When I got back to my room, my heart still kept beating, and my lips still had the pain of being bitten by Huo Qingchuan just now.

What are these things? I caressed my chest and slowly lay down on the bed.

The next room was very quiet. After a while, the light in the living room was on. I watched the door warily and remembered that I locked the door when I came in just now.

There was a rustling sound from the living room. The excessive uneasiness made me walk down from the bed and quietly come to the door. I put my ear to the bedroom door and listened to the outside carefully.

There is the sound of the refrigerator switch. It seems that Huo Qingchuan is thirsty too. He went to find water to drink. Then there was the sound of the toilet door opening, followed by the sound of water.

A shower in the middle of the night? I wonder about Huo Qingchuan's living habits.

I've been listening to Huo Qingchuan's action. This action makes me look like a crazy girl, but I'm just not at ease.

Just now, they said they would let them go when they left. Now they are struggling to death. I begin to regret it.

In less than ten minutes, the sound of water inside stopped, and Huo Qingchuan came out. His figure could be seen from the non translucent glass on the door.

After he came out, he stood in the living room for half a minute, seemingly towards my room, which made me nervous and couldn't help swallowing.

But after a while, he went back to his room, and the rest of the time was quiet.

It seems that Huo Qingchuan will not take advantage of the fire to "attack" me again. After I let go, I lay back in bed again.

The residual force of alcohol did not completely fade, plus just a toss, I seem to be more tired, and soon fell asleep.

Business has also been negotiated. Boss Zhou is leaving city a today, and it may take a few days to sign the contract formally, so I let myself sleep until I wake up naturally without any worries.

I was awakened by hunger. I went to drink yesterday and didn't eat anything.

Knead the eyes, from the thick curtain into the sun can roughly judge, at least it has passed nine o'clock.

Lazily stretched out his arm from the bed, I reached the mobile phone on the bedside table, opened a look, I simply underestimated myself, it was already 10:30.

My stomach started to clamor. I got up and was ready to go to the kitchen to find some food to make do with it.

As soon as I get out of the bedroom door, I feel a little dazed. This should not be my illusion, otherwise how can I smell a rice fragrance?

I find the taste into the kitchen, the man back to my busy figure came into view.

He is wearing dark clothes. I can recognize the one he wore yesterday. His hair is covered on his head because of bathing. It is not as neat as usual. He cut something on the chopping board. He seemed very serious.

Why do I think so? Because even when I came up behind my head, he didn't notice it.

But I, because of this magical scene, can not help but make a sound.

How could Huo Qingchuan be a cook himself? He's a young master with a wide mouth.

"Mr. Huo, what are you doing?" See, I use honorifics because I'm shocked.

Huo Qingchuan just found out my existence. He turned his head and motioned for a little cold dish on the chopping board with his eyes. "I'm cooking."

I went over to see what he was cooking.

What he called preserved egg and lean meat porridge was in the pot, and the spicy dishes on the chopping board were also bought by me yesterday. Apart from these two, there was nothing else.

Originally, what can I expect from such a young master? It's very good to do so. At least I see Huo Qingchuan cooking for the first time.

No matter how the porridge is cooked, because the power has not been turned off yet, but judging from the level of cutting vegetables, we don't need to hold too much hope.

Sure enough, the kitchen is not the place where he came from. In order to save the innocent food and solve the problem of hunger as soon as possible, I took an apron and drove Huo Qingchuan out of the kitchen.

"Late late, you're still drunk. I'll come." Huo Qingchuan in the side was extrapolated to the time, still not give up the insistence.

"Master Huo, just stop for a while and sit down on the sofa honestly." I resolutely sent him out, firmly said to him.

Standing at the door of the kitchen, Huo Qingchuan put down his sleeve and finally didn't follow me.

I don't think he has been so strongly denied in any way in his life. In order not to continue to stimulate him, I concentrate on my work.

Huo Qingchuan really prepared a very simple meal. As soon as I saw it, it was clear that porridge was a small dish. I was moved to cry.

Now that it's noon, I'd better make more dishes. Please take the trouble to send me home and prepare breakfast for me. In other words, the boss for lunch has a meal. It's not against the law and there's nothing to tangle with.

With that in mind, I went out of the kitchen and took some more materials out of the refrigerator.

Huo Qingchuan stayed quietly in the living room, holding a mobile phone in his hand. He didn't know what he was looking at. When he saw me coming out, he got up and approached me.

"What are you doing?" See me inside the refrigerator rummage for cooking materials, Huo Qingchuan curious asked.

