After I took my daughter back, the days finally settled down in my hope. I changed a relatively close kindergarten for Yan Yan, so that my aunt could pick her up. Occasionally, when I am not busy, I will go to pick up Yanyan from school. Whenever I look at my daughter's happy smile, I feel a special sense of achievement.

Once in a while, Huo Qingchuan would take our mother and daughter around to pick out places that children like. Because Uncle Huo understands children's mind and is very generous, Yan Yan gradually kisses him.

Life is moving in a good direction, and I'm happy to see it come true.

But some storms, always happening in places you can't see, make you unprepared.

On this day, as usual, I took customers to a high-end hotel for dinner. At about * * o'clock, the matter was settled. I respectfully sent the customers out of the hotel. After they left, I turned back to the box and prepared to pack up my things and go home.

The so-called narrow avenues of the enemy is my situation.

In the corridor of the box I ordered, I saw Tsai Tiantian with heavy makeup and very exposed clothes.

The only thing that I have anything to do with this woman is Zhanyi. Since she appears here, maybe the man is also there. I didn't want to see Zhanyi again, so I subconsciously took a few steps to avoid her before she found me.

But it backfired. Before I entered the box, Cai Tiantian saw me and stopped me.

It's not a normal way for people to greet each other. This woman has always been good at weird.

"Oh, who was I then? Isn't it too late?" Cai Tiantian's sharp and arrogant tone came over, revealing full of disdain.

I looked at her one eye, her face is still that kind of invincible expression.

I don't want to have any conflict with this woman in this kind of public place, so I'm going to continue to walk.

But the other party didn't mean to let me go. Instead, she took a few steps towards me, and her tone was more presumptuous. "Why, which rich people are you seducing when you come to this kind of high-end hotel?"

I immediately think of the scene that Huo Qingchuan was merciless and sarcastic to Zhanyi when I met last time. It seems that this time she is avenging Zhanyi.

But I am more concerned about one thing. Since she is a famous lady, can she speak with a little bit of self-restraint?

Since it's not the right person to come, why should I be bullied without saying a word?

I simply stood still and stood in front of her to hear what she was going to do.

"Look, I'm right." Seeing that I still didn't speak, Cai Tiantian showed a successful smile at the corner of her mouth, "but I should say that you are really capable, or are those men blind? I'm so fascinated by a second-hand woman like you. "

"Miss Cai, I have nothing to do with Zhanyi. Why do you always aim at me?" I'm too lazy to argue with CAI Tiantian in a childish way. It will only make me childish.

After listening to my words, Cai Tiantian sneered a little. She simply held her arms against the wall of the corridor and looked at me askance.

"I just can't stand the way you seduce a man like a fox!" She said fiercely“ He pretends to be like a saint all day and doesn't receive fireworks from the world, but he turns out to be mean in his heart! "

Some words in her words have to be said to stimulate my nerves. In addition to drinking a little wine, some restless emotions gradually came up in my heart.

"Cai Tiantian, if you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can say it directly. Don't beat around the bush like this. I'm not interested in spending it with you!" My tone hardened.

I'm a little taller than Cai Tiantian. Even if she wears 10 cm high-heeled shoes, she's still not as tall as me, so I look down on her when I talk to her.

The expression on Cai Tiantian's face gradually became fierce, "how, was it said that the central thing became angry?"

I really don't understand that I have divorced Zhanyi, and I have no relationship with that man. Why is Cai Tiantian still fighting against me everywhere, even saying such ugly slanders.

"Miss Cai, I can tell you very responsibly that I have always done well, and I have never done anything wrong to others! I don't know why you aim at me, but I ask you to take a detour when you see me later. I will never disturb you and Zhanyi! If you deliberately say that because you don't have self-confidence, I'll tell you that you can rest assured! " I said to Cai Tiantian like I was taking an oath.

"I don't have confidence? I'll lose to a woman like you? " Cai Tiantian thinks my words are incredible and points to her nose and looks at me.

I have no fear of looking at her, with eyes to tell her my inner firm.

"That's right. People who don't have self-confidence often use some vulgar means to seduce one man after another to fill the inner emptiness." She paused, and said in a strange tone“ What are you doing right now? Dare you say that you haven't done anything to show your wings

When she asked me this, I couldn't figure it out. Zhanyi was my first love. After I fell in love with him, I kept the relationship with other opposite sex as a stranger. How could I do something wrong to Zhanyi.

