Because of what happened just now, I didn't go home on time. When I opened the door, Yanyan was already asleep.

The mobile phone rang, I took out a look, is Song Yu sent over the text message, he said just now is he wrong, let me not angry.

This seems to be the first time that he has such a low profile in front of me. In the past, no matter what the situation, he was arrogant and uninhibited.

In fact, I'm not angry with him any more. I just can't take the courage to talk about myself with Huo Qingchuan.

I closed my cell phone, just ready to throw it on the sofa to wash, think about it and feel inappropriate, so I can only give him a reply: don't do it again.

I'm very soft hearted. He's not in good health. In case the illness is affected by this, what can I do?

The next day, I received a phone call from the person in charge who took over the cooperative planning with our company after Huo Qingchuan, saying that there were some problems in the middle. Let me go to the company to solve them.

The cooperation with them has always been very smooth. What are the problems? I had some doubts, but I still asked Xia Yi to send me.

I was received by a young female manager. I recognized her after a careful look. Isn't she Xiao Lin who used to be an assistant for Wei Yan?

I haven't seen her for more than a year. Has she been transferred to the headquarters and become the director of docking?

When Xiao Lin saw me, he came up to say hello very warmly. In addition to some changes in her aura, she is still as comfortable as before.

"Xiao Lin, I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you been transferred here?" I asked with a smile, happy for her.

"Yes, I was too tired under the general manager Wei, so I escaped back." Kobayashi said in a joking tone, but I know that Wei Yan is quite conniving at this female assistant. I'm afraid it's also Wei Yan's relationship, so she can be promoted.

"Back to business, what's the problem this time?" As we walked towards her office, we talked about cooperation.

"It's not a big deal," Xiao Lin asked me to sit down at my desk, and then asked the outside administrator to take water for me. He chatted with me during the period. "It's just that there are some small changes in the price when I purchase this time. I want to confirm with you, because it involves the contract after all, so we should be careful."

It seems that it's really not a big deal. "Our prices are adjusted according to the changes in the market. This will be written into the contract after negotiation between both parties. There will be no problem." I said.

"Well, I've just started this one, so I have to rely on manager Chi." Xiaolin smiles and signals me to drink tea.

"Well, you helped me a lot at the beginning. If you have anything, just ask me." I said politely.

But Kobayashi suddenly sighed, "ever since that happened, the whole company has been in a panic. Everyone has been intriguing and fighting all day. I'm tired to death."

I know what happened in Kobayashi, but I can only shut up at the moment, but I also want to know more about SK and Huo Qingchuan, so I followed her words, "I don't want to talk about your company, but some rumors outside are really bad for Huo."

"It's true," Xiao Lin came to me and sat down. He told me, "originally, the company was well managed by general manager Huo, but now when he had an accident, everything was in a mess."

My heart became nervous. "Confused?"

"Mr. Huo's family is the largest shareholder of the company, and the next chairman must be Mr. Huo's. But because of his paralysis, other shareholders are ready to move, coveting the position of the Huo family. Although the company is calm on the surface, it is in fact turbulent. No one knows what the bosses are doing behind the scenes. Because of the turbulence of the company, SK's shares have fallen now. " Xiaolin said to me secretly.

"Is there any solution?" I asked in a hurry.

"Ah..." Kobayashi sighed, "although Mr. Huo has come to work in the company to deal with some things, because of his health, his deterrent power to those shareholders has become much weaker. It seems that everyone is not afraid of Mr. Huo."

I lowered my head and held my fingers tightly together.

Huo Qingchuan is so arrogant. He has always been used to being obeyed and respected by others. Now he has been reduced to being bullied by everyone. We can imagine how resentful he will be.

"If only Huo could get better as soon as possible." Xiao Lin said with a sad face.

"How is Mr. Huo now?" I think of the way I saw Huo Qingchuan yesterday. I'm worried about his health.

"I'm still doing rehabilitation treatment in the hospital. It's said that the training is very hard, tired and painful. Most people can't stick to it at all!" Kobayashi said, and winked, as if he was receiving treatment“ Besides, I also heard that Mr. Huo didn't cooperate with the treatment. He always lost his temper and threw things. No wonder Mr. Huo had been treated with respect since he was a child. How could he suffer such hardships? "

After listening to Xiao Lin's words, my heart is extremely heavy.

It turns out that Huo Qingchuan is now under much more pressure than company affairs. But fortunately, I know the situation of Huo Qingchuan from Xiaolin, at least better than what I don't know.

