Put away the dishes. It's already half past twelve.

I still have nothing to do in the afternoon, ready to go out for a rest.

Huo Qingchuan said there was a meeting to be held at 1:30, so he simply sorted it out and left.

I'm relieved. Now he doesn't take the initiative to say he wants to leave. I'm embarrassed to drive him.

But I'm going out too. I can join him.

I casually found an ordinary clothes, dragging a pair of sandals, holding the key and mobile phone, then followed Huo Qingchuan downstairs.

"Mr. Huo, take your time." Huo Qingchuan's car is parked downstairs. I'm happy to say goodbye to him.

But Huo Qingchuan frowned, threw his bag into the car and walked towards me.

What's the matter? I feel strange, standing in the same place.

Huo Qingchuan came over and held me in his arms without saying a word. I couldn't react again. I opened my eyes and looked at an aunt who went to look at us.

"Later and later, I still love you, you will know sooner or later." Huo Qingchuan said such a sentence in my ear, the effect is very obvious.

Before I struggled, he let me go and turned to drive.

That familiar Maserati soon disappeared in my sight, I pondered Huo Qingchuan just words, can't help but blush.

The phone rings. It's Bai Shu. I guess she wants to ask about yesterday's business, so she answers the phone quickly.

"Hello, Bai Jie." I said to the phone.

"Little night, are you awake?" Bai Shu is a burst of cold and warm first, "drink a lot yesterday."

She knew that such occasions were inseparable from drinking.

"How can I answer the phone if I don't wake up," I joked. "Not only did I wake up, but I also had a big meal."

Bai Shu listens to my words, immediately came spirit, "ate a big meal, with whom?"

I said, shouldn't you care about the business first? How to always grasp some unimportant points?

"I... I couldn't tell her who I was eating with, otherwise Bai Shu would be more excited." I ate it myself. "

"What?" I was disappointed when I heard the voice. My goal was achieved. "I thought you would have dinner with Mr. Huo."

"Sister Bai," I sighed helplessly, reminding her to get down to business, "don't you care about the business with boss Zhou yesterday?"

"Do you still need me to worry about it when you are recommended by Mr. Huo?" Bai Shu is true, but also, with Huo Qingchuan such a heavyweight to participate, just because he is willing to recommend, this business has become 90%.

"But the contract hasn't been signed yet," I told her about the actual situation. "Boss Zhou went to other places for investigation and said he would have to wait a few days to come back. Maybe there are still some variables."

"What variables can there be?" Bai Shu told me not to worry. "In this way, you stay in a city these days, and boss Zhou signs a contract with him as soon as he comes back. You can't run away from him."

Bai Jie, Bai Jie, what's your way? I'm waiting for you to do nothing these days?

"Late, you don't have to think about it. I want you to stay in city A. on the one hand, it's very important to prepare the contract well; On the other hand, we can't ignore our cooperation with sk. We need you to supervise them. As for Yan Yan, she lives very well with me. You don't have to worry about it. " Bai Shu saw my hesitation and immediately convinced me with her theory.

I was convinced by her again, so I had to stay here.

Hung up the phone, I walked towards the park outside the community.

The matter of the contract, in fact, as long as we change some important parts on the original basis, it's not as troublesome as Bai Shu said. Her real intention is not to rush to match me up with Huo Qingchuan?

When I mentioned Huo Qingchuan, what happened last night and what he said just now naturally appeared in my mind.

He has always indicated that he still has nostalgia for me, and has never said anything about Chi Xin. Does he really love me, or do he want to step on two boats?

And that honey bellied sister, her words, how much true, how much false?

Chinese people really can't bear to remember. As soon as they think of Chi Xin, she calls.

Since last time I promised her not to contact Huo Qingchuan, she never contacted me again, which made me feel sad.

But now, she called me again. What's the matter? It's not yesterday that she knew.

Although Huo Qingchuan and I didn't do anything, if she knew that her fiance had been sleeping in my house all night, with Chi Xin's personality, she would be misunderstood.

I can't mess with myself until I know the purpose of Chi Xin's call.

I got through and said in a calm voice, "Hello, Xiao Xin."

"Sister," Chi Xin's voice sounded impatient, "where are you?"

I hesitated. "I'm in the park. What's the matter?"

"With whom?" Chi Xin asked involuntarily, with a very strong tone.

This attitude made me very uncomfortable, but I still answered her, "myself, what's the problem?"

