I didn't expect that I was turned away today. Seeing that I was going to enter, the girl stopped me first.

I had to stop and look at her.

"Miss Chi, Mr. Huo, he's busy," she said, hesitating. "I'll give you a notice."

Strange, I don't have to be so troublesome when I come here before. I'm suspicious.

But it's not good to embarrass the secretary. He can only nod and wait outside quietly.

When the door opened, I inadvertently looked inside. There was no one else in Huo Qingchuan's office.

After a minute, the secretary came out of the room with a bad look on his face.

"How's it going?" I asked anxiously.

"Sorry, Miss Chi," said the girl submissively, "Mr. Huo, he is having an important video conference, so please go back first."

Videoconferencing? This reason makes me unable to refute, after weighing it, I left Huo Qingchuan's office.

But somehow, there is always a strange feeling in my heart.

There was no one to see, and I had nothing to do in the company, so I took a taxi home.

Time is more than three in the afternoon, after a while just can go to the kindergarten to pick up her daughter, so I walked alone in the street.

It's half an hour since I left the company. Maybe Huo Qingchuan's video conference is over. I took out my mobile phone and dialed him.

There was a beep in the microphone all the time, but until the end, no one answered.

According to my understanding of Huo Qingchuan, he should be a person with a mobile phone. Hasn't he finished the meeting yet? I put down my cell phone and sent a text message in the hope that he would call me back when he was busy.

But until the evening my daughter and I were going to bed, and I didn't wait for Huo Qingchuan's reply. I was a little flustered by the feeling that I couldn't wait.

After coaxing Yan to sleep, I came to the living room and dialed Huo Qingchuan again.

After ringing for a long time, the other side was finally connected.

"Hello," I tried to keep my voice down for fear of affecting my daughter“ Are you finished? "

"Yes." Huo Qingchuan's voice came from there, a kind of inexplicable fatigue.

My heart hesitated, his cold attitude made me have no courage to go on. But since it's hard to get through the phone, I always have to explain.

"How is the company handling the leak?" I asked.

There obviously stopped for a while, then came Huo Qingchuan some hoarse voice, "still under investigation."

I bit my lip. "I didn't make it." I said“ Someone set me up. "

I wanted to tell him to let him believe me, but I didn't say it after all. It was like I was sophisticating again.

If we can really feel the same, I believe he will be on my side without any more words.

But the reply I got was still just a short "en", and I couldn't even hear it.

I tried to hold back my disappointment. "Are you busy today?"

"OK, there are still some things to deal with." He said.

This kind of answer is no different from let me know interest don't disturb him, my heart a pull, feel some sour nose.

Although I am a still strong woman, it doesn't mean that I can still be strong alone after suffering so much grievance, and I don't need anyone's comfort.

And that person, how I wish it was the man I was talking to on the phone.

"Then you are busy." In order not to make my emotions too obvious, I hung up first.

Sadness and disappointment came up together. I held my knees in the sofa and buried my face in my arms.

There are drops of water from the eyes overflow, drop by drop on the leather sofa.

I don't know how long it took until I felt sleepy, I dragged my tired body back to the bedroom.

For the next few days, I was at home doing nothing.

I didn't get any information from the company about the progress of the investigation, so I had to wait.

These days, I took my aunt's leave and took my daughter to and from kindergarten by myself. Yan Yan is happy, smiling every time.

And Huo Qingchuan did not give me a phone call, the only contact or I sent him a text message, he gave me back a simple but "OK."

His attitude makes me more and more anxious. What is the reason for his sudden coldness to me?

Analyzing the whole story, the only possibility is the leak.

It seems that no matter how warm he is in front of me and how tender he is in bed, he is no better than a small test of trust.

Think of here, my heart can not help but sad up.

In the afternoon, I got a call from Wei Yan.

He asked me to meet in a cafe around my home and said that he had something to tell me.

Maybe there was some progress in the investigation, so I rushed there with a glimmer of hope according to the time and place Wei Yan said.

As soon as I entered the coffee shop, I saw Wei Yan and Bai Shaoqing sitting side by side waving to me.

"Ah Wan, I heard what Lao Wei said." as soon as I sat down, Bai Shaoqing grabbed my hand and asked with concern, "who is shameless in the end? He did this kind of thing."

I smile at her to show that I don't know.

I turned my eyes to Wei Yan, hoping to hear some good news from him.

