On the one hand, it's the interests of the company, on the other hand, it's the personal knot. In my character, the answer has come out a long time ago.

Bai Jie, like me, is not easy to pull a child by herself. I made up my mind that no matter how hard the road ahead looked, I would fight for her.

Since the two sides want to cooperate, it is inevitable that the person in charge will meet and discuss. Our company is a small company, although it is cooperation, it is not free from the favor of others, so as long as there is a need to meet, all the people on our side, that is, I, go to sk company to find someone else's door. Although city a and City C are not far apart, it takes two hours to fly.

The first time I met, I first asked Bai Shu for a phone call claiming to be the person in charge of the other party. After I called, the voice inside was very strange, saying that I was asked to go.

I didn't think much about it. Since they said so, I'll go first. But when I arrived at SK headquarters in a hurry, I didn't see the mysterious person in charge.

This is my first visit to sk's headquarters. I used to work in my original company, so there are so many people here. I don't know anyone at all, and I can't ask for help. I can only sit in a meeting room and wait in accordance with other people's instructions.

I'm not impatient either, so after a whole hour, I couldn't sit still, so I got up and went to the door to ask my little secretary.

"Well, our director is still in a meeting. Please wait a moment." The young girl stammered and hawed and did not dare to look at me.

Seeing her like this, I was too embarrassed to say anything. I just asked for a newspaper and went back to the conference room to sit down again.

After reading about ten pages of four open newspaper for a whole time, I still didn't get any news about the president's interview.

Anxiously looked at the watch, it was already noon.

If I continue to spend like this, I will have no flights today. Originally thought that day to day back, but now even no one has seen.

Ask the Secretary again. Sure enough, the answer is that the president went to dinner with the client.

I was annoyed and thought that no matter how big a company is, it doesn't have such a disregard for people. But we can't ruin the relationship between the two families because of this. Anyway, people have gone to dinner. It's silly of me to sit here. So I told the little secretary and walked out of SK company.

A city has too many memories for me. Now that I'm back, I'd better get together with someone who has a good relationship.

The first person I think of is Bai Shaoqing.

A phone call in the past, when I learned that I was in a city, Bai Shaoqing was very excited.

"Where are you? Stand still, I'll go right over! " Bai Shao Qing is still so domineering leakage, regardless of the phone 37 21 command.

I can't laugh or cry, "less tilt, I'm not a child, let's go to the last hotel to meet."

Bai Shaoqing thought for a while and agreed.

When I arrived, they were already waiting for me there.

"Why are you so fast? According to the principle, you can't be faster than me." I came forward and asked in doubt.

"You also said," Bai Shaoqing glared at me, "in order to see you girl, I ran the red light!"

I'm not exaggerating. It's like I ran a second later.

"Today's meal is on you." I don't know if it's because I broke the traffic rules or because I haven't contacted for a long time, she said.

"Good, good, no problem." I answered with a smile.

The two of us ordered a full table of dishes, chatting about each other's recent situation, while eating up.

I told Bai Shaoqing that I came to a city to talk business, and there may be many opportunities in the future. When she comes back, she looks very happy. When she knew that our partner was SK group, she became energetic again.

"Cooperate with Lao Wei company, OK, let Lao Wei cover more."

I shook my head and sighed, "this is the cooperation with the headquarters. When I went there in the morning, I didn't see anyone I knew, and the person in charge of the other party seemed to be very famous. I didn't see anyone after waiting all morning."

"What, that's too much." Bai Shaoqing was angry for me, "didn't you ask anyone?"

"I can't find it, but I've been fooled by them every time. I want to wait in the afternoon, so I don't believe I can't see this man!" I said sadly.

Bai Shaoqing quietly added strength for me.

After saying goodbye to her, I took a taxi back to sk to die. As soon as I got there, I caught the little secretary and asked her if the person in charge had come back.

"This ···" the little secretary may really have nothing to do with me, but he can't even think of it.

Now I've come back to my taste. If Huo Qingchuan specially promoted this cooperation, there are many ways to let the person in charge avoid me with his style.

But how can I yield to his obscene power? The timid girl in front of me is the best breakthrough.

