

"Late sister, I'll treat you to dinner." I came out of the company with Deng Tingting, and she said to me, "because of my business, I have delayed your time."

"It's OK. I'll just go home and solve it." Judging from the process just now, this child is really willing to learn. I sincerely hope she is good.

Deng Tingting is still a little embarrassed, I can only comfort her, "well, maybe we can have lunch together tomorrow."

The little girl was so happy that she agreed to my proposal.

The next morning, I went to see a client. When I got back to the company, everyone had already gone to dinner.

Because I was too busy, I left yesterday's appointment behind, just anxious to sort out the results of the morning.

I didn't expect that Deng Tingting was still waiting for me. When I came back, she welcomed me with a smile on her face.

"Late elder sister, you have finally come back. I'm starving to death."

I think of yesterday and feel sorry for this girl.

"I'm sorry, I'm only back now." I apologized.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter," she dragged me to the restaurant. "Now, my favorite Yangzhou fried rice is still available."

I have no choice but to accompany her to dinner first.

When I came to the restaurant, because of the delay, some popular dishes were gone.

She served a bowl of Yangzhou fried rice, I served a bowl of Wudong noodles, and sat down in a sunny seat to eat.

Wudong noodles was paid by Deng Tingting for me. I didn't agree, but I couldn't beat this girl.

As we ate, we talked about some trivial things. Deng Tingting is very talkative. She can talk a little bit freely.

But the history is always astonishingly similar. The people who had been unhappy with me before appeared in front of me again.

They seem to be going back after dinner and passing by us. Should be last time I choked unhappy, so this time to find fault.

"Oh, isn't that our number one sales The woman's sharp voice came from her head. I put down my chopsticks and looked up at her.

Deng Tingting also stopped.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" I don't want to argue with her. More is better than less.

"You're really capable. It's a coincidence that you won the sales title just after you hooked up with Mr. Huo." She added.

Her meaning is self-evident. The champion was given by Huo Qingchuan.

If you want to add to the crime, I look at that sour face, still do not intend to reply.

But the opposite girl couldn't sit down. She stood up and said, "why do you say that?"

It seems that I didn't expect someone to show up for me. The woman was stunned.

"The late elder sister relies on her own efforts to become the sales champion. You don't know anything. Don't talk nonsense!" Deng Tingting pleaded for me.

"You've never seen Chi Wanjie's efforts, and you're just greedy for others' achievements and envious of others' honor. Are you really ashamed?" She pointed to her face and made a face at the woman.

"You Seems to be choked, the woman frowned, about to burst out.

But the people around her stopped her, "let's go, have you forgotten what Mr. Wei said?"

It's easy to move the leader out. Although the woman was unwilling, she was dragged away by her companion.

Deng Tingting just sat down and looked at me, "that person is too much!"

I'm curious, "why do you believe me so much?"

The little girl blinked, a face of course, "late elder sister, you are the last to go every time, often work overtime, do everything meticulously, how can it be that she said, the champion is what you deserve!"

I was stunned. I didn't expect her to say that.

"I said, you are my idol." Deng Tingting smiles, "I want to learn from you and strive to be a little sales pioneer!"

Looking at the girl full of ambition, I laughed.

"You just spoke for me like that. Aren't you afraid they will crowd you out?" Thinking of my position, I was a little worried about her.

"What are you afraid of?" Deng Tingting said, "it's not our fault. We are not afraid of the shadow." Then she came close to me, "in fact, you may not find out, but now many people in the office admire you."

Is there such a thing? I wonder.

Because of previous rumors and colleagues' intentional or unintentional exclusion, I just focused on my work. Have they changed my outlook now?

"Do you have one?" I asked.

"You've been working all day, of course not." Deng Tingting affirmed to me, "I also know that you have something to do with Mr. Huo. It's really talented and beautiful. It's enviable."

I'm a little embarrassed to mention Huo Qingchuan.

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