Look at them both talking and laughing, Chi Xin and the man are still holding a briefcase. It must be the relationship between them.

But the question is, why does Chi Xin come out of the hotel with the leaders of her competitors!

A bad feeling suddenly appeared in my mind. I was eager to prove my idea.

"Shaoqing, you go ahead and order. I'll see you later." I said to Bai Shaoqing.

Bai Shaoqing looked at me, looked around, nodded to me, and went upstairs alone.

"Chi Xin!" I yelled at my sister who wanted to drive away.

Chi Xin didn't seem to expect to meet a familiar person here. Her look was obviously flustered. When she saw that it was me, she became more uneasy. When I walked towards her, she seemed to say something to the man. The man looked at me and got into the car with a suspicious expression.

When I walked by, the car had already started and left.

"Who is that man?" I asked in a somewhat interrogative tone.

"Just a partner." Chi Xin is obviously a little guilty. Since she broke up with me, she has always been arrogant when she saw me. This time, she is so weak that it shows that there is a problem.

"Partners?" I asked her a question, still hope she can tell me the truth.

Seems to be stimulated by my tone, Chi Xin no longer avoids my eyes, she looked up at me, "I said is a partner is a partner, why do you ask so much?"

"Xiao Xin, don't lie to me," I said in a stern tone“ Do you think I don't know that man? "

If my conjecture is correct, then it is very likely that Chi Xin has nothing to do with the leak case of the company, and it is also very likely that she is the one who framed me.

The thought of this result made me feel uncomfortable.

Chi Xin squinted at me, "so what if you know each other?"

When did my sister become so arrogant when she did something wrong?

"Xiaoxin, is it really you..." I didn't say the following words. I was so shocked.

Chi Xin didn't answer my question, but silence means acquiescence, doesn't it?

"Xiaoxin, do you know how much the company has suffered because of you?" I tried to teach her, hoping that she would realize her mistake.

Did not expect Chi Xin a face full of indifference, she waved her hand, "you less in front of me, in the final analysis is not for you?"

I choked. I didn't expect my sister to be so stubborn.

"Did you... Move my computer?" I was surprised to ask the question I always wanted to ask.

"Well, I don't have so much leisure to touch your computer!" Chi Xin's disdainful reply.

"Who is that?" I asked after him.

As long as I ask the person from her, I can get back to work.

"Are you bored?" Chi Xin yelled at me impatiently. "How can I know who moved your computer, and I can't see who I'm looking for?"

Looking at my sister's attitude, my heart was cold. When did she become such a rude and unreasonable woman?

Compared with the injustice I have been wronged, my sister's change is more painful for me.

"Xiaoxin, why did you become like this?" I took her by the arm, always hoping that she would return to the original, always concerned about my sister.

"Why am I like this?" Chi Xin asked me instead, then approached me and widened her eyes, "after all, it's not your fault?! What sister love, all fart! If it weren't for you, would I be what I am now? "

Chi Xin asked me in a loud voice mercilessly. I didn't understand until today that she had been worrying about the things between Huo Qingchuan and me. And this kind of emotion seems to have sent out endless negative emotions in her heart, which will make her become what she is now.

"Xiaoxin," I don't care about her harsh words, trying to persuade her as a sister, "you are my sister, I really care about you."

Chi Xin rudely waved my hand, her eyes full of anger, "what a man who cares about me, who cares about me stealing from me, who cares about me even robbing me at work?"

I'm surprised, but Chi Xin's dissatisfaction with me is far more than Huo Qingchuan. My hand is frozen in the air, Chi Xin's anger has made her lose her mind, but I don't know how to comfort her.

Seeing that I was speechless, Chi Xin sneered, "after all, we are not sisters. No wonder we can't cover our hands."

As soon as she said this, I only thought that she said it in anger. But no matter how angry you are, you can't say that.

"Xiaoxin, what are you talking about? How can we not be sisters?" I asked her.

"Why, you never know?" Chi Xin looked at me, and the hostility in her eyes became stronger and stronger. "You are the only lady in Chi's family. I'm the child I picked up. I'm the adopted daughter!"

Chi Xin's words strike my nerves. I don't know what she's talking about.

When the reaction came over, I said a little shivering, "Xiao, Xiao Xin, how is this possible?"

