At the end of the drink, we all had a good time.

Boss Zhou's assistants left first with their rickety leaders, and only Huo Qingchuan and I were left in the private room.

My head is a little dizzy. I haven't felt like this for a long time.

I'm alone again, and I'm still in such an embarrassing situation. I know that there will be such a result.

I reluctantly maintain their own consciousness, secretly look to Huo Qingchuan.

He seems to drink a little too much. When boss Zhou poured my wine just now, he stopped me from drinking a lot and then drank it all in one gulp. Otherwise, I would have gone out sideways today.

It's better to make me unconscious than to be embarrassed, I thought vaguely.

Huo Qingchuan sat on the chair, closed his eyes, as if he was recuperating.

I thought he was asleep, so I got up from my seat and wanted to go and see him.

The effect of alcohol made me stagger, but I shook my head to make sure I was walking in a straight line. But damn it, the high-heeled shoes seem to be tripped by something, I instantly lost my center of gravity, and my body began to wobble.

It's a shame. I don't know if it hurts when I fall to the ground. This is what I think at the moment.

But a pair of big hands picked me up from behind and kept me away from the floor. Huo Qingchuan didn't know when he recovered his spirit and saved me quickly.

We kept him up and me down, looking at each other like a lot of dance moves.

I suddenly realized something and tried my best to stand up.

Huo Qingchuan a force, my unstable body finally found the center of gravity again, but still some shaking.

"Thank you." I'm trying to keep my balance and smile on my face.

"Are you ok?" Huo Qingchuan although not holding me, but still not at ease to grasp my arm.

"I'm fine, just drunk." I'm telling the truth. I'm just drinking too much.

This wine has great stamina. I just feel that all the nerves from the brain stem are burning like fire. It's too difficult to maintain my clear consciousness.

"I'll take you home." Huo Qingchuan said.

In this state, I couldn't refuse anything at all. I could only let Huo Qingchuan hold me in one hand and my bag in the other hand and walk out of the hotel.

He can't drink any more. Fortunately, there is a special driver in this hotel. We don't have to wait.

I carefully placed in the back of the car, Huo Qingchuan also got on the car.

I was already a little bit on top. Just now the wind outside made my consciousness more blurred.

I closed my eyes and felt the door above my head ring. Then someone sat in. Then my head was raised and I rested on a soft object.

The neck was raised suddenly. Now I feel much better. Someone is saying something, but it has nothing to do with me.

I fell asleep.

When I regain consciousness again, it's because I'm thirsty and need liquid to moisten.

After a sleep, my head was a little more clear, and I found myself lying on the bed of my apartment. Looking at my clothes, I was in a cold sweat.

I was in the hotel before. Who sent me back? Who changed my clothes?

Look at me right away. Fortunately, I'm the only one on the bed.

I'm so relieved. Fortunately, there's no drunkenness. Otherwise, how can it end? It seems that Huo Qingchuan left after he sent me back. It's OK.

Maybe Huo Qingchuan called Bai Shao to change the clothes for me. I comforted myself.

Rubbing my forehead, I got out of bed, ready to go to the kitchen to find something to drink.

The cool mineral water moistened my throat, and I felt like I was saved.

When I was about to go back to sleep again, I found that the other bedroom with the door closed seemed to have a crack open.

No... my heart is beating fast again.

Under suspicion, I crept close to the room and looked inside through the crack in the door.

Bad premonition has never been missed. The dark ball on the bed is Huo Qingchuan, isn't it?

Thousands of defense, or avoid this man, I chagrined to think.

Huo Qingchuan seems to sleep well. I quietly push the door open and go in.

He just took off his coat, even his shoes and quilt.

As a woman who knows how to live, I know how uncomfortable it is to sleep in shoes and socks.

Since this man sent me back and didn't do anything wrong to me, taking care of him a little bit can be regarded as his reward.

I must have been under the influence of alcohol at that time. That's why I lost my mind and thought about taking care of this dangerous man.

I took off the shoes for Huo Qingchuan very carefully, put them on the ground gently, and then took off the socks for him more carefully.

I was startled when the man on the bed turned over and went on sleeping.

Although it's still summer, the air at night is a little cold. If President Huo gets a cold, I will be the culprit of sk.

Thinking of this, I stood on tiptoe to the bedside and prepared the quilt to cover him.

