Cai Tiantian and I parted unhappily. I went back to the private room, took my things and left the hotel in a hurry.

On the way back, I was thinking about CAI Tiantian's words. Although it is nonsense, but I have to care.

Huo Qingchuan called me, because I had something on my mind, so I hastily ended the call with him.

Yan Yan also went to sleep with her aunt. When she saw me coming back, she told me a few words and left.

I tried to play it light so as not to wake up my daughter.

When I came to the bed, I looked at my daughter with the help of the warm light of the bedside lamp.

Beautiful little face presents a quiet sleeping face, daughter looks like me. I carefully looked at her, as if trying to find the appearance of flapping wings from her face, to prove that this daughter is flapping wings.

I look through the phone directory, Zhanyi's phone has long been deleted from my mobile phone, but the number that I remember for many years has been firmly printed in my mind, and I can't forget it.

I dial out the phone number of Zhanyi and stare at the screen for a long time without pressing the call button.

Although I really want to verify Cai Tiantian's nonsense now, at this time, if I call my divorced ex husband, it might be a lie. I don't want to do this kind of obviously wrong thing.

Because of the knot in my heart, I didn't sleep well almost all night.

The next morning, I watched the time to call Zhanyi and asked him to meet at noon.

After receiving my phone call, Zhan Yi seems very surprised. You can tell one or two from his tone. Hesitating for a moment, he agreed.

I didn't do well in the morning class. I only thought about yesterday's events in my heart. I was absent-minded even in the meeting.

As soon as the time came, I mentioned my bag and went out of the company. Then I took a taxi to Zhanyi's University and simply stood at the door waiting for him.

The spread wing of a suit saw me with a little panic in his eyes. Then he pulled me to a fast food restaurant far away from the school like hiding something.

Maybe it's for fear that someone will see him meet his ex-wife and send it to Cai Tiantian, I think. But at this moment, I'm not in the mood to care about the attitude of Zhanyi. I just want to make things clear.

"What do you want to ask me?" Zhanyi took a look at the restaurant. After confirming that there was no problem, he asked me in a low voice.

Although he came to the restaurant, he didn't mean to order at all. It seems that he wanted to finish the meeting as soon as possible.

It's in my heart, and I don't want to get along with him for long.

But I always wanted to prove it, but I kept it in my throat. I didn't know how to speak for a while.

But anyway, he and I used to be husband and wife. Although it's embarrassing to mention such things now, it's better than to tangle alone later.

"Zhanyi, I ask you," I pause, "was it you who went to my room that night when I got the license?"

Hearing my question, Zhanyi was stunned for a moment. It seemed that he recalled something very long ago. He frowned and after a while, it seemed that he remembered something.

"The day we invited our friends to dinner?" He asked tentatively.

I nodded, "yes, I drank too much and went upstairs to have a rest. Did you come to me later?"

I asked more implicitly. If he said no, it really proves that I did something stupid that night.

"I've been there." Zhanyi thought hard again, and then answered.

I felt as if something had fallen in my heart, as if his answer meant my innocence.

But his next words let my heart inexplicably up, "when I went home, I went up to find you, but I saw you undressed and sleeping. You didn't want to go in. You packed up and came out."

My heart all of a sudden to the throat, the rapid jump up.

I try my best to control my wavering state of mind, so as not to let Zhanyi see the flaw.

"Really, really? If you think about it, don't you remember when you drink too much? " I tried to wake up the memory of Zhanyi and let him prove that my first time was for him.

Zhanyi rubbed his hair, frowned and thought, "no, I was drunk with my friends at that time. I went up after seeing them off in the private room and sleeping well."

My heart completely fell into the black hole. It turned out that that night, it was not my husband who had a relationship with me, but a man whose identity I didn't know at all!

Shocked things blocked in my heart, Zhanyi seems to see something.

"What's the matter? Why do you ask this all of a sudden? " He asked.

I came back and shook my head subconsciously. "It's nothing. I just ask, ask."

Although Zhanyi and I are no longer husband and wife, I still don't want to face the reality that I lost myself before marriage.

"Well," he said with a pause, "are you all right now?"

His voice was full of hesitation, his eyes were full of hesitation, and he seemed to be avoiding something.

