After that, Huo Qingchuan really took me to dinner. We found a very high-end western restaurant. It is said that we had to book a week in advance when we came here.

But Huo Qingchuan himself said he was a member of VVIP, so he could enjoy special treatment.

As soon as you walk into the restaurant, you can deeply understand that the music here is not simple, elegant, luxurious and emotional. It is full of the atmosphere that only high-end people can enter.

We chose the window seat, and a slender, beautiful looking waiter ordered for us.

"Mr. Huo, what would you like today?" The waitress nodded to me and asked Huo Qingchuan politely.

He is a member of VVIP. Even the waiter knows him.

Huo Qingchuan asked for my advice, but unfortunately, I have no opinion about what I eat.

No way, Huo Qingchuan had to be the burden of ordering again. After talking with the beautiful waiter for a while, she left.

"You're really good. You're famous everywhere you go." I drank some water, and my words were sour.

"This is a marketing model, not me," Huo Qingchuan explained to me. "The best service is not to provide customers with material luxury, but to be proficient in every detail, so that people feel comfortable from the heart. Just like the waiter just now, she remembers me though I haven't been here many times. I'm afraid she's trained, so she knows every member. "

Listening to his general principle, I nodded symbolically.

I still have some contradictions now. Although I already know that his engagement with Chi Xin is a misunderstanding, am I really ready to compete with Chi Xin for a man?

For their own impulse, but also to return to the abyss of life, is it really worth it?

While I was struggling, the steak we ordered came up first.

"This is Kobe steak from Japan. It's delicious." Huo Qingchuan told me, "with this kind of French red wine, whether it's Steak or red wine, you can be inspired to have the most wonderful taste."

He pushed the wine to me and said with a smile.

I picked up the glass, gently shook it, and then touched it with him.

The deep red liquid in the crystal cup is swaying, sending out a mellow and charming aroma, which makes people feel sorry. It's really a good wine.

Of course, steak is the best. At least I've never had such a good steak.

Maybe I was too hungry. I quickly swept away the portion in front of me. Huo Qingchuan gave me a big piece of his steak with a smile.

It's not my style that I accept with ease and refuse.

The two of us are enjoying the night scenery outside and tasting the delicious food in our mouth. We hope that the time will slow down so that we don't have to face all kinds of troubles that will happen next.

After dinner, Huo Qingchuan consciously asked to live back to me. Now that I've done it, I don't want to do it any more, and I agree to his proposal.

These days, as long as Huo Qingchuan doesn't have a party at night, he will live in Meilin garden. After a while, we hugged and fell asleep.

During this period of time, his phone is always ringing. I have seen him hang up impatiently several times. Although curious, I did not ask who the other party was.

Of course, I have not been harassed by Chi Xin.

In Huo Qingchuan's absence, Chi Xin will make a phone call to inquire about Huo Qingchuan's whereabouts, then sneer at me, and finally hang up in anger.

Naturally, I didn't tell her what happened between Huo Qingchuan and me. I also knew that his fiancee was a product of her imagination. I even felt pity for such a late Xin.

After a few days, I learned from Huo Qingchuan that boss Zhou had come back.

Bai Shu said that as long as boss Zhou came back, he would be pulled to sign the contract.

I called Bai Shu and told her the news.

This time, the number of cooperation with boss Zhou is quite large. Although I can handle it all by myself, I should let the boss see me.

"Bai Jie, I need you to come here." I lay on the bed and said to Bai Shu.

"Why, what did you do?" Bai Shu's voice is very nervous.

I'm a bit speechless. Am I the kind of person who will cause trouble?

"Yes, I'm in big trouble. Come and help me!" I just follow his words and see how she reacts.

"Dead girl, you've learned to joke!" Bai Shu said, "what's the matter?"

I can't keep up with her rhythm. She started it.

"Boss Zhou is back. I need you white boss to sign a contract." I said to her lazily.

"What, so fast?" Bai Shu's tone reveals her inner joy.

"Yes, if you don't come here again, they will be on business again." I scared her.

"Don't, don't, hold him for me, I'll run right away!" Bai Shu was scared by me, and his voice was tense.

I hung up with a smile and rolled around the bed.

In fact, Huo Qingchuan has already told me that boss Zhou will stay in city a for a while this time, so we don't have to worry.

