The place chosen for this banquet is also considered the most advanced hotel in C City, which can be seen from the ostentation at the door.

As soon as I got out of the car, a doorman came to meet me. I showed the invitation to the person in charge of check-in at the door. He looked at me and arranged for someone to send me upstairs.

The time I came here should be neither early nor late, because the door of the hotel has continued, and it is obvious that the people who came to the banquet also appeared together.

The well-dressed manager took me to the eighth floor by elevator to the main venue of today's banquet, full of gold and jade. He opened the door and there were many people inside.

The waiter at the door took my coat and made a respectful gesture to invite me in.

Fortunately, I have attended several similar banquets with Bai Shu before, so I am not in a hurry now.

It can be seen from the clothes of the people inside that today's banquet is completely an occasion for fun. Men are all kinds of stiff suits, while women try their best to wear all kinds of beautiful skirts to show you their graceful and moving posture.

There are a lot of people in it, people we know all gather around, as if they are talking about something.

Bai Shu said that our partners will also attend the banquet. I try to find someone I know to chat with.

I stepped on nearly 10 cm high-heeled shoes, dragging some long skirts, carefully walking on the soft carpet, into the crowd.

Just as I was looking at those strange faces, someone stopped me from behind.

I turned around. It turned out that it was Mr. Du, the boss of Fangyu group, who had just made a deal with me recently.

"Tardy, it's beautiful today." The gray haired boss looked me up and down and said with a smile.

His side seems to be his wife, although the age is older, but it maintains a rare elegant and generous.

I nodded to her, then turned to Mr. Du, "Mr. Du, you are really joking, madam is still charming."

Since the sales, I have learned a lot about the world. I am no longer afraid of strangers as I used to be.

"Ha ha... My words were very harmonious and everyone laughed.

"Why, didn't Bai come today?" President Du looked at me and asked suspiciously.

I immediately made a look of grievance, "isn't it, Mr. Du, Mr. Bai deceived me here and went to enjoy myself." I joked.

"I don't think so. You're here for your company." President Du looked around and motioned to me.

I also looked around and found that many people were looking towards us.

"Later and later, you have to dress up like this. How beautiful it is." Mr. Du said.

"Then I'd like to thank Mr. Du for your praise. I'll wear this suit to talk business with you in the future. You can give me a discount." I joked.

"No problem!" Du zongshuang quickly agreed.

Chatting, the banquet began.

The leader of the host of the banquet made a speech on the stage. Everyone stopped the discussion and looked at the platform to show respect for the host.

In fact, a speech is nothing more than a set of words praising past achievements, looking forward to a better future and strengthening cooperation.

"I hope you can have a good time here today and have a good exchange! We have a dance party after us. I hope you and your partners can dance brilliantly With a little applause, the banquet officially opened.

This banquet is a typical freestyle, snacks, fruits, champagne are always available, self-help, so we are not constrained, meet people still chat, from a variety of introductions, you can know more people.

After that, I met a lot of business partners. Through introduction, I also met other bosses. I held up the champagne, with a proper smile, and told them some perfunctory words.

I don't like these, but I can't help it.

It's more than nine o'clock. I've finished what I should do. Now I can leave.

With that in mind, I put down my glass, picked up my skirt and headed for the door.

But when I saw the two people on the opposite side, I thought of Bai Shu's short message, "maybe I can meet someone you're destined for."

Huo Qingchuan and Chi Xin hand in hand, a person dedicated to a glass of champagne, talking and laughing with others.

Huo Qingchuan was wearing a dark suit with light stripes, a tie of the same type on the collar, and his shoes were polished very well. His hair was combed back, revealing a clean forehead, which made his face look a little more heroic. As he moved, the watch on his wrist flashed a few lights.

Chi Xin is wearing a short red dress, bright red with her bright makeup, so that the whole person has a sharp beauty. Her gorgeous red lips opened and closed, talking and laughing with each other.

Her snow-white arm wrapped around Huo Qingchuan's arm, white some dazzling.

I'm all in a daze. When I meet these two people here, should I believe that it's providence?

But I don't want to say hello to them, because they are not the people I can talk about the past normally.

When I was thinking about how to avoid them, they found me.

When I found that they were looking at me, they were slowly coming to me, hand in hand.

