The knife stabbed her in the eye! With a puff. Gao Xue's right eyeball exploded. "Ahhhhh... my eye!!" Gao Xue screamed, heartbroken. Hysterical! ! Chen Sheng pushed her head into the water. His voice was surprisingly cold: "There is strong acid in this water, but it also has a disinfecting effect. Don't worry, I won't let you die so quickly." "The pain you have to bear has just begun..." Chen Sheng saw that she was about to stop struggling, so he let her go. Her face was covered with blood, and she kept groaning in pain. Chen Sheng wiped his hands with a tissue, with a look of disgust on his face: "You all saw that there is only one wooden board here. But it can only accommodate one person climbing up at a time. The water here has strong acid, which will slowly corrode your bodies."

"As for who is on top and who is on the bottom, you decide for yourselves."

"In addition, the daily meal is only for one person, as for how to divide it, you discuss it among yourselves!"

"Enjoy your last journey in the world, this is the only way for you to enter hell!"

"There will be more crazy judgments waiting for you there!!"

After Chen Sheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

Liang Xiaohong finally reacted.

He quickly climbed onto the wooden board.

His feet had been corroded and rotten, and blood was flowing, which was disgusting.

If he continued to stay in this water, he would really die! !

She didn't want to die!

"Mom, my eyes hurt so much!!"

"I can't see anything anymore!"

"Come with me to the hospital..."

"Ah, the water is so hot, I feel like my skin is burning! Can I sit on the board for a while?"

Gao Xue slowly came to her senses, the severe pain was stimulating her nerves.

She cried and shouted.

"Get out!" Liang Xiaohong pushed her away.

Liang Xiaohong looked at her with some disgust!

What did she do to be implicated by this father and daughter!

If she could leave here, with her beauty and wealth, she could find another man to live a good life.

But why did everything become like this!

She didn't accept it! !

She wanted to live! !


Liang Baojian Manor.

He woke up in the morning and found that Liang Xiaohong and Gao Xue were gone.

No one answered their cell phones.

I don't know where they went.

It's also strange.

Liang Xiaohong left without telling him?

Doesn't she know it's dangerous outside?

If she leaves the manor, she might be caught by the people of the Cang Tian Society!

Liang Baojian asked people to check their whereabouts while waiting anxiously.

Ding Dong.

His cell phone rang.

It was a video.

It was sent from Liang Xiaohong's cell phone.

He quickly clicked it to take a look.

The picture inside.

It made his pupils widen instantly!

In the picture, Liang Xiaohong and Gao Xue were locked in a water dungeon, and the two of them were trembling and hugging each other.

Gao Xue's eyes were bloodshot, and she was screaming in embarrassment.

Liang Xiaohong seemed to be stimulated, hiding in the corner, motionless, grabbing her hair.

This... is his most beloved daughter and granddaughter! !

Is it the Cang Tian Society! ?

Liang Baojian called back immediately.

Still no one answered!

Liang Baojian's heartbeat quickened.

He had protected Liang Xiaohong and Gao Xue so well, but the people from the Cangtian Society still succeeded!

They were locked up in that kind of place like animals!

Liang Baojian's heart sank!

He was so heartbroken!

"Mr. Chen, if you dare to touch my daughter and granddaughter, I will never coexist with you!!"

Ding Dong.

A message came.

"The next person to die is you, Liang Baojian who eats human flesh and drinks human blood!"

Dong Dong!

Liang Baojian's heartbeat quickened!

This line of words seemed to give him a punch!

Cold sweat immediately oozed from his head.

The next one is himself!

He was stunned for a moment. Is the next one really himself?

He just casually associated that scene, and he felt extremely horrified!

When he reacted, he hurriedly asked someone to check the location of the phone.

But the man said he was powerless.

"Mr. Liang, we can't track the other party's location..."

"The other party should have used some means to hide the positioning system."

Liang Baojian hurriedly sent the video to the guards.

But he knew in his heart.

Just relying on this, it is impossible to catch Chen Sheng.

At least we have to find where they are, and after they are rescued, we can find evidence to catch them.


He was so worried!

Liang Baojian was so angry that he threw his phone.

"Mobilize all manpower and go find Chen Sheng!"

"Save my daughter and granddaughter no matter what!"

"Don't let anything happen to them!"

The people below saw him so angry and hurriedly notified him.

Liang Baojian was furious, Beitian City would be turned upside down!

After a while.

Liang Baojian calmed down a little.

He suddenly thought of another possibility!

He hurriedly called Zhang Tiancun.


On the other side.

Private airport.

This airport is not big.

But it has everything it should have.

This is the Zhang family's dedicated airport.

The annual maintenance fee and investment cost are both staggering figures.

But the Zhang family doesn't care about this little money at all, they just want to make it convenient for themselves.

At this moment, a plane just took off.

The person sitting on the plane is Zhang Kai.

The space of the plane is quite large.

There is a bar, a high-end sofa, and a bedroom for sleeping.

There are three flight attendants on the plane, serving Zhang Kai.

Zhang Kai lay on the sofa, closing his eyes to rest.

He was very unhappy.

He felt that his grandfather was making a big fuss by asking him to leave.

The key is that when he arrives abroad, he still has to hide, and he can't be as free and easy as before.

And foreign women are not to his taste.

His father also said that he should learn management well when he arrives abroad.

He is so annoyed.

"You two come here and wait for me in the bedroom at the back." Zhang Kai looked at the two flight attendants walking past him, and couldn't help but have a bad heart.

Anyway, it's all fun.

It's a waste if you don't play.

The two flight attendants naturally didn't refuse.

They knew what they were doing and could put themselves in a position.

Leaving Zhang Kai with a meaningful smile, the two of them went to the bedroom at the back with a smile.

Zhang Kai first drank some wine to cheer him up.

Looking at the scenery outside the window.

He snorted coldly: "Mr. Chen, aren't you going to arrest me? Now I'm on the plane, it's useless even if you can fly!"

"I killed your sister, she deserved it, she was asking for death, if she had listened to me, would there be so many problems?"

"Blame her stupidity! If I were given another chance, I would still kill her!"

After a glass of wine.

He thought about it for a while and planned to go to the bedroom.



The whole plane began to shake!

The cabin was shaking, and Zhang Kai's head hit the sofa and screamed in pain.

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