I don't know why, Huo Qingchuan suddenly soft down greetings, let my nose acid, tears also flow out.

Panicked at my reaction, I quickly wiped the teardrops from the corners of my eyes with the back of my hand, suppressing my voice so that he didn't notice, "I, I'm outside."

Ghosts and gods, I told a lie, because I really don't know how to face this man now.

"Where is it? I'll find you Huo Qingchuan asked lightly.

If he wants to come to me, what do you want me to do? His fiancee's Vinegar jar has turned over. Why do you want to come to me as a liar?

Since the last sentence is a lie, I don't know how to answer this question.

"Late?" Huo Qingchuan is calling me over there.

"It's, it's in one place." I'm incoherent, and I can't say who I'm with now, because there are only a few people I know in a city. If he calls to confirm, my lies will be exposed all of a sudden.

"Where is it?" Huo Qingchuan seems to be aware of something wrong with me. I must find out my specific location.

I couldn't answer. I felt that I couldn't hold the lie, so I became angry.

"Do you care where it is? I'm not at home anyway I yelled at the phone, trying to hide my guilt.

Originally, I thought that my attitude, with Huo Qingchuan's personality, would be furious. I hung up the phone and would not contact me any more. Unexpectedly, after a moment's silence, I seemed to sigh, "later, open the door for me."

I suddenly froze, subconsciously covered the mouth.

My voice is really not small, but across two doors, the sound insulation effect of this room is also too bad.

I turned and saw the door wide open because I was in a hurry.

Lying was caught, my face a burst of fire, this time how can I open the door for Huo Qingchuan, this is not self humiliation?

"I tried to calm down," I, I'm not at home. "

Even if it's exposed, I'll stick with it.

"Tardy, what are you going to do?" Huo Qingchuan is still patient, no half of the impatient, tone is a kind of helpless and silk doting.

I didn't want to. I just don't want to see you now. You are engaged to Chi Xin. Why do you want to provoke me?

There is an emotion pounding my fragile heart, I can no longer suppress their emotions, began to sob.

"Late, late, what's the matter with you?" Hearing my cry, Huo Qingchuan's voice suddenly became anxious, "open the door for me quickly!"

The doorbell and the knock on the door rang again, which showed the nervousness of the people outside.

I squatted on the ground, let the doorbell ring, listening to the rustle of the phone, the body as if no strength, sat on the ground.

There is a kind of inexplicable uneasiness. If it goes on like this, that man will give up on me completely, and then disappear into my world. After all, it was me who made trouble out of nothing.

I was wronged by Chi Xin, and also because I was unwilling in my heart, so when this man leans to me again, I choose to use a wayward way to fool him and vent anger on him. I know that doing so will push that man farther and farther away.

The voice outside the door gradually small down, the phone also interrupted, my heart, completely fell into the black hole.

I buried my head in my arms and sat on the ground like that, feeling nothing around me.

Until I was surrounded by a familiar embrace, and feel the familiar breath, I know that I still exist in this world.

I looked up and saw the familiar face of Huo Qingchuan. In his eyes, there was a sense of peace and tension.

"You, how did you get in?" I asked him sobbing, but this time, I did not refuse his embrace.

Huo Qingchuan smiles, touches my hair, shakes the key in his hand, "with this, it seems that what Wei Yan said is right, just in case."

"But Mr. Wei gave me all the keys." I feel cheated again. My voice is trembling.

"You're stupid," Huo Qingchuan gently scratched on my nose, "isn't it easy to match a key?"

Hearing this, I burst out crying, not only because of this greedy tenderness, but also because of my own ignorance and simplicity.

I tightly grasped Huo Qingchuan's skirt and buried my face in his arms. My tears and nose rubbed against his valuable shirt.

Huo Qingchuan let me be so mischievous, gently patting my back, chin against my head, silently guarding me.

After a long time, I cry tired, gradually subsided.

"Shall we get up?" Huo Qingchuan's voice came from the top of his head, with the tenderness of letting people fall.

I was like a demon, hands around his neck, face against his neck socket, let him hold himself horizontally, and gently put on the bed.

With the action of holding me, we two formed a posture of him up and down. I was still sobbing intermittently, looking at him with dim eyes.

The four eyes meet. Only the two of us can understand the feelings.

Huo Qingchuan gently kisses my lips. Different from last time, this time he was really gentle, pecking me, without a trace of aggression.