I see Chi Xin face is still a bright smile, she is smiling at me?

I didn't look at Huo Qingchuan's expression. Just a glance, I knew that he must still have that iceberg face.

Now that people have found me, I don't have to hide. I can't get rid of the people who should come. Just say hello to them generously.

"Sister, are you here?" After arriving in front of me, Chi Xin greets me happily, even releases Huo Qingchuan's hand and hugs me.

Didn't she hate me all the time? Why are you so kind to me? I had some doubts, but I soon got rid of them.

Her attack on me is limited to when we meet alone. On such an occasion, she must not do that. Besides, she is surrounded by Huo Qingchuan.

"Xiaoxin, long time no see." I also responded with a smile, and then reluctantly turned to Huo Qingchuan, "Huo also a long time no see."

Just a word, I don't look at him anymore.

Huo Qingchuan did not respond to my words, I also expected this, between me and him, there should be some misunderstanding that is not worth mentioning.

"I'll join Mr. Huo in this banquet today," Chi Xin looked at Huo Qingchuan, put her arms around him again, and said, "sister, did you come by yourself?"

I laughed and nodded, "I'm here for the boss. She can't leave because of something."

Chi Xin suddenly realized, and then continued to care about me with an open mind, "elder sister, you were in such a hurry when you left. I thought something happened. I called you a lot, but you didn't pay attention to me at all. It's so sad."

What a lie. When did you call me? But I will not expose Chi Xin's lies, there is no need for that, and I don't want to do that.

Chi Xin seems to see through that I won't expose her psychological activities and continue to stir up the flames, "elder sister, how are you now? Did you find me a brother-in-law? You also don't want to be alone all the time. It's not easy to find a good man because of your beauty. "

Chi Xin's words are more and more profound. She said that the scene of me seducing men appeared in her mind.

"Well, it depends on fate." I still do not care with her, light answer.

"What fate is not fate, or I'll introduce one for you?" Chi Xin said.

I look at her, from her eyes, I can not see half of the true feelings.

I want to end this meeting. No matter how long we are apart, the resentment between us will not be less because of time.

In the process of my conversation with Chi Xin, Huo Qingchuan never said a word. I didn't look at him, but I knew that his eyes were always on me. The gaze made me uneasy.

"No more." I turned down Chi Xin's offer“ I'm going back. Yan Yan is still at home. Have a good time. " And then I was ready to pass them.

In order to avoid Huo Qingchuan, I chose Chi Xin to pass by.

But when I passed her, I didn't know if I was too anxious to leave, or I was pushed. In a word, I ran into a lady who was very close to us. She didn't take the champagne in her hand and spilled it all over me.

Golden liquid spilled on my skirt, along the position of the abdomen down flow, there is a trace of cool, swimming wet a good big piece.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I repeatedly apologized. After all, I bumped into someone.

That lady is also very embarrassed, took out the handkerchief in the bag to wipe for me, I stopped with a smile.

"It's OK. I'll take care of it myself." I said politely.

"Sister, are you ok? Why are you so careless?" Chi Xin also asked me, but her tone was quite concerned.

"I'm fine. I just wet my clothes. Just go and wipe them." I said.

"Shall I accompany you?" Chi Xin asked.

I looked at her, heart wry smile, "no, this small matter, I deal with it, you play."

I have to go to the bathroom to clean it. I lift my skirt and walk out of the auditorium. I don't know if it's my illusion. After Chi Xin, I seem to see her smile.

I can't manage so much. Anyway, Chi Xin always has this attitude towards me. But this dress was lent to me by Bai Shu. If it gets dirty, how can I go.

Fortunately, it was champagne, not red wine, or it would be miserable. I congratulated myself.

With that in mind, I quickly walked to the bathroom told by the waiter.

Take out the white handkerchief from the bag, I stand water carefully wipe the dirty place. Simply that lady's glass of wine is not much, not a few, skirt can not see what trace.

I washed my handkerchief with clean water, arranged my appearance and walked out of the bathroom.

Originally, I planned to drive here to avoid the embarrassment of Huo Qingchuan and Chi Xin, but the clothes are still there, but I have to go back again.

But I didn't get back. I was blocked at a corner where I was rarely seen.

It's Huo Qingchuan who blocked me.

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