Chi Xin seemed to pause. "I heard that yesterday, you went to talk business with Qingchuan, right?"

This is the company's business, there is no taboo, I truthfully replied, "yes, yesterday, we also cooperated with boss Zhou, we went to eat together."

"Where did you go after dinner?" Chi Xin's voice is getting louder and louder, which means interrogation.

Do you want to tell her that Huo Qingchuan sent me home, and then we slept in each room all night? If she said that, Chi Xin would not believe that we had done nothing, but if she didn't say that, she would be even more confused if she was found later.

I'm in a dilemma. I can't answer her question.

My silence makes Chi Xin more uneasy, and her voice becomes more anxious. "I called him all the time yesterday, but no one answered. I didn't see him until today's meeting. When I asked him where he had gone, he didn't speak. He must be with other women!"

That "other woman" is me.

Huo Qingchuan was really with me from yesterday to today, but why didn't he answer Chi Xin's phone call? It's really hard to wash when he jumped into the Yellow River.

"Xiao Xin, listen to me." after struggling for a while, I decided to be honest, thinking that there was nothing between us. "Yesterday we all drank too much, so Mr. Huo sent me back home. But believe me, we didn't do anything. You have to believe Mr. Huo, he is not so casual. "

The breathing voice over there clearly spread, "late, how did you promise me at the beginning? You said you would not pester Huo Qingchuan any more!"

The tone of questioning seemed to turn into criticism. My explanation didn't get the result I wanted, on the contrary, it made things very bad.

"Xiaoxin, things are not what you think. There is nothing between us. You can ask Mr. Huo..." I still want to prove the innocence of Huo Qingchuan and me, although I feel a little uncomfortable.

I didn't do anything wrong. Why do I have to explain so much to a sister who only regards me as an enemy?

"Shut up Chi Xin rudely interrupted my words, "how can I believe you? You are a liar, a cheap woman who can only rob other people's men behind their back!"

After yelling these words, Chi Xin angrily hangs up the phone and leaves me in a mess here.

Swindler, cheap woman, is this what my sister who sincerely wants to make up with me will say? Between Chi Xin and I, the sisterhood is really slowly worn away.

She is angry, she is irritable, she turns a blind eye to the fire on me, but I have grievances, I have unwilling, I want to vent to who?

The emotions in my heart slowly spread to my brain. I wanted to go out to relax, but it turned into dross. I knew that as soon as I got back to city a and got involved with the people here, my life would return to the chaotic state before.

I get up from the bench and walk back. Now I just hope that the boss of that week will come back quickly. I will sign the contract quickly and leave this right and wrong place without looking back.

Turn the mobile phone into silent mode, I went to the supermarket, bought snacks that I didn't like very much, and went to the sofa to watch TV.

I didn't leave home until evening.

After eating snacks all afternoon, I'm not hungry, so I'm going to watch a movie for a while, and then go straight to bed.

The bloody urban love drama on TV is very similar to my present situation. While I scoff at the fate of others, I can't help but feel sad about my own fate.

When I was laughing and crying, there was a knock on the door.

I put down my snacks and went to the door with my slippers.

But generally no one will come to me. I look out of my eyes.

I'm really afraid of what comes. Although I can't see the appearance of all the visitors, judging from their clothes, it's Huo Qingchuan who left here in the morning.

What's he doing here again? I feel headache. Because of him, I was called a liar and a cheap woman. What's he going to do now?!

I don't want to open the door. I stand in the door and hesitate.

The doorbell rang again and again, as if as long as I didn't open the door, the person outside would not leave.

When I was in a dilemma, I turned my eyes and saw that the mobile phone on the sofa was on. I went over and it was Huo Qingchuan.

It shows that there are more than ten missed calls. When you open it, all of them are Huo Qingchuan.

The phone called again. I went into the bedroom on purpose and got through.

"Late, why don't you answer the phone?" As soon as the connection was made, Huo Qingchuan's accusations came straight out of his face. He could even be heard outside the door.

I took the phone a little further away from myself. "I didn't hear you. Didn't I answer it?"

"Where have you been, and where are you now?" Huo Qingchuan's tone didn't soften half a minute because I answered the phone, still aggressive.

All of them have taken gun medicine. Why do they all fire at me?

I feel bad, so my tone is not so kind, "where I go is my freedom, you don't have to worry about Mr. Huo."

Perhaps it is to hear my displeasure, Huo Qingchuan was silent for a moment, tone eased, "tell me, where are you now?"

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