Because of the contract, I have been to sk several times. Every time I finish talking about business, I have to ask Kobayashi about Huo Qingchuan's leg injury, but the answers I get are always hard to let go.

"When Mr. Huo came here yesterday, he was leaning on crutches. It seemed very hard, but I saw a lot of people laughing at him behind his back," Kobayashi said with a face of fighting against injustice. "Although Mr. Huo is strict, he is very good to us. How can these people fight against injustice like this?"

"Does that mean his leg is better?" I don't have time to care about how those people laugh at Huo Qingchuan. I just want to know his current situation.

Isn't it a good sign to go from wheelchair to crutches?

"According to the truth, it should be better," Kobayashi said to me. He told me everything he knew“ I've heard from his driver that tomorrow is the day when Mr. Huo will go for a re examination. I don't know how much effect the exercise during this period will have. "

"Recheck? When? " I asked eagerly.

"It's like nine o'clock in the morning," Kobayashi thought very hard. "Yes, it's nine o'clock in the morning, in the training ground of the hospital."

I silently wrote down the time and place in Kobayashi, and then quietly discussed other things with her.

I don't know why I'm here. Maybe I've lost my mind.

I support Xia Yi, a person came to Huo Qingchuan to recheck the hospital, hiding behind the training ground, waiting for something.

All the above are self deception. I came here because I was worried about Huo Qingchuan. I wanted to know his recovery and make myself feel at ease.

Time has been slowly approaching nine, my heart is also gradually nervous.

Looking through the glass on the window, the props for the injured patients to do rehabilitation training are neat in the field. In the view of our healthy people, those are extremely simple facilities, but in the view of the injured people, being alive is an insurmountable natural barrier.

In a word, after nine o'clock, there was still no movement in it. I even doubt whether Kobayashi gave the wrong time and place.

When I hesitated to ask the nurse, several people appeared not far away, and the one in the middle in the wheelchair was Huo Qingchuan?

I quickly hide to the corner, do not let them find, after they walked past, and quietly follow up, hiding behind the door to see the situation.

Because it was summer, they didn't close the door after they went in. I saw that in addition to Huo Qingchuan and the attending doctor, there were also two nurses and Huo's driver.

On days like this, does the Huo family have no family to accompany him? He is not engaged to Chi Xin. Why didn't Chi Xin come?

After the attending doctor said some medical terms that I didn't understand to Huo Qingchuan, he handed Huo Qingchuan a pair of crutches and asked him to stand up from the wheelchair and walk a few steps with crutches.

This is also a step of the reexamination. It should be to check the patient's recovery. I judge it by myself.

From the beginning, Huo Qingchuan had an impatient expression on his face, and now he took over the crutch handed by the nurse with a gloomy face.

I was sweating for him in my heart, hoping that he could stand up with support.

From Huo Qingchuan's expression, it can be seen that even with crutches, it is very difficult to walk on your own.

Unconsciously, I clenched my fist and began to cheer him up.

"Well, take your time." The doctor's voice came, encouraging the patient, and then I saw what he was writing with the record sheet.

The nurses beside also showed a smile on their faces. They were also cheering for Huo Qingchuan.

Looking at such a scene, I am very gratified, as long as Huo Qingchuan is willing to stick to it, he will recover completely one day.

But the sound of the crisp steel objects landing pulled me back from my mind, and I heard a lot of noise in the museum.

Flustered to look inside, saw the driver up to hold Huo Qingchuan, and his two crutches in the hand, also was roughly thrown to the ground, doctors and nurses are a flustered look.

"What's the use of doing so much, anyway, I still can't stand up!" Huo Qingchuan roared hysterically, his voice echoed in the open hall.

"Mr. Huo, don't say that. As long as you cooperate with the rehabilitation training well, you will be able to stand up and walk normally one day without relying on them." The doctor advised Huo Qingchuan painstakingly.

"Don't give me such a set," Huo Qingchuan seemed very irritable and couldn't listen to the doctor's words at all, "which day will it be? Will it be a lifetime?"

Because of extreme irritability, Huo Qingchuan kicked the innocent crutches on the ground, and the metal made a harsh noise.

"Mr. Huo, you need to cooperate with us in your current situation. Although the training is hard or tired, after all, your injury is serious and it takes time." During the period, a nurse also went up to persuade Huo Qingchuan, who said it was very reasonable.

"Time?" Now Huo Qingchuan simply can't listen to the words, "where do I have time to recover here slowly? Do you know that I can't even manage the company as I am now?"

I guess it's right. Huo Qingchuan is really worried about how others treat him. The more thorny he is, the more distressed I am.

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