Not easy to pull out the summer cool quilt from under the pillow, I slowly put on Huo Qingchuan's body.

He is really tall. I have to cover him a little bit to cover his whole body.

Men's heavy breathing reverberated in the quiet bedroom, but it seemed more quiet around.

I didn't dare to breathe. After I finished my duty, I turned around and prepared to go out.

The bedclothes on the bed suddenly rang. I turned my head in surprise, but a dark shadow suddenly appeared in front of me. I didn't cry out, so I was heavily pressed on the bed.

The sudden attack and heavy weight made my heart thump, but Huo Qingchuan hugged me tightly and pressed me under his body. The quilt he had just covered also suffered with me.

"What are you doing?" I refuse as if the man, want to quickly escape this awkward posture.

Huo Qingchuan didn't move and let me struggle. Anyway, I couldn't push him away.

"Let go of me." I tried my best to move around, and my uneasiness gradually increased. If this situation continues, it will return to the past.

Huo Qingchuan still won't move. I can feel his breath on my neck.

Itchy, hot, let me even like fire in general, fortunately the light is dim, this more or less covered up my shaking.

"Don't move." Huo Qingchuan finally responded. His hoarse voice came from my neck, with the dangerous smell of not waking up.

I was afraid to move. I looked at the ceiling with my eyes wide open.

"You, what are you going to do?" I admit I'm afraid, but I'm not expecting anything.

Sometimes things between men and women can't be controlled and avoided if you want to control them. For us now, alcohol is the best catalyst.

I'm really afraid of what Huo Qingchuan will do, and I'm even more afraid that I will have nothing to fight back.

"I can't guarantee that I will do anything to you if you move any more." Hoarse voice came again, warm breath constantly sprayed on my neck, let me tremble.

"Huo Qingchuan, you..." I wanted to say something, but I was blocked by a lip full of wine.

"Um... My mouth was blocked by someone's rudeness. I couldn't make a sound. The strong shock made me struggle again.

No, it can't go on like this.

But how can I resist the strength of a strong man? My struggle is in Huo Qingchuan's place. It's just a mantis arm, but it doesn't work at all.

Huo Qingchuan grabbed my hands, folded them together and fixed them on the top of my head. He pressed my arm with his other hand, and put one leg between my legs, locking me firmly under his control.

Huo Qingchuan's kiss is aggressive. His tongue has no scruple to knock on my teeth. He is unscrupulous in my mouth and entangles with me.

I was almost breathless by his kiss, can only grow a mouth, powerless want to push out some wild tongue.

But how can Huo Qingchuan let me go? He controls my whole body and kisses me harder and harder. At the same time, his hand began to swim on me.

Because it's too hard, I feel tears coming out of the corner of my eyes.

My nose a sour, involuntarily sucked.

It's this that miraculously stops Huo Qingchuan.

He let go of my lips, left me ten centimeters, looked down at me.

When I look at the tears in the corner of my eyes, and the confused eyes, his expression has a moment of consternation and stupefaction.

I don't want to look at this man.

But the heart, however, was beating wildly because of what he had just done.

Suddenly, the strength on the hand lightened, Huo Qingchuan let me go.

I looked at him with wide eyes. I thought it was incredible. Would he let me go like this?

"Sorry, I miss you so much that I can't help it." Huo Qingchuan stepped back from me and sat down beside the bed.

The danger had gone, and I packed my clothes and sat up.

There was silence in the room again. I didn't know what to say.

What happened just now was too sudden, and the ending was too sudden. No matter what happened or ended, I couldn't prevent it.

But for today's sake, I'd better leave this room and stay away from this man. I made a wise decision.

"Wait!" As soon as I got out of bed and was ready to leave, my wrist was caught. I trembled and thought he was going to do something again.

But this time Huo Qingchuan just held me. I looked at him and waited for him to speak.

"Late, if you're afraid, I'll go now." His voice is still hoarse, I'm afraid after what happened just now, he felt even worse.

I'm in a dilemma. On the one hand, I'm really afraid to be in the same room with him. On the other hand, it's so late, and he didn't do anything more than that just now. Is it a little unkind to throw people out like this.

"Mr. Huo, you can sleep here tonight. I will take it as if it didn't happen." After putting down a word, I left Huo Qingchuan's room.

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