Huo Qingchuan furious, next to no one dare to persuade, two nurses seem to be scared by his sudden change of mood, almost to hide behind the doctor.

Without the support of crutches, Huo Qingchuan couldn't stand straight at all. Fortunately, a loyal driver helped him, otherwise he would fall to the ground.

Although the driver looked strong, it was difficult for him to support Huo Qingchuan's weight of more than 1.8 meters by himself. He struggled to move Huo Qingchuan to the wheelchair.

"Mr. Huo, I can understand your mood at the moment. Every patient will go through such a period, but if they insist on treatment, they can completely return to the level of normal people. There are many such examples before, and they ····" the doctor seems to be more calm than the nurse, and he still tries to persuade Huo Qingchuan.

"Yes, Mr. Huo, please cooperate well." One of the little nurses trembled and advised.

Looking from a distance, I can only feel the air pressure around Huo Qingchuan getting lower and lower. He pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Mr. Huo, today's reexamination is to confirm your recovery. It may be difficult for you to walk with the help of external force, so let's carry out the next test?" The doctor thought Huo Qingchuan had listened to their advice and asked.

Who would have thought that Huo Qingchuan didn't listen to anyone's words at all. Instead, he was more irritable. In the process of going to the wheelchair, he pushed the driver hard, and then grabbed the training railing beside him, barely keeping standing.

"Test a fart, that's it!" Huo Qingchuan holds the railings hard and speaks evil to people. To tell you the truth, it's the first time I've seen him so violent.

For a time, the atmosphere was at an awkward high because Huo Qingchuan didn't cooperate. But I couldn't help it any more and rushed in.

"Huo Qingchuan, everyone is for your own good. Why can't you be obedient?" I'm a little excited. I don't know why. Looking at Huo Qingchuan's self abandonment, I suddenly think of Song Yu. He was also so abusive to his body.

Because suddenly a man broke in, everyone turned their eyes on me, and Huo Qingchuan also looked at me while trying to keep his posture.

But I didn't seem to see any surprise in his eyes.

Now where there is leisure to think about his attitude, I just want him to cooperate with the treatment, as soon as possible to recover.

I hurried forward, trying to hold his shaky body.

Before touching his arm, Huo Qingchuan waved and knocked off my hand“ Who are you and why do you care about me? "

I am not who, but you become like this, I have the most fundamental responsibility, I don't want to see you give up like this.

This is my voice, but under such circumstances, how can not say. I was just staring at him, unable to move because of the strong rejection.

Huo Qingchuan just let him lose his balance. Fortunately, the doctor and the driver helped him in time to prevent him from falling.

Although his words deeply hurt my heart, but I can understand him at the moment, do not want to care with him.

At the beginning, when persuading Song Yu to check, he was also covered with thorns. Wasn't he still forced by me? Even a stranger I can have such patience, for Huo Qingchuan, I have to do my best to help him.

Looking at Huo Qingchuan slowly sitting in a wheelchair, I walked up to him and tried to make my mood relaxed, "Mr. Huo, I heard that you have a re examination today, so I came to see you."

Huo Qingchuan turned his head aside and didn't look at me at all.

I sighed silently and made a decision in my heart. I turned my head and said to the other people who were still surprised, "I have a few words to say to Mr. Huo. Could you please give me some time for a while?"

The several people looked at each other, and then the doctor representative said, "OK, please help me to persuade Mr. Huo, let's go out first."

Then, a few people left the training ground, leaving me and Huo Qingchuan alone.

How long has it been since I was alone with him like this? Although our relationship is no longer what it used to be, this feeling is moving.

I crouched down, fell in front of Huo Qingchuan, looked up at him, he still did not look at me, but I did not care.

I reached out, covered his hand on his knee and held it tightly. "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Finally, I was able to say these three words to him, and my shame was finally released.

"If you didn't send me or protect me that day, you wouldn't be like this. I'm really sorry!" I look at him with a pious mood, and I don't expect him to forgive me. I just hope he won't torture himself like this.

Listen to my words, Huo Qingchuan finally willing to turn his face, but his eyes are still indifferent, he pulled his hand out of my hand.

"Well, I don't want to hear what you say. I'm sorry." His tone was severe, and every word struck my heart.