"Don't be hypocritical," Chi Xin turned around and was about to leave. "Now you know, from now on, the relationship between the two of us will be gone, and you don't want to approach me again. If you want to report today's affairs, you can do as you like! "

Finish saying, she also did not return of left.

I'm in the same place, I can't calm down for a long time.

I thought that the huge waves in my life had already overwhelmed me, but I didn't know the shocking facts happened to me one by one.

Until the phone rings, Bai Shaoqing urges me, I just walk towards the hotel step by step.

Bai Shaoqing has ordered a table of dishes and told me about the characteristics of these dishes happily. Because of the impact just now, I responded to her with or without.

"What's the matter with you, Wan?" Seems to have found something wrong with me, Bai Shaoqing asked.

I just came back to myself, "no, nothing."

Bai Shaoqing, after all, is not a member of our company. It's better not to tell her some things. Although I found that Chi Xin had an affair with Dashan group, I didn't want to disclose it in private.

A meal is tasteless. I've been thinking about Chi Xingang's words.

The next day, I got a call from Wei Yan.

He said that the real killer of the leak had been found, and my heart was in my throat. If Chi Xin is found, it can't be as simple as suspension of duty and salary, and it is likely to go to court.

However, I didn't tell anyone what I saw yesterday. Did Chi Xin take the initiative to explain it?

Before I had finished thinking, Wei Yan said a name.

It's not Chi Xin. It's another male colleague in the sales department.

Just as we guessed, this male colleague leaked the company's information for the huge bribe of Dashan group. In order to find the scapegoat, he used my computer to send an email to the leader of Dashan group when there was no one, and forged the illusion that the murderer was me.

But why did this male colleague aim at me?

Zhao Yu, Zhao Yu, put down the phone, I quietly read the name, suddenly remembered a long time ago, a dialogue of late Xin.

At that time, I had not divorced Zhanyi, and our family still looked happy.

So, as a sister, I naturally worry about her life.

Chi Xin is beautiful and can dress up. She is also cheerful and lively. Naturally, there are many heterosexuals who are interested in her. I often advise her to find a reliable one and have a good relationship with her. After all, there are not many good men. It's a pity to miss them.

But Chi Xin's temperament is a little flashy. She won't settle down without a good choice.

"Oh, sister, don't worry. Let me have a look again." Chi Xin said coquettishly.

"Is someone after you?" I teased her.

Chi Xin pretends to do something else and ignores me.

Such a lovely sister made me want to make fun of her. I scratched her waist and said, "tell my sister which young man I know? There's something I can't say to my sister. "

"Oh, that's Zhao Yu!" Can't stand my repeated questioning, Chi Xin finally said a name.

I know Zhao Yu, too. He is a young man in the Sales Department of our company. People, long tall, the figure looks good, although the long is not very handsome, the family is not very rich, but it seems to be an honest man. Although usually do not deal with, but people's face will not cheat, other do not say, love daughter-in-law is certain.

After the company was acquired, Zhao Yu also stayed. As a member of Chi Xin group, he still worked diligently.

After those things happen, although my relationship with Chi Xin has become stiff, I still occasionally meet Zhao Yu who is busy with Chi Xin. In other words, although Chi Xin has been thinking about Huo Qingchuan, the man has not given up.

It's him, I think.

That kid doesn't seem to be selling the company for profit. Is there any other reason for him to do so.

According to Wei Yan, Zhao Yu resigned the day he was found. When I left, I said nothing but admit my mistake.

When I think about the relationship between Zhao Yu and Chi Xin, I suddenly have a guess in my heart.

Since Zhao Yu loves Chi Xin so much, and Chi Xin is such a man who is eager for quick success and instant benefit and hates me, is it to please Chi Xin that Zhao Yu framed me? After Chi Xin and Dashan's leaders were discovered by me, Zhao Yu was kicked out to prevent me from going to report and causing the matter to come to light, so as to let the matter pass?

However, it is not known whether Zhao Yu is willing to resign for Chi Xin's sake or whether Chi Xin has given him the benefit of letting him go.

I'm back at work and I can go back to work tomorrow. I'm not going to tell you what I've seen and heard. I hope it's peaceful.

Recalling Chi Xin's feelings when she said she was not my sister, I can feel that she was also very sad, so she hated me more and more. But no matter whether she is related to me or not, I always treat her as my sister.

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