The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next person to come to the hospital.

A man who was a little shorter than him followed him.

"Brother Sheng, it's Yao Yu!" Zhang Jiayu's eyes widened immediately.

They haven't heard from Yao Yu in the past two days.

They can't get in touch with her no matter what.

Chen Sheng was more careful and located Yao Yu directly.

But he found out that she was in the hospital.

I didn't expect that she was in trouble!

"Who are you...are you Yu'er's friends?"

"Look at her, she has become like this now, daughter!"

"We don't want to live anymore, life is really meaningless!"

"Now we don't even have money to see a doctor, we are so incompetent..."

The two elders burst into tears as they spoke.

"Hey, why haven't you left yet? Don't think about living here if you don't pay!"

"The hospital is not a charity! Leave here quickly and don't cause trouble!"

A doctor said as he walked towards the two elders.

Chen Sheng grabbed his collar and pulled him hard, throwing him to the ground.

Then he threw a bank card over and hit him in the face.

"The money in here is enough for her to live for more than ten years, go and use it."

The doctor was stunned for a moment.

But after looking at the bank card, he snorted and left.

He thought that if there was no money in it, he would come to settle accounts with this kid again, what was the point of pretending!

After a while, several enthusiastic nurses helped them push Yao Yu to the ICU.

The two elders were grateful to Chen Sheng.

At the same time, they told him what happened.

The evil deeds of the training institution and the inaction of the guard bureau!

Chen Sheng secretly clenched his fists.

Anger swayed in the air!

The people from the training institution actually wanted to dissect Yao Yu in front of the two elders!

Is this... something a human can do!

In order to investigate, Chen Sheng took out her mobile phone.

He planned to see who she had contacted before and what she had said!

But he saw the messages and recordings she had not yet sent on WeChat!

Chen Sheng listened to the recording!

His blood boiled instantly!

Teacher Wang?

Very good! !

She, is courting death! !


In the middle of the night.

Yao Yu was picked up by someone, a helicopter.

She and the two elders were taken away.

It was arranged by Chen Sheng.

There is no way to treat Yao Yu's condition in China, but there may be a way to treat it abroad.

She is still young and has a long way to go.

And she became like this because she was doing things for herself, and Chen Sheng felt bad!

At the same time, he asked Xiao Luo to investigate what happened that day.

On that day, all the cameras were broken.

It was useless for Xiao Luo to hack in.

He could only investigate from the surrounding residential areas.

He carefully checked everyone's mobile phone and every camera outside the institution!


Early morning.

In a residential building outside the institution.

A three or four-year-old child was playing with his mobile phone.

He picked it up and took random photos for a while, and then put it down again.

While pressing randomly, he accidentally turned on the video.

But he thought it was fun and recorded the video outside the window.


The screen of the mobile phone went black for a while, and a bunch of garbled characters appeared!

In the album of the mobile phone.

There was a video!

It was the scene of Yao Yu being targeted by Teacher Wang on the playground that day!

All the teachers were watching the show!

No one cared!

The child felt strange and tapped the phone hard.

The phone was restored to its original state, but the video was gone.


The residential building was not far from the training institution.

You can even hear people talking on the playground.

Xiao Luo processed the video specially and showed it to Chen Sheng.

In the video.

Everyone finished running, except Yao Yu.

But she fell to the ground after running for only two steps, holding her chest tightly, with a painful expression.

She reached out to the instructors and students standing there for help.

She was waiting for rescue!!

She was gambling until her death.

These people were not cold-blooded animals.

Even if they were too much, they still had a trace of humanity in their hearts!!

However, the cold reality completely froze her eyes!

None of those people helped.

Instead, they all looked at her coldly.

No one even called the emergency number.

They just watched her fall to the ground alone, lifeless, and left on the playground.

There was no lack of ridicule from the instructors and various students.

Yao Yu had already fainted on the ground, and she was already dead.

But they were still mocking!

The teacher even ordered the people around him not to rescue her.

Let her lie alone on the playground and wait for death!

How can the world be peaceful when there are demons in the world!

These people are wearing human skin, but they are worse than animals.

"Brother Sheng, that teacher is Teacher Wang. I have investigated. Many of their classmates in the same class are Yao Yu's former classmates in the law school." Xiao Luo whispered beside him.

They are all classmates! !

But they just sit back and do nothing!

That would be fine!

They also took Yao Yu's body away in front of the two elders.

They also forced an autopsy!

Killing people and destroying their hearts is just like this!

This world should not be blinded by evil, and there should not be such garbage!

"Xiao Luo, check all the information of those people for me. Tomorrow, go to Teacher Wang and have a good chat!"

After saying this, Chen Sheng got up and left.

An iron water cup next to him was deformed by being squeezed!

Xiao Luo knew that he was angry!

Mr. Chen, how can you tolerate such a thing happening under your nose?

Evil should not spread in the sun!!

The next day.

Forensic training institution.

Chen Guohua led the team.

Come inside to investigate the situation.

They are all studying forensic medicine.

How could they leave clues for them?

In half a day, they had already disposed of all the evidence.

Now Yao Yu died because of overexertion, and it has little to do with the institution!

Chen Guohua also vaguely knew that something was wrong.

He had met Yao Yu.

The girl was smart and hardworking, and her professionalism was quite outstanding.

She had never had any major health problems.

How could something happen suddenly?

And he had heard about the training institutions suppressing students in exams before.

But he had never paid attention to it.

After all, which institution doesn’t have such things?

He came here yesterday and found nothing.

But he was unwilling to give up, so he brought people here today.

He called Teacher Wang to question him.

"Where were you when the incident happened?"

"I was in class. Do you think I was as idle as you?"

"Why didn't you follow Yao Yu when she was doing exercises?"

"I'm a teacher, not a nanny. We're all adults, and I'm not her mother!"

"Why didn't you send her to the hospital immediately when she got into trouble?"

"Hehe, I'm not her. When I found out she was going to send her to the hospital, it was too late!"

"Then why did you stop Yao Yu's parents?"

"I thought they were here to cause trouble. You saw them holding shovels and bricks that day..."

"Then why did you take Yao Yu to the autopsy room!"

"We just wanted to protect her. After all, her parents are so crazy. Who knows what they will do?"

Chen Guohua couldn't find a way out!

He was so angry that his teeth itched.

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