I was so confused by this tenderness that I didn't exclude him. Instead, I wanted to seek peace of mind from it.

The light kiss gradually turned into a deep kiss, and I held him by the neck and began to respond to him.

It was because of my response that Huo Qingchuan became bold. He knocked on my teeth and found my tongue.

The heavy breath hit my face, and my whole body became hot and dry with the deepening of the kiss.

Huo Qingchuan is just like a poisonous insect. If he doesn't pay attention, he will be caught. However, the party involved doesn't know and sink into it.

A year of separation because of the touch of the body and disappear, I found that my body is so eager for each other, wish the whole body and each other fusion, no longer separate.

Huo Qingchuan's action is a little rude. I can't bear it.

Wake up again, it's dark.

I'm very disappointed to realize what happened not long ago.

What did I do in the end? In this way, I will go back to the previous, the whirlpool of heart splitting and secret fighting?

And this time, Chi Xin makes it clear that she is determined to win over Huo Qingchuan. If she knows that Huo Qingchuan and I have done something we shouldn't have done, she doesn't know how much trouble we will make.

I have a headache. I want to massage my temples.

But the finger was caught by the man around, he put it to his mouth, gently kissing my finger.

"Why are you here?" I didn't look at him and let him move. I just want to know one answer.

The bedding beside me makes a rustling sound, and the mattress also sinks because of the man's action, "I said, I love you, that's the reason."

I turned to look at him, want to see something from his eyes, but in addition to the endless depth, see nothing.

I hate his eyes, as long as a pair of eyes, they are uncontrollably attracted to a pool of abyss.

Although the heart is resistant, but can no longer move the line of sight.

"What kind of love do you love me?" I simply don't want to avoid it. I'll just talk about it today, for myself and for him.

"What do you mean?" Huo Qingchuan didn't seem to understand my question. He held my hand in his hand and gently kneaded it.

"Will you marry me?" In my understanding, if a man says he loves a woman, he should form a husband and wife with her and stay together for a lifetime.

If Huo Qingchuan wants to get engaged to Chi Xin while he's out here, and he wants to make friends with me, then I will definitely break up with this man.

"Have you figured it out? Will you marry me? " I thought Huo Qingchuan would think for a while. Unexpectedly, he was excited, supported half of his body and asked eagerly.

"Can I marry you?" I asked.

"Why not?" He asked me, his eyes clear, no liar's turbidity.

I can't help but wonder, if you are engaged, how can you say that you want to marry another woman?

This matter has to be made clear. I have made up my mind.

"I hear you're engaged." I said tentatively.

Huo Qingchuan's eyes suddenly became serious, "who did you listen to? Who dares to make a rumor about me? "

This is the domineering president of Huo Da. He is not the same person as the tender one just now.

"People in the company are saying, don't you know?" I continued to talk about the gossip I heard. As for the heroine, I think he should know who it is.

"Do you believe that?" Huo Qingchuan turned over and pressed on me again. He came close to me and let me have nowhere to escape.

"I can't believe those rumors, but my sister told me herself, and she said that she was also recognized by your family." I didn't avoid Huo Qingchuan's momentum and looked at him directly.

Hearing that I mentioned his family, Huo Qingchuan seemed to lose interest immediately. He turned over from me, put his hands behind his head, and looked at the ceiling. "Chi Xin helped my mother by chance, and then often invited to my home. The old man liked her very much."

When I listen to such words, I feel cold.

"So, because of her kindness, you are going to be engaged to her?" This time I got close to him and blew in his ear.

"Engaged to Chi Xin?" Huo Qingchuan seems to be the first time to hear this fact, "that's impossible!"

I am a little pleased to see that he is so resolute in his negation.

"It's just that the people in my family like her, but I don't like her. It's estimated that those people see her often running to my home, so they spread the gossip." Huo Qingchuan dissatisfied with the analysis, "in a word, that is nothing."

"Is it?" I deliberately lengthened the ending.

Huo Qingchuan was attracted by my voice, looked over again, and then a hand quickly controlled the body I wanted to leave, bit on my lip, "don't you believe me?" Let go of me, he has a bad smile on his face.

I have a bad premonition that at this juncture, I'd better not tease him, or I'll lose myself.

"I'm hungry." I tried to change the subject.

"We'll have dinner later." Huo Qingchuan won't let me go.

The quilt lifted and covered the two people entangled together again.

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