Huo Qingchuan suddenly appeared in front of me, blocking my way.

I was also startled by this sudden meeting, standing in the same place and looking at him.

He also looked at me, his deep eyes again played a role, let me half a point also can't move.

We just looked at each other like this. I don't know how long it took. In my opinion, it took a long time.

He doesn't speak, but I can't let the embarrassing atmosphere go on, otherwise I can't stand it.

"Mr. Huo, are you out?" I forced out a smile, the voice is not big.

I have opened my mouth, how to say you have to have a response, otherwise I really have to be ashamed, I thought silently.

Who knows, Huo Qingchuan is such a person who does not give others face, he still did not speak, I even abdominal Fei he is dumb.

"Well, since there's nothing wrong with Huo, I'll go first." Don't want to stay in this boundless awkward atmosphere for another second, I lift the skirt, want to leave.

But this time, Huo Qingchuan did not do nothing as usual.

At the moment when I passed him, he grabbed my arm, pushed me back and leaned himself up.

My high-heeled shoes easily made me lose my center of gravity. I could only retreat with Huo Qingchuan's strength. I thought I would fall to the ground, but the solid feeling from my back let me know that I knocked on the wall behind me.

The dress is brassier. When you first put it on, you can feel a chill, and even a dull feeling of bumping into a hard object.

But I can't care about all these, because Huo Qingchuan, the man's face, appeared less than 20 cm away from me.

One of his hands is on the wall beside my ear, and the other is on the side of my waist. This action is obviously not to let me escape.

It's so close that I can even feel his breath.

I don't want to look him in the eye.

My heart is beating wildly, this kind of feeling is the same as at the beginning.

"Why did you leave without saying goodbye?" President Huo finally opened his mouth. He looked at me with burning eyes, and asked in a vicious tone.

This question made me recover my mind. I put my back on the wall and looked at him.

Why did you say goodbye without saying goodbye? I sent him a text message. Besides, when I left, didn't he have any responsibility?

I found that I could only look back at him because of his unreasonable questions, but I had no idea how to answer them.

Once again, the relationship has reached an impasse. Huo Qingchuan is waiting for my answer. My lips move and I don't say a word after all.

Seems to be impatient, I just feel his face in front of me suddenly enlarged, did not wait for me to react, the lips came soft touch, and then there is a slight pain gnawing.

Because of this sudden action, I opened my eyes wide and fell into a coma.

Huo Qingchuan almost rudely kisses me and bites my lips, with a punitive meaning. His heavy breathing and my flustered breathing blend together, and instantly full of the taste of * *.

I reacted, put my hands on his chest, tried to push him away, and my bag fell to the ground.

But Huo Qingchuan doesn't seem to want to let me go. He holds my back with one hand and continues to attack me in my mouth. With the other hand, he takes my waist and leads me to him.

I almost suffocated, the extremely uncomfortable feeling made me struggle in his arms as hard as I could, and the blocked mouth also made a sound of "um... Um...".

Perhaps I was aware of my strong emotion, Huo Qingchuan's action had a moment of hesitation, I took this opportunity to push him away.

"Pa!" Loud voice spread out, Huo Qingchuan's face because of the strength to one side.

My shoulders are rolling up and down, breathing the fresh air, and I don't like the slap just now.

Huo Qingchuan's face was hit to one side, he stood up straight body, stretched out his hand just a little touch, and then looked at me.

I couldn't calm down for a long time because of his action just now. I looked at him angrily and saw that there seemed to be a kind of fanatical emotion in his eyes.

"What are you doing?" I asked aloud.

When I left, I didn't pay attention to it. For more than a year, I heard nothing. Now, I use this kind of bullying behavior to stir up my heartstrings. How selfish and capricious this man is!

For a long time, Huo Qingchuan only said a word, but let my mind collapse like a blockhouse.

"I miss you so much."

His voice is a little hoarse, but also with inexplicable grievances.

With the psychological line of defense, a stream of tears, also can't help surging from my eyes, immediately overflow trend.

At the beginning, he just used the same sentence to capture my hurt heart in my marriage, but now, he wants to use the same trick to let me fall into the abyss again?

I'm so angry, so angry, not because of Huo Qingchuan, but because he lost his self with just one word.

I looked at him and tears came out of my eyes.

"Late, late, I..." what else Huo Qingchuan was saying, but not far away came a call, which was Chi Xin's voice.