"Not bad." I have a simple answer.

My mind is now full of that strange man, and that absurd experience, this fear of knowing nothing makes people feel like falling into an endless abyss.

Now that I have asked the truth, there is no need to stay with Zhanyi. I get up and prepare to leave.

Zhanyi didn't leave me, because his phone rang at the right time.

Out of the restaurant, I walked along the street a little lost.

With the spread of the wings, I think of something. On the night of our wedding, after our first sex as husband and wife, Zhanyi and I didn't really get red. At that time, Zhanyi's face seemed to have an unhappy expression, but because he didn't say anything and I didn't ask, I thought he had forgotten what happened in the hotel.

I didn't expect that everything happened so unexpectedly.

Yan Yan was really pregnant after that night. Even though I married Zhan Yi in a short time, for a woman, she knows best which time she was pregnant.

In other words, Cai Tiantian's seemingly nonsense is the truth!

This is just like a bolt from the blue, which makes my mind blank. I have been guarding my family for so many years, but there are indelible cracks from the beginning.

I thought that my daughter could live happily after experiencing the pain. I didn't expect that I couldn't even tell her who her real father was.

God, what kind of joke did you make with me!

Thinking of this sad fact, I stood still and looked up at the sky. The sky is still so blue, everything around is normal too normal, there is no change because of me.

I'm the only one who's changed.

After standing for a while, I waved weakly, stopped a taxi and drove towards Meilin garden.

I called Wei Lin in the car and asked for half a day's leave.

Back home early, my aunt is cleaning on the balcony.

"Girl, why are you back today?" My aunt rubbed her hands on her apron and said respectfully to me.

I said to her feebly, "there's something wrong today, so I asked for leave. Auntie, I'll pick up Yanyan today. You can go back first. "

Without any more questions, my aunt answered, took off her apron and left my home.

I threw the bag on the sofa and the whole person into it.

Today's blow is so big that my mind is in a mess.

Looking at Zhan Yi's reaction, he seems to have no idea that Yan Yan is not his own daughter, otherwise how can he be indifferent. And I can't talk about it with anyone, because in any case, it's extremely ridiculous.

But with CAI Tiantian's personality, she hates me so much that it is impossible for her to keep this secret for me. I think she will go to Zhanyi to chew the tongue, and Zhanjia's parents will soon know that things will be worse and worse.

I turned over irritably. If she didn't meet them, even if she didn't say something to me, it would be nothing. But how can I face my daughter in the future?

Although I don't know who her father is, she is really my daughter, and I will do my mother's duty. But when it comes to her father in the future, how can I answer her?

A series of sequelae swirled in my mind, making my head more and more painful.

I try my best to recall the scene of that night, but as time goes by, I can't remember anything about the man's identity except the physical feeling at that time.

Sitting up from the sofa, I reached out and rubbed my sore temples, closing my eyes to relax.

The phone in the bag rang. I didn't want to answer it, but the phone kept on. I could only turn on the phone with tired spirit.

Is a strange landline phone, I hesitated to press the answer button.

The words from inside were cold, which made me feel dark.

Late, you are suspected of divulging our company's important information, resulting in a huge loss of the company. Now the company's headquarters office has suspended you from duty and salary for observation. I hope you will accept and cooperate with the investigation.

It's not the sound of artificial intelligence, but it's colder than the machine.

I was shocked by this thunderbolt. What's going on?

Divulging company secrets? Everything I do is carried out according to the reasonable process of the company. When I talk about business affairs, I strictly abide by what I should say and what I shouldn't say. The company's internal quotation and purchase channels are never disclosed to customers. Now I'm endlessly saying that I have leaked the company's secrets. What happened at the end?

I received two heavy blows in a day, which made my peaceful life turbulent again.

I called Wei Lin, hoping to get some details from him. But the phone rang for a long time, there is still no answer.

I can't stay at home after such a big accident. I have to find out the situation. With that in mind, I picked up my bag and ran to the company.

As soon as I came to the company, I felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. From the beginning of entering the door, all my colleagues who saw me gave me a different look, and then talked about something.

I didn't care about it. I went straight to the sales department.

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