But in addition to apology and regret, I don't know what kind of mood to treat him with. Tears fell from my eyes. My hands had no place to place, and I could only hold them together in a cramped way. "I didn't say beautiful words. I really blame myself, and I really want to say sorry to you."

"Don't tease me, late," Huo Qingchuan looked at me condescensively, a sneer flashed on his face, "your self reproach is to come out of the hotel with other men in the middle of the night, is to kiss me in front of me?"

I suddenly thought of the meeting with Huo Qingchuan yesterday and Song Yu's action. It turns out that he still cares about these.

I explained to him in a hurry, "listen to me, Song Yu is the son of my father's friend. I didn't know him before. When my father was seriously ill, his father and son often came to my house to see him. We met at that time. "

"Oh? In just one or two months, you got together, and then you forgot my disability, didn't you Huo Qingchuan sneers, thin lips open and close, saying words that make my heart cut.

"I didn't!" I can't let him misunderstand me like this, "I'm just friends with him, not like you said!" I am excited to seize Huo Qingchuan's hand again, "and, you don't say you are disabled, do you know how much I love you?"

Huo Qingchuan didn't get rid of me this time, "if you don't have that kind of relationship with him, why didn't you refuse when he held you yesterday?"

"Song Yu has suffered from heart disease since childhood, and can't stand any stimulation. I'm worried about his body, so..." after that, I felt a little far fetched. Yes, why didn't I strongly refuse him at that time?

"Since you are worried about other men's health, don't come to me!" Huo Qingchuan is really angry again. He shakes off my hand again and turns the wheel of the wheelchair to leave.

I came to him in a hurry, because of too sudden action, Huo Qingchuan did not have time to brake, I was hit on the ground.

Palm touched some cold ground, but I don't care, I don't want to let Huo Qingchuan misunderstand me. Hold fast to prop up the body, see to Huo Qingchuan.

For a moment, I saw his flustered eyes, but soon disappeared. How could he worry about me? I must have read it wrong.

I came to Huo Qingchuan, "I just treat Song Yu as my younger brother, and I don't have any other ideas about him."

Huo Qingchuan looked at me askance and said, "what do you think of me?"

One question put me in the same place. Yes, what do I think of Huo Qingchuan now?

I admit that I still love him, but what qualification do I have to say that I love him?! Besides, he is engaged to Chi Xin now. If I love him again, I'm afraid I will be regarded as a shameless woman.

"I... I... I began to hesitate, unable to answer his question.

"I knew that who would care about me as a disabled person?" He gave a self mocking smile in a sad tone.

Regardless of the problem just now, I came to him, "you are not disabled, the doctor said, as long as you cooperate with rehabilitation training, you will be able to stand up!"

Huo Qingchuan was noncommittal about my encouragement, and then suddenly asked me, "you just said that you came to the hospital after listening to other people's words, is it to see me?"

I suddenly realized that I was going to secretly see him undetected, so I was a little embarrassed, "Xiao Lin told me, so I came."

"I ask you, are you here for me?" Huo Qingchuan's questions are always so oppressive that people have to answer them.

I bit my lip and nodded.

I didn't find a faint smile on Huo Qingchuan's face.

"OK, go and call the doctor back and say I'll look after him and cooperate with him." Huo Qingchuan waved to me and said.

What's the good news? People who were extremely rebellious just now are willing to cooperate with the inspection? I looked up in surprise and saw someone's face.

"Well, you wait. I'll call the doctor right now." Although he still refuses to talk to me well, it has the present effect. Even if he is scolded, I think it is worth it.

I rushed to the doctor and told them that Huo Qingchuan had changed his mind. The doctor gave me a clear smile, and then took the nurses back to the training ground again.

I didn't leave until all the projects were tested and I wanted to know the results.

Although Huo Qingchuan insisted on all the projects, the situation is still not very ideal.

"Mr. Huo's injury is already serious. In the later stage, he needs to cooperate with rehabilitation training. Maybe it will take a long time. If you can come to persuade him from time to time, the effect will be much better." Carrying Huo Qingchuan, the doctor whispered to me.

Although my identity is not suitable to often accompany Huo Qingchuan, but if I can really help him, I will try my best.

After the inspection, Huo Qingchuan was pushed away by the driver. When I heard him call, I said that Chi Xin was coming. In order to avoid conflict, I could only watch his back silently from behind, and then leave from another door of the hospital.

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