I don't know if I'm hiding something. I quickly wipe away my tears and tidy up some messy hair. At this time, Chi Xin just came over.

She looked at me, and then at Huo Qingchuan, her face seemed to be a bit sinister.

Obviously, she needs an explanation for why I'm here alone with Huo Qingchuan.

Huo Qingchuan looked at me and didn't want to explain anything.

It's me. I didn't do anything wrong, but under Chi Xin's gaze, I can only open my mouth, "I just met Mr. Huo when I came out and talked a few words."

Such duplicity, I dare not look Chi Xin in the eye.

"I see. I don't see Mr. Huo coming back, so I came out to have a look." Chi Xinpi said with no smile, and took Huo Qingchuan's arm, "sister, have you finished with your skirt?"

She didn't forget that. I could only reply, "it's OK. It's cleaned."

"Oh..." Chi Xin deliberately lengthened the ending, "so, let's go back together? The ball has begun. "

Don't want to stay here another second, I immediately refused, "I also want to go back to see Yan Yan, you and Huo always have fun."

Chi Xin smiles, as if satisfied with my answer.

With that, Chi Xin drags Huo Qingchuan back. When she leaves, Huo Qingchuan also looks at me. I don't want to look at him.

I don't know what kind of mood I'm in when I get home. Yan Yan has fallen asleep.

I took off my dress, washed the make-up on my face, and lay on the bed. The scenes of the banquet were presented before my eyes.

There seems to be Huo Qingchuan's touch on my lips. That kind of overbearing feeling is the same as a year ago. I feel that my face is burning.

Forget it, don't think about it. Now we are not in the same city as him, and we have Chi Xin by his side. What do we expect? I advise myself.

But some thoughts were not dissipated by mere hints. When I got up on the second day, two big black circles hung on my face.

Stay up late and drowsiness make me feel listless when I go to work, but fortunately, there is no big deal at work today.

Just as I casually watched the online reports about yesterday's banquet, Bai Shu excitedly pushed open the door of my office and came in.

"Xiao Wan, I have good news for you!" As soon as she entered the door, she sat opposite me with excitement in her voice.

I watched her quietly, waiting for her to finish.

"Tut," Bai Shu said happily, "I just received a phone call. Guess what?"

Of course, I couldn't guess. I just supported my chin with one hand and looked at Bai Shu.

Sure enough, this woman can't hide things. She immediately said it all.

"SK group representatives call me and say they want to cooperate with us!" Bai Shu clapped his hands to express his excitement.

But as soon as I listen to those four words, I feel nervous unconsciously.

SK group, why do you throw an olive branch to a small company like us? Does it have something to do with yesterday?

If you think about it carefully, Huo Qingchuan will really make such a fuss. He is a man who does everything to achieve his goal. My back chills when I think about it.

"This is a pie falling from the sky. As long as we can cooperate with SK, our future career will be prosperous." Bai Shu is still very excited.

I was thinking about the complicated relationship, and didn't act like her.

"Xiao Wan, I know you used to work in SK," Bai Shu thought of something and said to me solemnly, "you know all the leaders."

I pause for a while. I know the prospective president of sk. That's right. But I can't tell the relationship with Huo Qingchuan directly. I can only answer awkwardly, "that was a year ago. I don't know what the leaders are now."

"It doesn't matter. It won't be changed. It's too outrageous." Bai Shu doesn't care, "with your relationship, our cooperation with them will be more smooth!"

I have a bad feeling. Sure enough, the next moment, Bai Shu told me what I was worried about. "Xiao Wan, this cooperation with SK is entirely up to you, including negotiation, contract signing and subsequent communication. If you have any difficulties, please come to me!"

Bai Shu's face is full of self-confidence, as if I was there, and the cooperation with SK is certain.

I gave a wry smile and let me be the representative of this cooperation. That means that I have to deal with SK's acquaintances again. Now, can I still treat them as usual?

Bai Shu went out, and I was entangled by myself.

In fact, according to my wishes, I don't want to get involved with those people. Even if it's business cooperation, can I guarantee that I won't be involved in some emotions?

But as you can see, Bai Jie looks forward to and values this cooperation. In the half a year since I came here, sister Bai has taken good care of me. If the company has lost such a good opportunity because of my personal concerns, I feel very sorry.

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