I took the food and meat to him and raised it, "how can I have porridge? I'm very hungry and need to cook more rice." then I paused and tentatively said, "if Mr. Huo doesn't dislike it, he can stay and eat together."

I suddenly thought that Huo Qingchuan is such a busy person, so I quickly added, "of course, if Huo always has other social activities, it doesn't matter. Just tell me, I can do less."

I have absolutely considered the situation of the other party, and I don't mean to rush people.

Obviously, Huo Qingchuan misunderstood my good intentions. He frowned, "I don't have any other social activities. I also made porridge. I want to eat here."

I looked at him for a while and suddenly wanted to laugh, but I held back, "well, please wait for a while."

With that, I went back to the kitchen, Huo Qingchuan also followed, he leaned on the door, "do you need my help?"

I looked at him and thought, what can you do.

"Two people, maybe faster, and I'm a little hungry." He added.

"Then..." his words are very reasonable. If I refuse again, it may be too shameful. So I thought about where he could help me, "can you help me peel a potato?"

It's a simple and unskilled job to peel potatoes. No matter how hard it is, I think.

Huo Qingchuan nodded, rolled up his sleeves and entered the kitchen again.

Seeing him pick up potatoes and special peeler and start to work, I also temporarily put down my mind and focus on my own side.

In addition to the sound of two people in the kitchen, there is only the sound of electric rice cooker. President Huo's preserved egg and lean meat porridge is finally coming out.

I waited for the steam to dissipate, opened the lid of the pot, waved the hot gas, stirred it with a wooden spoon, scooped up a little and tasted it.

What surprised me was that the taste was ok, but the meat and preserved eggs were too big. Thank God.

I was just about to put the cut spinach leaves in and add some other seasonings to improve the taste. Suddenly, I felt a heat behind my back and a chest was stuck on it.

I was surprised. The spoon was almost unsteady.

Does this guy like to scare people?

Huo Qingchuan didn't have the consciousness to scare people. He stared at his "masterpiece" and looked forward to it.

"How's it going?" He asked me.

"It's OK. I'll adjust it a little bit better." I step forward a little bit and let my body have a seam with him.

"I'll try it, too." Huo Qingchuan is in my ear. I can see his face close by as soon as I turn my head.

It seems that I am too persistent in my own craft. I can't help it. I handed him the spoon and let him have a taste.

But Huo Qingchuan didn't take the spoon. He looked at me innocently, and then shook his hands full of mud to me.

After struggling with potatoes, the white and slender fingers, which were originally well-defined, all changed color.

No way, I just scooped out a little porridge in the pot, put it on my mouth and blew it. One hand held it, and the other hand put it below to prevent it from dripping, and sent it to his mouth.

Huo Qingchuan did not immediately go to taste, but looked at me with a smile, and then took a bite.

"Thank you. I'm afraid I'll burn it." Smack smack, Huo Qingchuan said with a smile.

I immediately think of just inadvertent action, feel the face fever, "this is just my habit, no matter who I will do it."

Instead of looking at him, I put the spinach and seasoning into the pot, stirred it a few times and covered it again.

Listen to my sophistry, Huo Qingchuan just laughed, and finally walked away from me, "my porridge is really delicious, so delicious." He said with satisfaction.

What are you proud of? I think.

After more than an hour of busy talking, we finally put on the table a "sumptuous" lunch. Huo Qingchuan's porridge and side dishes, my braised pig's feet, fried pork with pepper and tomato with sugar, Mian Qiangqiang can be regarded as four dishes and one porridge.

Don't ask me why I didn't use potatoes, because when I saw the potatoes that President Huo could not finish well even with a special peeler, I gave up the dish, although I was complained a few times.

Smelling the smell of the real food, my stomach was even more hungry, so like a host of the house, I asked the guests to eat.

Huo Qingchuan took the improved preserved egg and lean meat porridge in front of his eyes, filled some with a spoon and put it in his mouth.

"Well, it's better!" He looked at me in surprise, his eyes were incredible.

My cooking is definitely a very happy thing. I nodded with pride, "of course. After all, I have a lot of research on food."

See me this appearance, Huo Qingchuan immediately nodded, "in the end or I do well, can let you icing on the cake."

Really, give him a little sunshine, and you will be poor. Why didn't you see him like this before? I think.

Looking at the bright smile and shining eyes on Huo Qingchuan's face, I looked away for fear of being attracted by him again.

Just now, attracted by the topic of food, I have completely ignored the man opposite. He is Huo Qingchuan, my ex boyfriend and Chi Xin's fiance.

The two of us, this is not supposed to be the relationship between sitting together to eat.

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