"Girl, you can tell me the truth," I said, trying to find out the office of the person in charge from the girl and go to him directly. "Our cooperation is approved by Mr. Huo. I have a friendship with Mr. Huo. If you always let me wait here, then I can only call Mr. Huo to pass the time."

My words really worked. The little girl's face seemed to be stunned. My heart was happy and it seemed to work.

Just when I wanted to continue to use this move, the little girl's answer successfully blocked me. She said, "it's Mr. Huo who is responsible for contacting you this time."

It's my turn to be stunned, but on second thought, it's completely in line with Huo Qingchuan's style.

I've been hanging by him all morning, and I'm completely in the dark.

"Well, where is Mr. Huo now?" I insist on catching the little girl and never give up.

"I, I don't know." The little girl avoided my sight, and then suddenly left the seat, "I remember there are still things to deal with, you wait here for a while."

With that, he ran away.

Hello, I don't take one like this for running, I think sadly.

No way, in order to save time, we can only use the most effective method - contact Huo Qingchuan directly.

Take out the mobile phone, turn out Huo Qingchuan's phone, I a cruel, a bite, pressed the call key.

"Doodle" voice came out, I began to nervous.

But the other party has not answered the phone, from a certain aspect saved my nervous mood. I must finish the task given by Bai Jie. This is not the time to escape. I called again, but there was still no answer.

From looking for someone to prevaricate me to not answering my phone, now I have every reason to believe that Huo Qingchuan is deliberately making trouble for me.

If you can, I really want to put down the phone and fly back to C City. No matter what, no matter what Huo Qingchuan.

If sensibility can conquer rationality, I don't have to stand here in a dilemma.

Let yourself calm down and think about it. Obviously, the staff here have been under the pressure of their president. No one will tell me the location of Huo Qingchuan. To know where Huo Qingchuan is, we must find a reliable talent.

Is there anyone who knows Huo Qingchuan's office and is not afraid of Gao Leng?

Yes, I was overjoyed and made a phone call.

"How are you doing, Mr. Wei?" When I got through, I said hello sweetly.

Wei Yan seems to be Leng for a while, and then with doubt, "what's the matter with you late?"

I like Wei Yan such a smart man, so give up polite, straight to the theme, "I come to negotiate with Huo Qingchuan, but can't see others, and no one is willing to tell me."

Wei Yan seemed to be laughing. I heard the uneven breathing in the microphone, "where are you?"

"I'm in SK headquarters. Please be merciful. I have to go back today." I pleaded.

Unable to withstand my hard work, Wei Yan not only told me that Huo Qingchuan was in SK headquarters now, but also told him the specific location of his office.

After a thousand thanks, I went to take the elevator according to the floor Wei Yan said.

32, which is a lucky number.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I felt the unusual atmosphere here. The solemn and quiet atmosphere was the same as Huo Qingchuan's other office.

I don't even have to look for it. There's only one office on the 32nd floor.

I sorted out my mood and headed for the office that looked unusual. Fortunately, the Secretary outside seems to be temporarily absent. I don't need another goalkeeper.

"Dong Dong Dong" I took the strength to knock on the door, but there was no response inside. Did I go out? I felt uneasy and knocked again.

"What's the matter?" Finally, there was a voice of impatience, but to me, it was the sound of nature.

I didn't even have to answer. I turned the door handle and went in.

Huo Qingchuan met me with his back. He looked out of the window and didn't know what he was thinking.

It seems that he is dissatisfied with a person who enters his office without permission. He suddenly turns around and is about to have an attack, but when he sees that it's me, he doesn't roar out.

"Late? How did you find it? " His words exposed his previous conspiracy, but I didn't bother to argue with him.

I have only one task this time, to do a good job.

"Mr. Huo, I'm here to talk about cooperation with you in detail." I slowly approached him and said the business seriously.

"How did you find it? Who told you that? " Huo Qingchuan asked me a question that didn't seem important to me.

"I know you are the person in charge of this cooperation. Now you should have time to have a good talk with me." Instead of answering him, I went on with my topic.

"What a useless help!" Huo Qingchuan also answered my question positively, his eyes were always elsewhere, and he seemed very angry.

I feel very powerless. From just now on, it's like we are in different worlds, talking about our own topics, and there is no intersection at all.

Sure enough, no matter in which company, the president's office, are in a high-level not disturbed by the noise.

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