"I didn't!" I didn't think about the answer. I'm quite right.

"Hum," Cai Tiantian sneered. Her voice was still loud. She squinted at me and then turned to me again. "I didn't expect that you were not only skillful, but also had a bad face and a bad heart."

"I'm not lying!" I also gradually serious up, other I can bear, but others to my chastity, I can't bear, must understand.

"Well," Cai Tiantian came close to me again, only two meters away from me, "then I ask you, when you married Zhanyi, where was it?"

I was stunned when I asked.

This is obviously not a topic that can be discussed with strangers in public. I'm always conservative and I don't know how to answer her.

See I don't answer, Cai Tiantian proud, "how, can't answer up, what to install?"

I grew up in a very strict family environment, my character is not warm, but some distant, so my understanding of the relationship between men and women is very strict.

Even if I established a love relationship with Zhan Yi, because of some traditional ideas, we didn't have a relationship until we got the marriage certificate. Zhan Yi was also a kind of gentle and honest person at that time. He also thought that it was of special significance to dedicate his first time to the wedding night.

But the first time I did not stay until the wedding night, it was an accident.

After obtaining the certificate, Zhanyi and I will inevitably invite our good friends to dinner to celebrate. We chose a fairly high-end hotel, because some noisy friends, I drink a little more. After I couldn't stick to it, I asked Zhanyi to keep company with my friends. I went to the rest room upstairs, fell on the bed and went to sleep.

In a daze, I felt someone climb into my bed and start to touch me. The dark light made me unable to see each other's face clearly, but judging from the touch of my body, I took him as a spread wing.

It seems that he has drunk too much, and he has always respected each other as a guest. He constantly asked me for what some men should have given him. I was dazed and didn't refuse him any more, so everything happened naturally.

Later, Zhanyi didn't mention what happened in the hotel to me again. I thought he was shy, and it was so gently taken away.

Although I didn't dedicate my first time to my wedding night, I did. But now I have no way to answer Cai Tiantian's question. First, I am not at home on my wedding night. Second, it is really difficult to ask this question.

The expression on my face must be particularly tangled, so it makes Cai Tiantian more arrogant, and the words in her mouth are more and more out of proportion.

"Don't think that if you hide your clothes all the time, others won't know what you are. Some things can be hidden, but some things can't be hidden!" She said.

I can't stand Cai Tiantian's slandering tone, and I can't stand her slandering me again and again“ You have enough. What qualifications do you have to question me? "

My sudden attack let Cai Tiantian appear a moment of consternation, and then she immediately recovered spirit, also with sharp.

"Why, if you do something shameless, you can't let others say it?" She asked me out loud.

Because of CAI Tiantian, the passing guests and waiters are looking this way intentionally or unintentionally.

"This is between me and Zhanyi. I'm not sorry for him at all. It's not your turn to say three or four!" I went back to the past.

"I'm not in charge?" Cai Tiantian pinched her waist and looked like a shrew. Her voice suddenly went up a few steps again. "You put a green hat on Zhan Yi, and I'm going to take this evil breath for him!"

Having been beating around the Bush, Cai Tiantian finally said a direct word, but this word is really harsh in my ears.

I stare at her, it is Zhanyi and she betrayed me, when I gave Zhanyi a green hat.

"What did you say?" I couldn't help asking because I was so shocked.

"If it's too late, don't pretend!" Cai Tiantian roared, "you are not only unfaithful to Zhanyi before marriage. Your daughter is not Zhanyi's child. It's the wild seed you gave birth to with a man you don't know!"

Cai Tiantian's words are like a hammer, hard hitting my nerves, I was stunned in situ, how can she tell such a big lie in front of me!

"Cai Tiantian, don't talk nonsense!" After reaction, I yelled.

The quarrel between the two of us attracted more people to look this way, and I felt a little embarrassed.

"I'm not talking nonsense. Just ask Zhanyi!" Cai Tiantian doesn't care about other people's eyes at all. She still roars loudly.

Looking at her eyes without dodging, my heart was a little flustered.

Once a thing leaves a trace in my heart, if I don't make it clear, it will always trouble me.

I decided to ask Zhanyi.

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