But I'm too bored in a city. I don't have anyone who wants to say a word. Although there are Bai Shao Qing, how can I say that they also have husbands and jobs? I can't keep pestering them all the time.

Huo Qingchuan is busy working all day. Naturally, I can't stick to her all the time.

So it's the wisest way to call Bai Shu over at this time.

At three in the afternoon, I got a call from Bai Shu.

It won't be so soon, will it? I remember there are not many flights from City C to city A. how did she get tickets?

"Tell me, how can I get to you?" Bai Shu is very anxious on the phone. He wants to come to me as soon as he changes.

"Just talk to master about Meilin garden in the center of the city." I said to her.

"You're kidding. I came in a car." Bai Shu yelled at me.

I was surprised that she had driven so far. It took her nearly two hours to fly. Let's count it. She started when I called her in the morning.

This woman is fighting for business, I think.

I sent her a map of my location here. I thought about it and went downstairs to wait for her.

The airport is not too far away from me. Bai Shu should be able to drive for half an hour.

I leisurely strolled downstairs for a while, sure enough, I saw Bai Shu's white Audi, slowly appeared in front of me.

I went forward happily to meet this woman.

Bai Shu stopped the car and got out of the car. I went over and gave her a big hug. "Sister Bai, long time no see."

"Screw you," Bai Shu glared at me, "what a long time no see, just a few days."

I took her hand with a smile and asked her to take her things out of the car and walk towards my place.

"This is your home. I thought you stayed in a hotel all the time." At home, Bai Shu put things down and walked around the room curiously“ It's good here, little girl. It turns out that you still have real estate in a city. "

"No, it's my friend who keeps it for me." I brought her a drink, I explained.

"Friends?" Bai Shu turned to look at me, "boyfriend?" From her eyes, she must be thinking about something boring again.

"By the way, how is the relationship with Mr. Huo these days? Is there any progress?" She's still thinking about Huo Qingchuan. I've convinced her.

If you tell her now that Huo Qingchuan and I have been sleeping, I don't know how many details she will come up with to ask me, so I decided to hide it from her first.

"Bai Jie, Mr. Huo told me to have dinner with boss Zhou at the full moon court hotel tonight." The best way to get this woman's attention is at work.

Sure enough, try bailing, "it's natural to go, such a big partner, we must grasp it."

"Then, can I not go?" After asking, I regretted it. I was so white that I could see nothing.

"How can you not go?" Bai Shu poked my head. "If you're not here, how can Mr. Huo explain it and boss Zhou explain it?"

But Bai Shu, I can only promise.

"Do you have the right clothes on your side?" Bai Shu thought for a moment, and suddenly asked me.

"I have clothes. They're all ordinary clothes." I answered naturally, I don't know what medicine is sold in Baishu gourd.

"I'll see you." Bai Shu said seriously.

I took all my clothes and put them on the bed one by one.

Bai Shu shook his head disappointedly, "is that all? No way

"How can you see a big boss dressed like this? First of all, you don't look good!" Bai Shu criticized.

What's the matter? The last time I saw boss Zhou, he was wearing very ordinary clothes, and they didn't say anything. I said.

In fact, I also said it and got another white eye.

"Come on, come with me to the mall while you still have time." Bai Shu can't help but pull me out.

I've been with her for a year, and I understand her temper. As long as it's the truth she thinks, you can't beat her.

I had to obediently follow her to the nearest department store, and according to Bai Shu's eyes to choose new clothes.

Originally, Bai Shu wanted to dress me up more "sexy", but I also had the bottom line, too short skirt can't do, too exposed also can't, dress like that even stretch a hand are uncomfortable, how to accompany customers to drink?

At my insistence, Bai Shu took a compromise and bought me a white medium long dress. Of course, she also chose a sapphire blue dress for herself.

"Bai Jie, is it necessary to spend so much money? It's already ten percent of the business this time. It doesn't need to be like this. " On the way back, I looked at the valuable skirt and said to her.

"You still don't understand," Bai Shu said to me while driving, "women, you should keep beautiful all the time, so that your fate won't pass you by."

It's reasonable. I can't refute her.

When we got home, we didn't have much time for dinner. We put on a little make-up according to the style of our clothes, matched with the right things, and went out together.

Needless to say, after such a dress up, the two of us really had a big change in style and attracted a lot of eyes.

Bai Shu must be a beautiful woman when she was young, so even at the age of 40, her charm still lingers.

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