"Late and late," Wei Yan rubbed his hands, and then looked at me, "this matter is too complicated. I have investigated many places here, but I have not found any exact evidence."

During the conversation, the waiter served me a cup of coffee, and Wei Yan continued to explain to me in the curling heat.

"In my opinion, someone tampered with your computer first, so that they could see the email you exchanged with Dashan group. But I adjusted the surveillance video of the office, and you are still in a place that can't be seen by the camera. There's no harvest. " Wei Yan said.

"It's not all your poor supervision, otherwise it would not have happened in such a situation." Bai Shao is fighting for me and blaming her husband.

Wei Yan has nothing to do with his daughter-in-law. He has a good temper to let Bai Shaoqing scold him.

"Shaoqing, don't blame president Wei." I envy the relationship between them and try to help Wei Yan.

Wei Yan looked at me gratefully, "I will continue to investigate. Starting from the time of sending e-mail, I will touch the actions of the suspected employees on that day, and I should be able to find any clues."

"Mr. Wei, please." I said politely.

"Don't be so polite, ah Wan. It's also his responsibility." Bai Shaoqing said.

Wei Yan looked at his daughter-in-law in a hurry, and then thought of something, close to me, "that, Mr. Huo's side

Mention Huo Qingchuan, I am a burst of loss, but there is no way to put the grievance in the heart in front of others.

"He should be busy these days." I said softly.

Wei Yan seems to understand what I mean. Instead of continuing to ask, he helps to prevaricate, "yes, it's hard for him to live as the chief in charge after such a big accident. But don't worry later. I know Mr. Huo's people, and he must believe you. "

"I hope so." I wry smile for a while, answer some perfunctory.

Bai Shaoqing looked at me and Wei Yan. He didn't quite understand what we were talking about.

After a few more words, I separated from them.

The next day, Bai Shaoqing called me and asked me to go shopping.

I'm basically unemployed now, and Yan Yan has been sent to kindergarten. Anyway, my family is OK, so I simply agreed to Bai Shaoqing's invitation.

The two of us met in front of Wanda in the center of the city at ten o'clock in the morning. As soon as we saw me, Bai Shaoqing came and took my arm.

"Late, I like a pair of bracelets, especially beautiful, you accompany me to have a look?" Bai Shaoqing is wearing a white dress, with long black hair falling down, and his temperament is peerless.

I happened to be wearing a white skirt and hair that day, so when I got to the counter, the waiter mistook us for sisters.

Hearing other people's jokes, Bai Shaoqing suddenly became interested, "you see, people say that we are sisters, so we have one bracelet each!" With that, he took out a bracelet from the counter and put it on my hand.

That's Tiffany's counter. There are tens of thousands of bracelets. I can't accept Bai Shaoqing's such a valuable gift. I refuse, "Shaoqing, your gift here is too expensive."

I didn't expect Bai Shaoqing to look unhappy. "Why, do you dislike me as your sister?"

Speaking of sisters, I unconsciously think of Chi Xin, and that disgraceful past.

"Of course not," I said, "just this bracelet

"Since it's not, take it as soon as possible." Bai Shaoqing didn't give me the chance to finish my speech, so he just put on the bracelet“ Well, it suits you very well! " She looked at the bracelet with diamond and crystal and was satisfied.

Then she put on another one herself. She even put her hand in front of me and asked to take a picture together.

"I'm going to send this photo to wechat. It's not easy for me to have such a good friend as you. How can I do without drying it?" She said triumphantly.

I'm still a little embarrassed. I always feel that I'm not worth it.

"Well, don't droop your face," Bai Shao said with a smile. "If you're sorry, you can give me a gift later."

The reason why I like Bai Shaoqing is that she is straightforward, open-minded and comfortable with her.

I nodded and accepted the gift with ease.

"Let's eat. We're hungry." Bai Shaoqing looked at his watch and said to me.

"I invite you." I seized the opportunity to speak first.

Bai Shaoqing looked at me. "I want to have a big meal."

"Whatever you want." I said.

Chatting with ease, we came to a famous hotel.

"It's said that the lobster and crab feast here are quite good. How about it?" Bai Shaoqing said.

"Then go." I answered with a smile.

Seeing that I had no objection, Bai Shaoqing took my arm and walked towards the door of the hotel.

But the two people who passed by stopped me. Isn't that man the representative of Dashan group that I saw on TV?

And that woman, though she didn't want to believe it, was Chi Xin.

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