The life of my daughter is naturally more precious than Chen Yuan's.

Chen Yuan is just an ordinary person, but my daughter is of noble status.

The most abundant thing in this world is people, how much are the lives of ordinary people worth?

No matter what, my daughter must not get into trouble!

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen will definitely not be able to get in here, we will definitely be safe here!" Liang Xiaohong comforted Gao Xue.

But after saying this, she began to question it herself.

Is it really safe here?

Everything that happened during the day also made her start to waver.

"Mom, why don't we go, stay away from here, I don't believe Chen Sheng can reach abroad!"

"It's not safe to stay here!"

Liang Xiaohong lowered her head and thought for a moment.

Although she didn't want to admit it, it was true.

She couldn't just be caught by Chen Sheng.

"Pack up your things, we'll take the morning flight, go to a visa-free country first, and then we'll transfer!" Liang Xiaohong finally made up her mind.

"What should we say to grandpa..."

"There's no need to sue him, and if we leave, it will be easy for him to deal with Chen Sheng here alone! Your grandpa is strong, it's okay."

"After we go abroad, we'll find a small country to hide and live. As long as we hide well, the Heaven Society won't be able to find us! It's like looking for a needle in a haystack in a vast sea of ​​people! As long as we can leave here, we should be able to survive!"

"Well, okay."

Liang Xiaohong and Gao Xue almost didn't sleep all night.

When I closed my eyes, all I could think of was Chen Sheng's appearance, and I couldn't sleep at all.

In the early morning, the two wrapped up like two dumplings went to the airport.

They passed the ticket check smoothly and boarded the plane.

Looking at the plane about to take off, the two of them relaxed.

Things seemed to be much smoother than expected.

Liang Xiaohong thought that she would tell her father that they had left after getting off the plane, and he should understand.

Anyway, if they continued to stay in the manor, they would both have nightmares and die!

The two took a nap while waiting for the plane to take off.

They had been nervous for the past two days, and now they can finally relax.

The Liang family has saved a lot over the years.

Enough for them to spend a lifetime.

Gao Xue also relaxed for a moment, and had already imagined her new life in her heart.

However, when she woke up.

The plane had not taken off yet.

Was the plane delayed?

It was already an hour late.

Liang Xiaohong was so anxious!

She was not at ease until the plane took off!

Only by staying away from here, only by escaping the sight of the Cang Tian Society, can they feel at ease!

Forget all this, forget the Liang family, and start over!


"Why haven't you taken off yet?"

"Be careful or I'll complain to you!" Liang Xiaohong grabbed a passing stewardess and said loudly.

The stewardess was very beautiful, with fair skin and regular features.

She smiled slightly and then half bowed.

"I'm sorry, passenger, we have some faults here and need to check them in time. It shouldn't take too long."

Liang Xiaohong was unhappy.

How could such a thing happen at the airport?

What kind of fault can't be checked before takeoff? Why do you have to check it at this time!

Why is it so unlucky for me!

I'm about to leave!

"What went wrong with the plane? Is your plane safe? If not, change me to another flight!"

"I'm telling you, none of you can be held responsible for delaying my business!"

The stewardess still had a polite smile on her face, with her hands on her abdomen, and said very politely: "Don't worry, you two, we have found the fault, it's the two of you sitting here!"

"You two have offended the Cang Tian Society, do you think you can just walk away like this?"

"There is a blade of justice above the sky, examining everything! You two are now ghosts on the blade!"

"Ah? You..." Liang Xiaohong was confused by this sudden sentence.

Gao Xue directly spit out a mouthful of water!

The three words Cang Tian Society, like a sharp knife, pierced into her and Gao Xue's hearts fiercely!

The two even shook their heads exaggeratedly, thinking they were dreaming and not awake!

How could there be members of the Cang Tian Society here?

Are they devils? They are everywhere! !

"You... are you from the Cang Tian Society?"

Liang Xiaohong trembled all over, and screamed like a pig being slaughtered.

"That's right."

"Cang Tian Society, come

"The stewardess said, her palm trembled! The two felt a pain in their necks and fainted. ... Ding Dong, Ding Dong ... The wind chimes were ringing. Liang Xiaohong and Gao Xue opened their eyes. They first felt the bone-chilling cold, as if it had invaded their bones! Then they saw everything clearly. They were in a very dark room. Half of their bodies were soaked in the pool, and there was an iron net next to them. Is this a water dungeon? This environment is enough to make people collapse! The water below was pitch black, and it was impossible to tell what was inside. It was very uncomfortable to soak in it! There was a floating board next to it, and only one person could sit on it. A foul smell came with the pitch-black water. It made them extremely sick! "What is this place!" "Is there anyone? Help!" "Soaking us in the water is going to kill people! ! Our bodies can't handle it!"

"Is there anyone here..."

The two of them shouted heartbreakingly.

"Don't shout anymore. I advise you to save your energy, because you don't know how long you will be here."

A relaxed and elegant voice came over.

Mr. Chen walked in from the outside, followed by two people.

"Mr. Chen...!!!"

"Ahhh!!! Mr. Chen! You are Mr. Chen!!!"

The two of them were so scared that their faces changed drastically, and there were terrifying screams here!

Especially Gao Xue.

The string that had been stretched in her heart broke instantly!

She was so scared that tears flowed and her body kept shaking.

Mr. Chen has always been her nightmare!

I thought I could escape his clutches, but I didn't expect to be caught back!

Is this the cycle of life and death?


Mr. Chen seemed not to hear their screams, and quietly looked at the wind chimes hanging on it.

"This is the wind chime my sister made before she died. ”

“She said it would bring good luck, but I checked and found that wind chimes seem to be used to summon souls.”

“Hanging it here may summon her soul…”

“Let her see what will happen to the people who killed her!”

“Let her know that there is still justice in this world! Karma and retribution are inevitable, this is an eternal truth!”

“Gao Xue, are you right?”

“No, no, no…”

“I don’t want it!!”

“I’m really sorry about Chen Yuan! But I already know I was wrong, can you let me go!”

“Woo, woo, woo, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!”

Gao Xue seemed to be crazy, clapping and begging for mercy.

Chen Sheng grabbed her hair through the iron cage.

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